

all in: if a poker player goes all in,

he’s betting all the chips he

has left toward the pot

Well, shit. I fly down 101, excited about Grace’s victory. She rocked it. And I’m caught up in this new Grace—the one who goes full force, no holding back. Our kiss was an emotional high. While I want to keep my head in the clouds because I’m stoked about finally kissing her, the reality of us being together is sinking in. Her dad’s going to kill my career. So I can’t officially date her. Not now. There’s got to be some way to keep our relationship under wraps. Surely she’ll understand about going for your dreams.

But in any case, we’re finally together. A couple. Although I can’t shout it from the rooftops. Or brag to the guys at the beach, or at poker night at Hop’s. To the coffee girl at Lola’s. To Teresa. Hop. And then Brianna’s face hits me and a slight pang makes me sicker. She’s an awesome girl. Smart. Hot. And super cool. I hate that I might have hurt her.

Nope, no sharing this good news. In fact, it doesn’t even feel good, really. What was I thinking? Too much like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

I shake it off. Try to focus on the positive. Grace winning. I’m so proud of her. She pulled a freaking 360.

Maybe Mr. Parker is all bark and no bite. Maybe he’ll come to his senses about Grace surfing at UCSD and dating a local. Grace was nervous about going home since she skipped out on some brunch. But surely when her parents, especially Mr. Parker, find out she won, they’ll be proud. They’ll finally get that when it comes to surfing, she’s all in.

I blast down 101, the sick feeling taking over. I didn’t imagine it like this. I always thought I’d feel like I had the world in the palm of my hands—because finally, when it comes to me, Grace is all in.

But all I can think is Shit, there goes my future.

Lindsey Scheibe's books