
Part Two

COLD CASE ? 2005

Chapter 18

A LETTER FROM THAT PSYCHOPATH Kyle Craig arrived for me today, and it blew my mind. How could he get a letter to me? It came to the house on Fifth Street. As far as I knew, Kyle was still locked away in the max-security facility out in Florence, Colorado. Even so, getting a message from him was disturbing.

Actually, it made me sick to my stomach.


I’ve been missing you a great deal lately ? our regular talks and whatnot ? which is what prompts this little missive. To be honest with you, what I still find distressing is how beneath me you are, both in terms of intellect and imagination. And yet you were the one to catch me and put me in here, weren’t you? The circumstances and ultimate result might lead me to believe in divine intervention, but of course I’m not quite that incapacitated yet.

At any rate, I know that you are a busy boy (no slur intended), so I won’t keep you. I just wanted you to know that you’re constantly in my thoughts, and that I hope to see you soon. In fact, you can count on it. I plan to kill Nana and the kids first, while you watch. Can’t wait to see all of you again. I’m going to make it happen ? promise.


I read the note twice, then I shredded it and tried to do the opposite of what Kyle obviously wanted me to do. I put him out of my mind.

Sort of.

After I called the max-security facility out in Colorado and told them about the letter ? and made certain that Kyle Craig was still there in his padded cell.

James Patterson's books