

console: to alleviate the grief,

sense of loss, or trouble of


It’s been five days since Grace and I had our spat. Her not explaining whatever is making her so upset, and me throwing Brianna in her face. I shouldn’t have done that. It’s irritating—I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what it is. Dodging Mr. Parker at the office recently has taken a Herculean effort. It’s not all about me anymore; Hien could get screwed if I mess up. And I’m bummed and stressed about everything. I pick up my cell and text Brianna.

My fingers hover over the keyboard before writing,

Wanna go out tonight?

Ping. Crap. Fast response. I click on View.

Like on a second date? :)

I hesitate, then write,

You know it.

What time? Seven?

See you then.

I shove my phone in my pocket, annoyed that Grace has taken up such permanent residence in my mind. I deserve somebody like Brianna. Somebody who wants me. Period. Why the heck has it taken me so long to get that? Just realizing it makes me feel stronger, ready to conquer the world. Okay fine, truth is, I’m ecstatic to have an awesome date.

I knock on the door of Brianna’s condo, wondering if her folks are there and what kind of people they are …

A lady answers the door. She’s pretty. A slightly larger, older version of Brianna. She smiles at me. “You must be Ford. I’m Nadine. It’s nice to meet you.”

We shake. I say, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Brianna zips in next to her mom. “Oh no you don’t.” She grins. “If I don’t get you out of here now, Mom will have you on the couch flipping through baby pictures of me in the buff.”

I glance at her mom and kind of smile-shrug, to make sure she’s cool with us heading out.

She nods her approval. “You two have fun. Be back by midnight!”

I say, “Yes ma’am.”

Once we’re in the truck, I check Brianna out as she sits next to me, looking gorgeous. She’s wearing a dark brown top that hugs her chest and then hangs loose. Her jeans hug her thighs. Her long silver earrings dance with her braids as she tilts her head, smiling. She’s really beautiful, but even better than that? She’s smart and she shoots straight. She knows what she wants and I know where I stand with her.

I start Esmerelda and check Brianna out one more time. “All right, ma’am. Let’s roll.”

After we have dinner at a casual sushi bar, I decide to go the romantic route. Once we’re back in the truck, I ask, “You want to hang out at Black’s?”

“Is that a club?”

I laugh. “No, it’s a beach.”

She says, “I guess.”

I crank up the engine. “You ever hung out at the beach at night?”


I grin, excited to share it with her. “It’s magic.”

She scoots over to the middle of the bench seat and buckles up, resting her leg against mine. I turn on some Ben Harper and off we go.

When I pull into the parking lot at the glider port, it’s virtually empty. Except for a few lone vehicles.

The sunset is almost complete. “Crap. We better hurry.”

I rush out of the truck while Brianna puts on lip gloss. Then she exits with finesse, no struggle. “Wow,” I say. “I think Esmerelda likes you.”

She pats the truck’s side. “Of course she does.”

I shut the door behind her. “The view from the cliffs is sweet.”

“It’s really pretty out here,” she says.

We head to my favorite patch of grass and sit. Brianna shifts uncomfortably.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She makes a face. “This isn’t exactly the right kind of outfit for sitting in dirt.”

I pat my lap. “I’ll protect you.”

She grins. “Well, okay.” She settles into my lap.

I shift, trying to make sure she’s comfortable. I peek around her, trying to focus on the sunset. It’s a red sliver on the ocean.

“You’re a really cool guy … you know, what you and Hop are doing for his friend. It’s huge.”

Embarrassed to take credit for something I wish I could do more about, I say, “It’s Hollingsworth who’s going to kick ass. We just got them connected. But someday…”

“Someday you’re going to be the one kicking courtroom ass.” Then Brianna turns and whispers in my ear, “It’s a great view.”

I happily agree, looking at the red streak glowing across the sky. “Yeah, it is.”

She nuzzles me. “No. You.”

My face feels hot.

She places her hands on my cheeks. “You’re so cute. Acting all embarrassed.”

“Look who’s talking.”

She leans forward, her minty breath warm on my face. I close my eyes and give in. Heaven. I glance at her, heart pounding. I lean in to kiss her, and she meets me halfway. My pulse pumps like a jackhammer. I kiss her soft and slow, crumbling. Her earrings jingle. I’m trying to rein things in. Use self control. She’s a sweet girl. I haven’t really even made out with anyone before. I’ve been holding out for Grace.

And Grace. Crap. She doesn’t belong here.

I focus on Brianna and lean in for another kiss.

Lindsey Scheibe's books