
Chapter 74


“Yes?” I said. I didn’t recognize the voice on the line though. Just that it was a woman.

“It’s Annie Falk.”

“Annie,” I said, embarrassed now. “Hi, how are you?”

We were acquaintances, not quite friends. Her son was one or maybe two grades ahead of Damon. Annie was an ER doc at St. Anthony’s.

“Alex, I’m at the hospital ?”

I suddenly made a connection, and my heart skipped the next beat. “Is Nana there?”

“It’s not Nana,” she said. “I didn’t know who else to call. Kayla Coles was just admitted to St. Anthony’s. She’s here in the ER.”

“Kayla?” I said, my voice rising. “What’s going on? Is she okay?”

“I don’t know, Alex. We don’t know enough yet. It’s not a good situation though.”

That wasn’t the answer I expected, or the one I wanted to hear.

“Annie, what happened? Can you tell me that much?”

“It’s hard to know exactly. What’s certain is that someone attacked Kayla.”

“Who?” I practically shouted into the phone, feeling horrible, as though I already knew the answer to my own question.

Damon stepped halfway into the hall and stared at me, his eyes wide and scared. It was a look I’d seen far too many times in our house.

“All I can tell you is that she was stabbed with a knife. Twice, Alex. She’s alive.”

Stabbed ? My mind screamed the word, but I held it in. I swallowed hard. But she’s alive.

“Alex, I’m not supposed to talk about this over the phone. You should get down here to the hospital as soon as you can. Can you come right now?”

“I’m on my way.”

James Patterson's books