To Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men #2)

“Let me see,” I said and came in close enough to slide the paper across the bar away from him. “I’m used to trying to decipher sloppy handwriting.”

When he glanced up and only blinked at me, I sent him a nervous smile, rolling my eyes. “And usually it’s other professors’ penmanship, not students, that are the worst.”

A breath rushed from his lungs. “What’re you doing here?”

Ignoring the questions because I couldn’t handle the answer, I studied the slip of paper before looking up. He looked so thunderstruck, I was actually afraid of the force of joy that pulsed through me. I should not get a thrill out of pleasing him, but oh God, I felt like a junkie. I had to do more to make him smile.

“It says ‘need off every Friday for son’s ballgames.’” Then I glanced away, unable to take the pressure I felt in my chest from simply looking into his periwinkle eyes.


“What you risk reveals what you value.” - Jeanette Winterson, Written on the Body


“You came back.” The words echoed though my head. She’d come back. Holy shit. Aspen had come back to Forbidden.

She handed the slip of paper back to me. “Yeah, I...I...”

“Thirsty for some more Bud Light Lime?” I guessed, making sure my fingers touched hers when I retrieved the note.

She flushed green and sent me a horrified glance. “God, no.” But even as she shook her head, her fingers seemed to slide deliberately over the outside of my thumb when she retracted her hand. God damn. I shuddered from the obscene amount of pleasure it gave me. “I don’t think I could drink that particular poison again for quite a while. I’ll just stick with cola tonight.” When she seated herself, telling me she planned to stay awhile, my heart almost cracked itself open it beat against my chest so hard.

I nodded and tossed the work memo aside before setting my hands on the counter between us. “You know, they make a mean cola just across the street at that non-alcoholic restaurant there. It’s cheaper too.”

She nodded and slipped off her stool, getting to her feet. “You’re right. I don’t...I don’t know what I’m doing here. I should go.”

Oh, hell no. I caught her hand just as she touched the bar to push away from it. Trapping it against the countertop, I waited until she lifted her large, startled gaze. “Don’t go. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have teased. I just wanted to hear you admit you were here because of me.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why? Because you like to torture me?”

“No.” I shook my head, feeling plenty tortured enough for the both of us. “Because it would’ve made my entire day.”

She glanced away. When she dismissed me entirely and dug into her purse to pull out her phone, my disappointment almost ate me alive. She was probably telling her date to hurry his ass up because she didn’t want to be stuck here alone with me a second longer than she had to be.

If she’d agreed to give Dr. Chaplain another chance, even though he was already fucking engaged, I didn’t know how I would handle that. Probably very badly.

But about as soon as she put her phone away, my butt vibrated. Frowning, I tugged my phone from my back pocket and scowled at the unknown number. Curious to see who was texting me, I opened the message and my mouth fell open when I read what was written.

I AM here because of you.

“Oh.” The air rushed from my lungs. Fuck. The pleasure, and longing, and anxiety that roared through me was way more intense than I wanted it to be. I looked up at her.

She bit her lip and stared back, and this overwhelming sensation roared to life inside me.

God, she just had to go and do this, didn’t she? “You know, I was fully prepared to leave you alone. You convinced me this was a bad idea. I wasn’t going to gamble your entire career away just for my own pleasure. But you coming here tonight...” I blew out a breath and shook my head. “That’s a little too tempting to resist.”

Her eyes filled with panic. Lifting her chin regally, she said, “There’s nothing wrong with stopping at a bar for a drink.”

I leaned in until I could get a whiff of lavender oozing off her. Then I tilted my head to the side and grinned. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that at all.”

She sat down slowly, her gaze leery, as if she suspected I had an ulterior motive. I sent her an innocent smile, but she only narrowed her gaze more. Paranoid woman. I loved how easy it was to make her suspicious.

“I’ll be right back with your...cola.”

Turning away, I hummed to myself as I pulled down a cup and opened the ice chest.

“Thought you said you weren’t sleeping with your teacher.”