Black House (The Talisman #2)

"We don't have much t — "

"That has been made perfectly clear to me," Jack says, biting off the words, and he feels Sophie shift in surprise at his tone of voice. "Now give me a minute. Let me do my job."

From beneath a ruffle of green feathers, one of the parrot's heads mutters: "God loves the poor laborer." The other replies: "Is that why he made so f**king many of them?"

"All right, Jack," Parkus says, and cocks his head up at the sky.

Okay, what have we got here? Jack thinks. We've got a valuable little boy, and the Fisherman knows he's valuable. But this Mr. Munshun doesn't have him yet, or Speedy wouldn't be here. Deduction?

Sophie, looking at him anxiously. Parkus, still looking up into the blameless blue sky above this borderland between the Territories — what Judy Marshall calls Faraway — and the Whatever Comes Next. Jack's mind is ticking faster now, picking up speed like an express train leaving the station. He is aware that the black man with the bald head is watching the sky for a certain malevolent crow. He is aware that the fair-skinned woman beside him is looking at him with the sort of fascination that could become love, given world enough and time. Mostly, though, he's lost in his own thoughts. They are the thoughts of a coppiceman.

Now Bierstone's Burnside, and he's old. Old and not doing so well in the cognition department these days. I think maybe he's gotten caught between what he wants, which is to keep Tyler for himself, and what he's promised this Munshun guy. Somewhere there's a fuddled, creaky, dangerous mind trying to make itself up. If he decides to kill Tyler and stick him in the stewpot like the witch in "Hansel and Gretel," that's bad for Judy and Fred. Not to mention Tyler, who may already have seen things that would drive a Marine combat vet insane. If the Fisherman turns the boy over to Mr. Munshun, it's bad for everyone in creation. No wonder Speedy said time was blowing in our teeth.

"You knew this was coming, didn't you?" he says. "Both of you. You must have. Because Judy knew. She's been weird for months, long before the murders started."

Parkus shifts and looks away, uncomfortable. "I knew something was coming, yes — there have been great disruptions on this side — but I was on other business. And Sophie can't cross. She came here with the flying men and will go back the same way when our palaver's done."

Jack turns to her. "You are who my mother once was. I'm sure of it." He supposes he isn't being entirely clear about this, but he can't help it; his mind is trying to go in too many directions at once. "You're Laura DeLoessian's successor. The Queen of this world."

Now Sophie is the one who looks uncomfortable. "I was nobody in the great scheme of things, really I wasn't, and that was the way I liked it. What I did mostly was write letters of commendation and thank people for coming to see me . . . only in my official capacity, I always said ‘us.' I enjoyed walking, and sketching flowers, and cataloging them. I enjoyed hunting. Then, due to bad luck, bad times, and bad behavior, I found myself the last of the royal line. Queen of this world, as you say. Married once, to a good and simple man, but my Fred Marshall died and left me alone. Sophie the Barren."

"Don't," Jack says. He is surprised at how deeply it hurts him to hear her refer to herself in this bitter, joking way.

"Were you not single-natured, Jack, your Twinner would be my cousin."

She turns her slim fingers so that now she is gripping him instead of the other way around. When she speaks again, her voice is low and passionate. "Put all the great matters aside. All I know is that Tyler Marshall is Judy's child, that I love her, that I'd not see her hurt for all the worlds that are. He's the closest thing to a child of my own that I'll ever have. These things I know, and one other: that you're the only one who can save him."

"Why?" He has sensed this, of course — why else in God's name is he here? — but that doesn't lessen his bewilderment. "Why me?"

"Because you touched the Talisman. And although some of its power has left you over the years, much still remains."

Jack thinks of the lilies Speedy left for him in Dale's bathroom. How the smell lingered on his hands even after he had given the bouquet itself to Tansy. And he remembers how the Talisman looked in the murmuring darkness of the Queen's Pavilion, rising brightly, changing everything before it finally vanished.

He thinks: It's still changing everything.

"Parkus." Is it the first time he's called the other man — the other coppiceman — by that name? He doesn't know for sure, but he thinks it may be.

"Yes, Jack."

"What's left of the Talisman — is it enough? Enough for me to take on this Crimson King?"