
Chapter 7

Time has elapsed and it’s the Sunday morning. Fight day, and I’m dying to get into the bathroom. I have to do a nervous one. We’ve trained hard. Running, push-ups, sit-ups, the lot. Even skipping, with Miffy’s leash. We’ve done One Punch and also fought two-handed with our new gloves, every afternoon. Rube keeps telling me we’re ready, but still, I have to go. Desperately.

“Who’s in there?” I cry through the door. “I’m in agony out here, ay.”

A voice booms back. “It’s me.” Me as in Dad. Me as in the old man. Me as in the guy who may be unemployed but can still give us a good kick in the pants for being smart. “Give me two

Two minutes!

How am I going to survive two minutes?

When he finally comes out, I feel like I’m going to collapse onto the seat, but the doorway’s as far as I get. Why’s that? you may well ask, but I tell you, if you’re anywhere near our bathroom this morning, you’ll be tasting the worst smell you’ve ever swallowed in your whole life. The smell is twisted. It’s angry. No, it’s downright ropeable.

I breathe and choke and breathe again, turning around, almost running. Now, though, I’m almost howling with laughter as well.

“What?” Rube asks when I make it back to our room.

“Oh, mate.”

“What is it?”

“Come ‘ere.” I tell him, and we walk back toward the bathroom.

The smell hits me again.

It smacks into Rube.

“Whoa.” That’s all he says, at first.

“Shockin’, ay?” I ask.

“Well, it isn’t too cheerful, is it, that smell,” Rube admits. “What’s the old man been eating lately?”

“I’ve got no idea,” I go on, “but I’m tellin’ y’ right now — that smell’s physical.”

“Damn right.” Rube backs away from it. “It’s bloody relentless is what it is. Like a gremlin, a monster, a —” He’s lost for words.

I muster up some courage and say, “I’m goin’ in.”


“I’m dyin’ here!”

“Okay, good luck.”

“I’ll need it.”

I’ll need more later though, and I feel the nerves, waiting at Eddy Avenue. Fingers of fear and doubt scratch the lining of my stomach. I feel like I’m bleeding inside, but it’s only nerves. I’m sure. Rube, on the other hand, sits with his legs stretched out. His hands rest firmly on his hips. His face is awash with his hair, blown in from the wind. A small smile is forming on his lips. His mouth opens.

“He’s here,” my brother says. “Let’s go.”

The van pulls in — a real heap of a thing. A Kombi. Four other guys are already in it. We enter it, through the sliding door.

“Glad y’s could make it.rins at us through the rear vision mirror. He’s wearing a suit today. Bloodred and tough to look at. It’s nice.

“I had to cancel my violin recital,” Rube tells him, “but we made it.” He sits down and some guy the size of an outhouse slides the door shut. His name is Bumper. The lean guy next to him is Leaf. The fatty sort of bloke is Erroll and the normal-looking one is Ben. They’re all older than us. Daunting. Scarred. Fist-weathered.

“Rube ‘n’ Cameron.” Perry introduces us, via the mirror again.



Violent eyes.

Broken noses.

Missing teeth.

In my uneasiness, I look to Rube. He doesn’t ignore me, but rather, he closes a fist as if to say, “Stay awake.”

Minutes follow.

They’re silent minutes. Awake. Moving. On edge, as I concentrate on survival, and hope for this trip to never end. Hope to never get there….

We pull into the meat factory out the back of Maroubra and it’s cold and windy and salty.

People hang.

Around us, I can sniff out a savagery in the noisy southern air. It knifes its way into my nose, but I do not bleed blood. It’s fear I bleed, and it gushes out over my lip. I wipe it away, in a hurry.

“C’mon.” Rube drags me with him. “This way boy, or do y’ wanna play with the locals?”

“No way.”

Inside, Perry takes us through a small room and into a freezing compartment, where some dead frozen pigs hang like martyrs from the ceiling. It’s terrible. I stare at them a moment, with the tightened air and the frightening sight of dead cut meat gouging at my throat.

“It’s just like Joe Frazier,” I whisper to Rube. “The hangin’ meat.”

“Yeah,” he replies. He knows what I mean.

It makes me wonder what we’re doing here. All the other fellas just wait around, even sit, and they smoke, or they drink alcoholic beverages to eat the nerves. To calm the fear. To slow the fists but quicken the courage. That huge bloke, Bumper, he winks at me, enjoying my fear.

He’s just sitting there and his quiet voice comes to me, casually.

“The first fight’s the toughest.” A smile. “Don’t worry about winning it. Survive first, then consider it. Okay?”

I nod, but it’s Rube who speak

He speaks, “Don’t worry, mate. My brother knows how to get up.”

“Good.” He means it. Then, “How ‘bout you?”

“Me?” Rube smiles. He’s tough and sure and doesn’t seem to have any fear. Or at least he won’t show it. He only says, “I won’t need to get up,” and the thing is, he knows he won’t. Bumper knows he won’t. I know he won’t. You can smell it on him, like that guy in Apocalypse Now that everyone knows won’t die. He loves the war too much, and the power. He doesn’t even consider death, let alone fear it. And that’s exactly how Rube is. He’s walking out of here with fifty dollars and a grin. That’s it. Nothing more to say about it.

We meet some people.

“So you’ve got some new blokes, ay?” an ugly old guy smiles at Perry — a smile like a stain. He sums us up and points. “The little one’s got no hope, but the older fella looks all right. A bit pretty maybe, but not too bad at all. Can he fight?”

“Yeah,” Perry assures him, “and the little one’s got heart.”

“Good.” A scar crawls up and down the old guy’s chin. “If he keeps gettin’ up, we might just have us a slaughter. We haven’t had a slaughter here for weeks.” He gets right in my eyes, for power. “We might just hang him up here with the pigs.”

“How about you leave, old man?” Rube steps closer. “Or maybe we’ll hang you up instead.”

The old man.


Their eyes are fixed on each other, and the man is dying to have Rube against the wall, I swear it, but something stops him. He only makes a brief statement.

He states, “You all know the rules, lads. Five rounds or until one of y’s can’t get up. The crowd’s restless tonight. They want some blood, so be careful. I’ve got me some hard fellas myself, and they’re keen, just like you. See you out there.”

When he leaves, it’s Perry who has Rube up against the wall. He warns him. “If you ever do that again, that guy’ll kill you. Understand?”


“Say yes.”

Rube smiles. “Okay.” A shrug. “Yes.”

He releases him and straightens his suit. “Good.”

Perry then takes us through another hall and into a new room. Through a crack in the door, we see the crowd. There are at least three hundred of them. Probably more, all crammed into the cleared factory floor.

They drink beer.

They smoke.

They talk.




It’s a crowd of stupid men, old and young. Surfers, footballers, rednecks, the lot.

They wear jackets and black jeans and rough coats and some of them have women or girls clinging to them. They’re brainless girls, otherwise they wouldn’t be seen dead here. They’re pretty, with ugly, appealing smiles and conversations we can’t hear. They breathe smoke and blow it out, and words drop from their mouths and get crushed to the floor. Or they get discarded, just to glow with warmth for a moment, for someone else to tread on later.


Just words.

Just sticky-blond words, and when I see the ring all lit up and silent, I can imagine those women cheering later on when I hit the canvas floor, my face all bruised up and bloody.


They’ll cheer, I reckon.

Cigarette in one hand.

Warm, sweaty hand of a thug in the other.

Screaming, blond, beer-filled mouth.

All of that, and a spinning room.

That’s what scares me most.

“Hey Rube, what’re we doin’ here?”

“Shut up.”

“I can’t believe we got ourselves into this!”

“Stop whisperin’.”


“If y’ don’t, I’ll be forced to trounce you myself.”


“You’re startin’ to aggravate me, y’ know that?”

“I’m sorry.”

“We’re ready.”

“Are we?”

“Yes. Don’t you feel it?”

I ask myself.

Are y’ ready Cameron?


Are y’ ready Cameron?

Time will tell.

It’s funny, don’t you think, how time seems to do a lot of things? It flies, it tells, and worst of all, it runs out.

Markus Zusak's books