Siege (As the World Dies #3)

The announcement from the Senator came about an hour before dinner.

“I realize that many of you have chosen to depart for the fort. This is understandable since you are desperate to escape the zombie scourge and the conditions here have not been easy. But what you need to consider is that you may be exchanging one haven you are not completely happy with for one that is in a worse condition. The reason why I want to take over the fort is to ensure that all the surviving citizens of this great State and this great Country are given a fair and equal chance to fulfill their patriotic duty. To ensure that all the citizens of this mall and the fort have strong and capable leadership in the coming years. I have worked hard for this State and its people. I am an experienced and strong leader. I believe in this country and its people. I know that this has been a rough time for all of us, but help me appeal to the fledgling leaders of the fort and help them see that true leadership will be best for all of us. I am in contact with the President and what remains of our government. They care about what happens to you and they have assured me that they will do all they can to assist us once we are at the fort.”

“So why aren’t they helping us now,” Guadalupe said loudly, waving her cane at the nearest speaker A few people laughed as the Senator’s voice droned on.

“…together, unified, we can withstand all that comes against us. Do not give up hope. America will rise again and the President and the remains of the government are dedicated to helping you.”

More laughter.

Jenni rolled her eyes. Bill just shook his head.

“Come stand with me. Come to the top floor and let the leaders of the fort see that you want a strong, powerful new home. To be part of the rebuilding of America and the great state of Texas. Come, join me, and let’s begin a new world together.”

There were murmurs from the people crowded down on the first floor. A few people made jokes, others looked serious. No one seemed anxious to join the Senator. “I think this is a pretty good answer,” Katie said after ten minutes and still no one had attempted to go upstairs.

Travis just looked somber, his arms folded across his chest. He could see soldiers on the second floor, patrolling the escalators. It was still uncertain if those men would do anything to hinder them. Kevin had explained to him that the Senator had made grandiose promises to all the soldiers. A few were still holding on. It was hard to let go of the hope that somehow you would find your family and friends alive. Travis understood that far too well. Beyond that, some people found it hard to give up their faith in the old institutions. It was hard for some people to stop believing in their superiors.

At around eight PM, Kevin finally decided to see if the Senator had reconsidered joining them peacefully or if she was going to stay behind. He and Valerie started up the escalator, both of them bone weary and just wanting the day to be over.

“She won’t come with us,’ Valerie said softly. “She’s too proud.”

“It doesn’t seem right somehow to just leave them here,” Kevin answered, his eyes on the men at the top of the escalator.

“I have no problem leaving her here,” Valerie assured him. She looked back over the people in the mall. There was excitement in their voices and people were carefully packing just one bag to take with them to the fort. “She’ll just fuck things up at the fort.”

They were almost to the top when one of the National Guardsmen came into view. He was from East Texas and determined to get there, one way or the other. Snapping off his weapon’s safety, he aimed at Kevin and Valerie.

“Go back down,” he said firmly.

“We’re just coming to ask the Senator to come with us,” Kevin answered.

“You made your choice. Now go back down,” the man repeated.

“Ben,” Valerie said softly. “I said go back down. I have no problem shooting either one of you.”

Kevin could see from the look in the man’s eye that he meant it. “Okay,” he said softly. “Okay.” Turning, he calmly walked back down the moving stairs to the main floor, Valerie close at his side.

“Told you,” Valerie said.

“Yeah, I know.” Kevin sighed. “We did our best.”


Katie and Jenni shoved Jenni and Bill’s cots into the corner of the store and set about inflating an air mattress for Katie and Travis to sleep on. “I can’t wait to get back to Juan tomorrow,” Jenni said as she fluffed a pillow.

“Sorry you have to wait until tomorrow.” Katie frowned as she sat on the air mattress, tucking her hair behind her ears. “But with the fuel being limited and all that.”

“I understand. Hell, I’m not too happy about you and Travis being here tonight. It sucks here,” Jenni flopped onto her cot and tucked her hands behind her neck.

“It feels a lot different from the fort,” Katie conceded.

“It was worse before the people began to have hopes about the fort. It was very gloomy. Everyone just waiting around for something bad to happen.” Jenni rubbed the tip of her nose and exhaled. “The atmosphere is a lot more claustrophobic. It feels like the first day never ended here.”

“Yeah. That’s it. That is the feeling.” Katie looked around the store. “That is exactly how it feels. Like we should be out on the road running away from the city.” “About to find Ralph and Nerit at the gun store.” Jenni rolled onto her side. “Do you have any regrets about the first day?”

Katie returned her gaze to Jenni’s face, nodding. “Oh, yeah. Two actually. I just don’t like talking about it. It seems fruitless. Useless.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Jenni assured her, reaching out to touch her hand.

“I really haven’t told this to anyone. I haven’t even thought about it too much.” Katie rubbed her shoulder as she searched for words. “The morning it all went to hell, I was getting into my car. Lydia and I had just kissed goodbye and she was drinking her morning coffee. We were talking about our plans for the night and we noticed, through the trees and bushes lining our front yard, that our neighbor was stumbling up the walk to his front door. He was always getting trashed with his business buddies and coming home in the morning. We saw him fall over a bush then get up and start banging on the huge plate glass window they had in the front of their house. We laughed about it and I told Lydia I’d see her later. I drove off.”

Jenni’s mouth formed an “o” as she understood what Katie was telling her. “The neighbor...”

“I think she went over to see if he was okay. I saw him when I went home after being attacked. He was attacking the mail man, too.” Katie shoved her hair back from her face, holding her head, her eyes unfocused as she remembered the painful moment. “That is my second regret. I didn’t kill the zombie Lydia had become. I didn’t give her peace.”

Gripping Katie’s hand tightly, Jenni kissed her fingers. “I think you gave her more peace than you know. I think she’s okay. In fact, I dreamed about her a few nights ago.”

Rhiannon Frater's books