The Wedding Contract

Nick doesn’t move. “I’m sorry about last night and I’m glad you weren’t hurt. I never thought you’d go out the window.”

I turn and look first at him and then back at Sophie. “There are some people who are worth jumping for.”

He offers a weak smile. “I suppose there are.” He stands, dusts off his pants, and adds, “And I’m done with pranks. Again, I’m sorry.”

No! What is he doing? He can’t act sweet one second and stoic the next. I’m starting to gnash my teeth, but Sophie grabs my arm. “Come on, Sky.”

I nod and follow her out, ranting non-stop about Nick. I must have said his name forty times by the time we reach the cove. “Sophie.” I whine her name like I’m twelve again. “What do I do with him?”

She smiles in a very un-Sophie-like manner, all sultry, and says, “Kick his ass and then take it from there.” Sophie’s dark hair hangs down her back and looks black against her pale skin. “So, should I dive in or what?”

Grinning, I reply, “I have a few ideas. How much skin do you want to show?”

“Whatever you think works. Let’s go. I’m freezing.”

“All the better for sexy pictures, my dear.”

We shoot in the early morning light. I expect Nick to come, but he doesn’t. I promised I wouldn’t shoot without him. I’m wondering if that makes the bet messed up. If he doesn’t shoot boudoir pictures of Sophie, then, while judging, she’d know these were all mine. I say what I’m thinking and she puts her hands on her hips and gives me the duh face. “So, we’re cheating?”

“No, just bending things in your favor—just a little bit.” I raise a brow at her. “Okay, a lot. You’re going to win. Period. I’m picking one of these.”

“You realize you have to display the winning picture in the lobby, right?”

Sophie’s brows come together. “What? When did you say that?”

“I didn’t. Your ass faced cousin did.” Sophie’s smile falls. “Well, then these might be a little revealing for that.”

“I’d do it just to piss off my mom.”

Sophie laughs, “You totally would, but I don’t think I could. Mr. Stevens—uh, Dad—will never look at me the same way again.” My face burns and I look away before she notices.

“So, do you want to do this last part or not?”

“I don’t do halfsies.” Sophie slips off the rock and into the water. Her gown sticks to her porcelain skin and becomes completely transparent.

I tell her what to do and she does it. Sophie hugs the rock, climbs on the rock, lays on the rock, and then floats by me with a serene smile on her face. The red lips, black hair, blue water, and golden sunlight make it completely perfect. And that piece of lingerie, being totally sheer, makes the shot sexy as hell. I wish I had a picture of me like this. Sophie looks like a goddess—I’ll have to ask Amy which one. That’s the picture, though, the best one I’ll take, and no one will see it because of what water does to white. But that’s what makes it sensual. If she hadn’t been clothed, it wouldn’t have the same effect. The image is sublime and totally perfect.

I pull my friend out of the cold water and wrap her in towels. She hands me her wet nightgown and asks me to have the hotel have it cleaned and back in her room by tonight. “Done.”

As we walk up to the path together, Sophie says, “Don’t sleep with him. It’s one thing if you lose the bet—which was the stupidest bet ever—but it’s another to give him your heart, you know? Don’t do it, Sky.” She’s worried about me. I can see it in her eyes and I don’t want today to be about me at all. I’ve been selfish as it is. She’s getting married tonight and I’ve been blathering about me all morning.

“I won’t.” I give her a hug and hurry her inside, but the lie burns my tongue. I didn’t mean to fib, but it’s one of those things that you realize is false only after you say it. Nick already has my heart. He took it when he gave me that kiss.


I’m running late. The bride’s brunch is going to start in less than an hour and I’m not dressed yet. Nick is still in the shower. Banging on the door, I yell, “Hurry up! I need to get in there, too!”

“I slept on mud because of you. Wait your turn.” His voice is sharp, so I back away and pad over to the dresser. He’s left a watch that cost more than my car, his wallet, and the change from his pocket, all spread over the smooth surface. I can’t help it. I pick up the coins one by one and flip them over, looking for a double-sided coin.

Nick comes out, shrouded in steam, with only a towel around his waist. His dark hair is tousled and his chest is perfect. It leads up into a perfect pair of shoulders and down into a firm waist. Each ab is defined like he does sit-ups all day long. How can he look like that? Nick notices my wandering gaze. “Soon, Sky. Just wait.” He winks at me with that Ferro grin and I want to kick him.

I toss his change at his chest. “Jackass.”



H. M. Ward's books