Siege (As the World Dies #3)

Nerit smiled slightly, then ordered, “Okay, line up! Let’s make zombie brain soup!”

Jenni looked over at Juan. He was sweating hard, his long curly hair slipped free from his ponytail. Feeling her gaze, he looked up at her then over at the kids.

“They need to know how to fight back,” he said finally. “Yeah,” she answered, looking back at the kids.

A young boy, about Mikey’s age, walked up to the zombie effigy and rammed the end of his spear into its cloth eye as hard as he could, then shook it hard. Again, the children laughed.

Jenni sighed and spread more wet cement with the trowel. “I wish Mikey hadn’t turned back to defend me.”

“He didn’t know, babe,” Juan said in a soft, cautious voice. “I know, would have liked him,” Jenni fought back a few tears and lifted the heavy cement block into place. She rarely spoke to Juan about her kids. It was hard to speak of a piece of her life she could not ever share with him.

Juan kissed her cheek softly, causing the makeshift platform they were on wobble a little. “I know, Loca. I know.”

“If I could find a way to give you kids...”

“Loca, it’s okay. Really. I got you. I got Jason, even though he does hate me, and I got Jack. And Jack is a pretty bad ass kid. Kinda furry, but a great kid.”

Jenni laughed despite the lump in her throat.

“Besides, Katie and Travis are probably going to be spitting out kids left and right and we’ll end up with babysitting duty.” He wiped the sweat from his brow, managing to get a little cement in his hair. “I just want to be with you. Okay? If we’re together, I’m happy. Even if you are batshit crazy.” Jenni laughed and leaned against him. “Crazy is good.”

“Crazy is good. And fun in bed.” Juan grinned at her lovingly.

“You’re such a pervert,” she teased and kissed his salty cheek. “And you like it.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then moved to lay another brick.

Jenni looked back down at the kids and Nerit.

“Okay, who’s next?” A slew of kiddie voices shouted, “Me!”

2. Time to Move On

“Hey, Mom.” Jason slid into the chair next to Jenni at lunch. He peered out at her from beneath his long bangs and looked a little embarrassed.

“Hey, baby, what’s up?” Jenni shoved a couple of homestyle fries dunked in mustard into her mouth and ignored Jack staring at her longingly from Jason’s side.

“I was wondering if I could have Shelley over to watch movies tonight?” the teenager whispered, his cheeks blushing. “You gonna make out?” Jenni asked around a mouthful of fries.

“Mom!” Jenni grinned at him. “Are you?”

Ducking his head, Jason looked up at her through his bangs. “Maybe.”

She playfully nudged him with her elbow and grinned. “My sexy son is getting some loving!” “Mom!”

Jenni rolled her eyes, shrugging. “Okay, okay. Have your make out session, but she has to leave by eleven.”

“You’re so embarrassing, Mom,” Jason grumbled.

“Hey, I gotta tease you when I can. You’re always off with Roger and your crew making crazy mad scientist zombie killing stuff.” Jenni hugged him and smothered him in kisses. He squirmed with discomfort.

“Mom, fine. Okay. I get it. And thanks, Mom,” her stepson said, and quickly kissed her cheek. He ducked out of her grip and stood up.

Jenni saw Shelley standing nearby and gave her the thumbs up. Jack laid a paw on her knee and looked at her plaintively. With a sigh, Jenni gave the dog her dessert, two peanut butter cookies. Graced with a doggy grin, she smiled back.

The boy and his dog jogged over to Shelly, leaving her to finish her fries alone.


As her best friend dug through a pile of supplies, Jenni giggled. Katie looked up at her, holding baby wipes in one hand and diapers in the other. “What?”

“You look cute.”

Katie frowned and put her items into the growing stack beside her. Jenni remembered her own anxiety when she was pregnant with Mikey. She felt envy mingled with happiness as she watched Katie search for necessities in a large unsorted pile. The pile had been designated as unnecessary goods and was left in a storage room. It was from the WalMart truck. Baby supplies just hadn’t seemed important in the first days. Months later, Katie was desperate to find what she could.

Jenni, meanwhile, eyeballed what looked like lingerie, WalMart style, but slinky nonetheless. “Do you want a boy or a girl?”

Katie was deep in the pile again and had to straighten to speak. “Uh, either. Travis wants a girl though. He actually offered to name her Lydia.” Jenni looked at Katie in surprise. “Really?”

Katie nodded. “He said it was okay with him. I told him I’d think about it.” Sitting back, she pressed a hand to her belly. “I know that if this nightmare hadn’t happened that Lydia and I would still be together and that Travis...” She hesitated and then wiped a tear from her eye. “I know I never would have met him.”

Instantly, Jenni crawled across the piles to hold Katie. She held her friend tightly, feeling the other woman trembling. “I’m so damn emotional!”

“It’s hormones,” Jenni assured her. Katie laughed and wiped another tear away. “I love them both, you know. Lydia and Travis. And I’m very happy with Travis, but...I miss her.” She paused. I can’t... give the baby her name. It doesn’t feel right.”

“Then if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Travis is trying to be a good guy. It can’t be easy living in Lydia’s shadow.”

“Oh, I know that. And he’s so good about it. He really is! And I love him! If I hadn’t lost her, I wouldn’t have him and it feels so fucked up! And I’m such a hormonal mess!” Katie was half-laughing, half-crying.

Jenni kissed Katie’s cheek firmly, then snuggled her tighter. “I know, I know. If I hadn’t lost my family, I wouldn’t have you and Juan. I’m so grateful to have Jason, and it feels really weird to be happy cause the world is definitely hell right now.”

It did seem weird to Jenni. She found this world almost comfortable compared to the suburban lifestyle she had once lived. Lloyd had controlled every aspect of her life from what she wore to what she ate. She had been a trophy wife and his punching bag. Her former life was devoted to her children and pleasing Lloyd. He hadn’t even allowed her to have friends. She now had someone who loved her, good friends, and a purpose in life. The only thing that would make it better was if she could have Benji and Mikey with her. Juan would have been such a great dad to them.

Katie nodded and wiped more tears away. “We’re lucky to have each other, aren’t we?” “Absolutely!” Jenni agreed and held her best friend tightly against her. “Without a doubt, Katie. You saved me. And I love you.”

Pressing a kiss to Jenni’s cheek, Katie whispered, “I love you, too, Jenni. You’re the best friend I could ever have.”

“So the baby is Jenni, Jr. right?”

Rhiannon Frater's books