The Flame of Olympus (Pegasus, #1)

But even as he considered leaving, he recalled the horrible sight of Pegasus lying on his side. Broken, wounded and defeated. Then there was proud Diana, chained to a wall, starved and unable to move. Finally Paelen’s thoughts were drawn back to the girl, Emily, and the sounds of her agonized cries as Agent J pressed down on her wounded leg.

If he left now, he might be physically free. But he could never escape those nightmarish images. And though he may only ever be a thief, Paelen knew he couldn’t live with himself if he abandoned the others to the fate of the CRU.

Standing again, Paelen lifted the sandals in the air. ‘Take me high enough over the island to look for Nirads.’

Obeying his commands, the sandals lifted him in the air. Paelen used all his senses to look for signs of Nirads attacking the small island. After a thorough search, he was content that there were none. Perhaps they couldn’t find a way over here. As he looked out over the short stretch of water that separated them from Manhattan, he wondered if it was enough to keep the Nirads away.

‘That’s enough,’ Paelen finally said to the sandals. ‘Take me to Joel.’


Paelen arrived at the vent outside Joel’s room, still shaking from the harrowing journey back into the facility. Getting out through the fan had been terrifying. Going back in was even worse.

Joel was being held on the same level as Diana. Paelen crawled forward and peered through the louvred grill. The boy was asleep.

‘Joel,’ Paelen called.

The boy in the bed stirred and moaned.

‘Joel, wake up.’

More moans rose from the bed.

Paelen knew full well how brutal Agent J was. If he was capable of hurting Emily while she was wounded, he feared what he might have done to Joel.

He forced the vent open and entered Joel’s room. Paelen stood beside the bed and touched the sleeping boy’s shoulder. ‘Joel, wake up.’

Joel opened his eyes and looked hazily at him.

‘Leave me alone,’ he moaned.

‘Please, Joel,’ Paelen whispered, ‘Emily has asked me to find you.’

‘Em-Emily?’ Joel repeated.

‘Yes, she is hurt, but recovering. I have seen Diana and Pegasus too. Please, you must wake up.’

Joel’s face was bruised and swollen, his eyes bloodshot and heavy. As he pushed the covers back and struggled to sit up, Paelen saw more black bruises on the boy’s neck, chest and arms. There were also marks from where the people here had injected Joel with their drugs.

‘Who are you?’ Joel asked as he tried to focus.

‘I am Paelen.’

‘Paelen!’ Joel repeated. He lunged forward and caught Paelen around the neck. ‘You caused this,’ he roared as rage cleared his head. Springing from the bed, he slammed Paelen against the far wall.

‘None of this would have happened if you hadn’t taken the bridle. Pegasus wouldn’t have been hit by lightning! Emily wouldn’t have been hurt by the Nirads! I should kill you for what you’ve done!’

Paelen felt Joel’s fingers around his neck, but there was no real pressure there. Joel was furious, but he was no murderer. Paelen also knew that Joel had every right to be angry. It was true. He had caused all this. So he did not fight the boy, even though he knew he was much stronger. Instead he let him rant and rage to get it out of his system.

Before long, Joel’s energy ebbed and he released Paelen. ‘Why?’ he demanded furiously, ‘why did you do it?’

Paelen saw Joel swaying on his feet. Agent J had hurt him badly. More than just the bruises showing on his arms and body, it was the way Joel was holding himself. His anger had given him strength, but the damage from their interrogation was catching up with him.

Paelen reached out and caught Joel gently by the arms. ‘Please, Joel, get back into bed. You are not well.’

‘I’m well enough to kick the stuffing out of you!’ Joel challenged, looming a full head taller than Paelen.

Paelen smiled. Despite the dire situation, he really liked the spirit of this young human. ‘Of course you are. But you should save your energy for the fight to come. Right now, Emily needs you.’

At the mention of Emily’s name, Joel calmed and let Paelen lead him back to the bed. ‘Where is Emily? How is she? What have they done to her?’

‘She is frightened,’ Paelen explained. ‘She has cause to be. Agent J hurt her. Though I suspect he has hurt you more.’

‘I’m fine,’ Joel said defensively.

‘Did they give you the drug that burns fire in your veins?’

Joel nodded, a shadow creeping across his face. ‘What did they do to Emily?’

‘Agent J asked her a lot of questions. When Emily refused to answer, he squeezed her wounded leg. The pain was so intense, she passed out.’

‘I’m gonna kill him,’ Joel spat. ‘I don’t care if they lock me away for life. I’m gonna kill him for hurting her.’

Paelen chuckled. ‘I believe you are going to have to fight Diana and Pegasus for that privilege. You should be very proud of your friend. She told them nothing.’

Kate O'Hearn's books