The Killing Room (Richard Montanari)


The voice on the handset belonged to Josh Bontrager. When Jessica heard it she nearly jumped.

‘Jess,’ Bontrager said. ‘Please tell me you’re on radio.’

Jessica keyed her handset. ‘I’m here,’ she said. ‘What is it, Josh?’

‘I’ve got Mateo on my cell. He’s monitoring the camera behind St Simeon’s.’

Jessica glanced over at Maria Caruso. They had been lulled into that torpor that happens when you stare at something so long you no longer see it. It was a common – and dangerous – malady that occurred on long stakeouts.

‘What about it?’ Jessica asked.

‘He’s got activity behind your church.’

This got Jessica’s undivided attention. She took her phone from her pocket, put it on silent. If there was something coming down, it would be better to do this off police band. ‘Have him call me.’

A few seconds later Jessica’s phone vibrated. ‘What do we have, Mateo?’

‘I’m not sure,’ he said. ‘I’ve got a shadow on the wall behind the north side of the church. Someone just walked up that alley and stopped.’

‘Shadow?’ Jessica asked. ‘As in one person?’

‘Yes,’ Mateo said. ‘Can you see any of the north side?’

‘No,’ she said. ‘I’m out of position.’

‘Hang on,’ Mateo said. ‘I have more movement. Whoever it is is heading for the north side entrance to the church. I’m going to lose him in a few seconds.’

‘Is Sergeant Westbrook there?’ Jessica asked.

‘I’m here,’ Westbrook said. Mateo had the phone on speaker.

‘Do you want us to check it out?’ Jessica asked.

‘Yes,’ Westbrook said. ‘I’m sending backup. Stay on radio.’

Jessica kept her cell on silent, stuffed it in her jeans pocket. She and Maria got out of the car, circled back to the trunk. Jessica opened it, and both women slipped on Kevlar vests. Simultaneously they unsnapped their holsters, checked the action on their Glock 17s, reholstered.

Jessica looked both ways, up and down the street. There was an older compact car parked a half block away, but she saw no one in it.

She glanced at her watch. It was 10.20.

Detectives Jessica Balzano and Maria Caruso crossed the street, and headed to the alleyway behind St Simeon’s.