Angie’s smile turned frosty, the heat increasing in her eyes.
Justin coughed as he turned away from her. “Yeah, man. We’re all for it.”
“Justin,” she hissed again and tried to grab for him.
He evaded her reach easily. “I don’t suppose you guys are ready to go?”
Jesse had been silent next to me. He spoke up now, his gaze hard as he lingered on Camden first and then on Angie. “We’re ready.”
“Oh, great,” my best friend muttered. Everyone heard, but no one responded.
As we all got into the elevator, I was tense. Jesse’s teammates were in a good mood, as was Justin, but Eric and Angie were both glowering in silence. Then I glanced up and caught Jesse’s gaze. He winked at me. And suddenly, I wasn’t so tense anymore either.
As we entered the club, a hostess met us at the door. She had perfect teeth, bleached blonde hair, and wore a skimpy uniform. Her eyes trailed over the group and lingered on Jesse, who stood next to me. He had a hand on the small of my back, but straightened as she headed straight for him. Her arm was extended. “Jesse Hunt! Welcome to Haze! It’s a pleasure to have you here.”
Then she trailed over the group again. Her eyes lingered on me, but her smile never slipped. “We were not aware you were with the Grant West group. We’ll make the accommodations immediately. Will your father be joining you?”
He straightened abruptly. The easy smile he’d had vanished. A hard look came over him. “He’s here?”
Her eyes widened a fraction. “He was in earlier, I believe.” She was rattled from the sudden intensity from him; hell, I was as well. Everyone was taken aback, but she still oozed a professional friendliness that verged on the line of being too friendly.
“Hunt, I didn’t know your dad was coming to our game.” Camden pushed through the crowd and slapped a hand on his shoulder.
The hostess’ eyes skipped over him, but snapped back to Jesse.
My eyes had narrowed as I watched the exchange and I saw the interest in her depths. I couldn’t blame her. Jesse was hot when he was laidback, but he was lethal when he was angry, which he certainly was now. His eyes were hard, jaw clenched, and his body had tensed. A dangerous aura came off him in waves.
And then Angie pushed forward. She gave the hostess a chilly smile. “Can we please go to whatever these guys booked? I have to pee and I don’t think you want me to take a piss on your floor. Or would you like to gawk at the famous movie director’s son some more?”
The guys snickered and Camden was taken aback. He rapidly glanced from Angie to Jesse, who had shifted closer to me again.
The hostess returned Angie’s chilly smile before she turned. “Follow me, gentlemen.”
Angie huffed, but no one paid her any attention. Justin curled his arm around her waist and drew her close again.
We were taken to a private box on the second floor, overlooking the dancing area. Camden threw his arm up and gestured around the table. “Can we get a round of shots, on me?”
The hostess glanced at Jesse, who murmured, “We’ll take the VIP treatment.”
Her smile was blinding before she left.
“Dude, what was that?”
Jesse stiffened beside me. “Nothing. We’re going to get our own bottles and shit.”
A guy snorted from across the table. “Coach is going to kill us if we’re all hungover.”
“Yeah.” Camden frowned. “We should take it easy tonight, party tomorrow night.”
“I know.” Jesse’s eyes had remained hard at the mention of his father, but they slipped another notch into the danger area as he stared his captain down. Camden glanced at me, then lowered his eyes and turned to one of his friends.
“Street girl.” Cord tapped me on the shoulder.
I twisted around. “Yeah?”
He shoved his phone in front of me. There was a list of Marissa’s name on the screen, all from text messages and missed phone calls. “Your girl keeps calling. What’s up with that? I thought she had a boyfriend here.”
“She does.” Eric leaned forward now, beside Cord. Angie and Justin were beside me, in front of them. They turned to listen as well.
Angie grabbed the phone and bent over. Her fingers flew over the keyboard before she held her breath and waited. It beeped a second later and she showed me the phone.
I read the conversation. ‘hey, where are you?’
Angie had texted on his phone, ‘At Haze. Come here.’
‘Take a cab. Tell the lady u with the g west group.’
‘ok. B there soon.’
I looked up with a chest full of tension. “What’d you do?”
She shrugged and sat back. When she threw a leg up on the table in front of us, I got a glimpse of Angie that I hadn’t seen in a long while. She was pissed, she was beyond pissed, and she was calculated right now. Marissa didn’t stand a chance.
Broken and Screwed (BS #1)
Tijan's books
- Dark Lycan (Carpathian)
- A Whole New Crowd
- Fallen Crest High
- Fallen Crest Public
- Davy Harwood (The Immortal Prophecy #1)
- Sustain
- Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest #4)
- Mason (Fallen Crest High 0.5)
- Fallen Crest Family (Fallen Crest High #2)
- Fallen Crest Alternative Version (Fallen Crest High #2.1)
- Fallen Crest University (Fallen Crest High #5)