
Chapter 103

W HAT’S THAT OLD LINE, new line, whatever it is ? life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans?

I went back to Washington that night because I wanted to see the kids, and because of Nana Mama, and because I had patients who depended on me and were scheduled for the next day Nana has always preached that it’s important for me to be helping people; she’s calls it my curse. She’s probably right.

I could clearly see Michael Sullivan’s face, his little bow, and it killed me that he was still out there somewhere. According to the FBI, the mob had already put a million-dollar price tag on his head, and another million on his family. I still had a suspicion that he might be an FBI or police informant, and that one or the other was helping to protect him, but I didn’t know that for sure, and maybe I never would.

On one of the nights after Sullivan escaped, a school night for the kids, I sat out on the sun porch and played rock and roll on the piano for Jannie and Damon. I played until it was almost ten. Then I talked to the kids about their mother. It was time.

James Patterson's books