Siege (As the World Dies #3)

“We go back. We tell everyone we are not alone. We tell them the military is still functioning somewhere out there and they have Jenni and one other survivor.” Curtis shook his head. “Fucking shit! If Lenore hadn’t tried to save Ken and kept with the mission--”

“She did what I would have done, fucktard,” Dale growled. “You don’t let your friends die in front of your eyes.”

Flinching from the harshness in Dale’s voice, Curtis drew back. “Okay, okay.”

“We do what comes instinctively. Lenore saved her friend. But we lost two others. That is the nature of this world,” Nerit said firmly. “There are no second guesses, Curtis. We just do our best.”

“Yeah, but Bill, Jenni, Roger and Felix…they’re fucking gone now,” Curtis said in a low, tight voice.

“Yes, they are,” Nerit answered in her calm tones. “Now, let’s go home.”

Wordlessly, Katarina returned to the Hummer and climbed in. “Can I have a cow?” Dale asked.

“No.” “Shit,” Dale sighed, but obeyed Nerit. He climbed into the truck with her not minding the drying blood one bit.

Curtis moved back to the Hummer. The young police officer was tense. When he slid into the other SUV, he hunched down and looked away from Katarina.

Nerit slammed the door shut and backed the truck up slowly. “She did what I would have done,” Dale repeated.

“I know,” Nerit said. “It’s not fair that doing something like that can get others killed or kidnapped,” Dale said gruffly.

“Yes, but life is not fair.”

“So the fucking military is out there, huh?”

“Yes,” Nerit answered, following the Hummer, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

“Great. Fucking great. And who do you think controls them?”

Nerit shrugged her shoulders. “People of power.”

“Dammit,” Dale cussed. “I was kinda hoping Congress got ate.”

3. Only Questions

Katie ran across the lobby avoiding some of the old timers taking up their morning bingo spots. Her blond curls were pulled up into a ponytail and she was clad in one of Travis’ shirts. Her swelling belly was beginning to pop out the bottom of her tops. Though she felt sheepish to admit it, she loved it. Instinctively, she placed a hand against her stomach as she ran, almost as if she could protect the baby from whatever news had returned with Nerit and the others.

Travis had never returned to bed and she had woken up groggy and disoriented. She had called down to the front desk to find Peggy grumpy and cursing about Travis making her nuts. It was then she found out the two groups Travis had sent out earlier were in route to the fort. After changing her clothes, she had rushed downstairs.

Catching sight of Nerit talking with Travis, she knew instantly the news was not good. Travis’ expression was grim as he rubbed his brow. Nerit looked calm, but her gaze fierce. “What happened?” Katie asked as she reached them, her voice raw. She feared the worst and the tension in her face clearly revealed that.

“We found the truck and they weren’t in it,” Nerit answered simply.

Katie blinked at the bluntness of that statement. “Were they...was there...”

“They were taken,” Nerit answered. “Apparently by the military. At least Jenni and one other man. We don’t know which of the men it was though.”

“So we lost two people at the hospital,” Katie said softly.

Travis nodded, his mouth pressed into a grim line.

“And the military is out there,” Katie continued.

“That is likely,” Nerit answered.

“How do we know they have Jenni, but we’re not sure about which of the guys they took?” Travis asked.

“Jenni was injured by a piece of surgical equipment she was holding,” Nerit, explaining quickly what she had observed. “I gave the surgical equipment to Charlotte already so she can try to save Juan.”

Katie felt a little dizzy at the thought of Jenni being hurt, then carted off by some unknown military force. She leaned against Travis for comfort. His arm snaked around her and he held her tightly, his lips briefly brushing over her forehead.

Ed and Linda walked toward them briskly. Both looked grim and Katie wondered if they were the ones that checked on Blanche. “What did you find?” Travis looked nervous.

“A Mercedes packed to the gills with supplies on the side of the road. Ray busted the axle trying to off road it. Maybe he was trying to avoid being seen by Curtis and Katarina yesterday,” Ed answered. “And what looked like maybe the remains of Ray on the doorstep of the mansion. Gunshot wound to what was left of his head.” Linda shivered. “There were a few zombies milling around still. Front door was open. Zombies on the inside. We didn’t go in.”

“We didn’t stick around. No sign of life and once the zombies get you in their sights, they get all feisty,” Ed added.

“Think she got away?” Katie wasn’t sure if she wanted Blanche still alive out there or not. She wasn’t very happy about the choice that had been made the day before, but at the same time it was hard to find sympathy for Blanche.

Ed shook his head. “Nope.” His keen eyes looked toward Travis. “Nope. I think she’s dead.”

Travis squirmed under his gaze and Nerit shrugged.

Linda shook her head. “I don’t feel bad for the bitch. She shot my cousin. Killed two men, including her husband.”

“Justice has got to be fair for everyone or it ain’t justice,” Ed said in terse voice.

“Hey! Hey, Travis! Nerit! There is word the army is coming to rescue us,” a man said running up to them. Katie couldn’t remember his name, but knew he had survived with his son in a farmhouse not too far out of town.

“No, they took two of our people,” Travis answered, struggling to keep the edge from his tired voice. He and Ed were still locking gazes.

“Are they coming for the rest of us?” The man looked excited, but anxious.

“They took two of our people and we don’t know what that means,” Nerit answered truthfully.

“Yeah, but they are coming to rescue us, right? They know we’re here now. Our people will tell them where to come to get us. Right?”

A crowd was beginning to form around them as the word spread. Katie clung to Travis, feeling his body leaning heavily against hers. He was so tired and she knew he was not in the mindset to deal with yet another crisis.

“Travis, is it true?” This was Belinda, Juan’s former crush, and she looked hopeful.

“We don’t know. We just know that the military took two of our people. It could mean anything,” Travis responded.

“But if it’s the army, that means we’re saved!” This from an older black woman, clutching her hands together. Her expression was rapturous.

“Where would they take us?” Travis asked the fast growing crowd.

“A place safer than what we got here,” Belinda said, and the people around her nodded.

“This may be bad,” Peggy pointed out. “What if their base isn’t as nice as this. We have a good thing here.”

Rhiannon Frater's books