Beauty and the Blacksmith (Spindle Cove #3.5)

“Right,” she breathed a few moments later. “I’m glad you didn’t let me leave without that.”

He trailed kisses toward her ear. His whiskered jaw scraped deliciously against her cheek. “I’m taking my work to Hastings tomorrow,” he murmured. “Invent some reason you need to go along. Shopping. Someone to visit. Anything.”

“I . . . I could do that. So long as Charlotte comes with us.”

“Good.” After one last kiss to her lips, he pulled away. “I’ll come for you at the rooming house, first light.”

He left her there, slumped breathless against the wall. Her head whirled, and God only knew where her knees had disappeared to.

She smiled weakly to herself. “I’ll be waiting.”


“Why, Mr. Dawes,” Charlotte said. “I almost didn’t recognize you, you look so smart this morning.”

Aaron pulled a face of male modesty.

“Doesn’t he look smart, Diana?”

Diana smiled. “Mr. Dawes looks quite fine.”

“I’m on business today,” he said, tugging down the brim of his hat. “Best to look the part.”

He did look splendid, Diana had to agree. He was dressed in a rich brown topcoat that made her think of melted chocolate. His freshly starched neckcloth made a delicious contrast with his bronzed skin and dark hair.

That hair was still a touch too long, curling in dark waves at his collar. Staring at it made her wistful.

They didn’t have Mr. Keane’s curricle today—just Aaron’s own wagon. The seat was wide enough to fit three, and Diana took the middle. The morning was brisk, and he tucked a rug over their laps.

Hastings was almost two hours’ distance away, and they passed the first hour or so in near silence. Which was not to say that no communication was happening. One side of Diana’s body—the side pressed against him—had developed a manner of speaking all its own. They were having a whole conversation in subtle exchanges of heat and pressure and “accidental” brushes of arm against arm, knee against knee. Each touch electrified her. She had to ration her glances in his direction so as not to give Charlotte any idea.

The secret pleasure of their flirtation made her giddy. They weren’t even halfway to their destination, and already this was her favorite outing in years.

“Lud, you two are silent,” Charlotte finally declared. “We must talk about something.”

“I’m glad we’ve had this break in the rain,” Diana said.

“And not the weather!” Charlotte complained. “I’m exhausted of everyone discussing the weather.”

“What is it you’ll be needing in town?” Aaron asked. “Where can I drop you when we reach Hastings?”

“We must visit the draper’s first,” Charlotte answered. “That’s our main errand. We need yards and yards of white for Diana’s costume, and there wasn’t enough in the All Things shop.”

“Miss Highwood’s wearing a costume?”

Diana forgot she hadn’t told him about the theatrical. Whenever they’d been alone together, there had been too many other things to discuss. And too many kisses to share.

“Yes, that’s why we’re going to Ambervale on Thursday,” Charlotte explained. “We’re presenting a theatrical. A pantomime on the life and death of Saint Ursula. I’m playing Cordula, and Diana is playing the lead.”

“Oh, is she?” Aaron slid her an amused look. “Now that would be something to see.”

“You should come,” Charlotte said eagerly. “Everyone’s coming. Captain Thorne will be there, of course. And I just received a letter from Minerva yesterday. She and Lord Payne will be coming down from London to attend.”

“I might like to see them. What do you think, Miss Highwood?” he asked. “Would I be welcome?”

“I suppose. So long as you promise not to laugh.”

When they reached Hastings, Aaron saw them to the draper’s before taking his wagon to the mews and completing his business. Diana and Charlotte spent the next hour debating sateen versus crepe, then purchasing great spools of ribbon and gold braid to make headdresses for each of Ursula’s eleven handmaidens.

“When he’s playing Prince Meriadoc, do you think Lord Drewe will wear a codpiece?” Charlotte whispered.

“What a question! I’m sure I don’t want to notice it if he does.”

“Well, he’s going to notice you.” Charlotte draped a length of white brocade over Diana’s shoulder. “You’ll be stunning.”

Uncomfortable with that line of conversation, Diana took the fabric and folded it away. She moved on to the display cases. “I must find a new lorgnette for Mama. Hers has disappeared.”

Her sister clucked her tongue. “I tell you, something strange is going on at the rooming house. I think we have a thief in the Queen’s Ruby.”

“I think you just enjoy believing so.”

“I have my eye on Miss Bertram. She’s such an odd duck.”

“Well. Mr. Evermoore must like odd ducks.”