
‘I think it will pay us well, Michael.’

Michael grinned. ‘I don’t think you need worry about that, mate. I would worry about that bird behind you, though – I think she’s out for a fight.’

Deirdre was tapping him on his shoulder, as if she had every right to be there. He rolled his eyes at Michael, who he could see thought this was absolutely hilarious. He turned slightly towards her and, opening his arms in a gesture of supplication, he said, ‘What now?’

Deirdre looked at him with barely concealed malice.

Michael could see that Declan was not in the mood for a drama; this was his night, and he was clearly embarrassed because it was happening in front of him. Since Patrick had gone, Declan treated Michael with the same respect he had always given his older brother. It was instinctive. Although he had refused Michael’s offer of a partnership, he still treasured his own place as a Costello, and the respect that demanded.

‘What do you mean by that?’

Michael looked at the girl properly; she was a looker, but then all Declan’s amours were lookers. He wouldn’t bother otherwise – womanising was his hobby. This one had a mouth on her, though, and she wasn’t going without a fight. Declan was willing her to take the hint and go away. But Deirdre was far too drunk, and full to the brim with righteous anger. She was going to have her say publicly and as loudly as possible.

Michael stepped forward and, grabbing her arm roughly, he said quietly, ‘If you don’t fuck off, you filthy little skank, I am going to get my blokes to drag you out of here and then I will personally see to it that you can never show your face within a ten-mile radius. I can do that. Declan can do that too but, unlike me, he’s a nice guy. Now do yourself a favour, and fuck off.’

Deirdre was frightened now. This was Michael Flynn, and he was a Face, a real Face. That he had threatened her was something to be taken seriously, and she knew it. His words had sobered her up and, when he pushed her away from him, she nearly lost her balance.

Michael put his arm around Declan’s shoulders, and she saw him pull Declan around till they were both facing the bar which meant they had their backs to her. It was the ultimate insult. Michael Flynn would not be in any company that reflected badly on him, or his world, he had made that more than clear. She walked away quickly; all she wanted now was to go home and lick her wounds.

Declan watched her walk away in the mirrors behind the bar area and, shaking his head slowly, he said gratefully, ‘Michael, that was fucking priceless.’

Michael laughed. He knew they were being observed, and he played the game, but was annoyed that the situation had ever arisen, especially on a night such as this. They were being watched by everyone, which was all part and parcel of the world they inhabited. People knew who they were, and they wanted to be a part of it, no matter how small that part might be. They were interesting because of who they were. They were the people who between them ran more or less everything around them, including this new nightclub. He certainly wasn’t about to let a slag like that make a scene, and show him up. He would cut her fucking head off first and ram it down her neck.

He was smiling jovially though as he said, ‘You, my old friend, need to fucking grow a pair, and grow them fucking soon. Never, and I mean never, let a cunt like that think she has the right to cause a scene. It’s a sign of weakness but, worse than that, it’s a reflection on us. We are men who rely on our reputations – without them we are nothing. The fact she thought she could cunt you in front of me is fucking outrageous. Like I am going to swallow that, for fuck’s sake! I wouldn’t take that shit off my Josephine and I’m fucking married to her.’

Declan didn’t answer for a while, he didn’t know what to say. But he knew that Michael was right. Deirdre would have caused the Third World War if Michael hadn’t stopped her, and she would have loved every second of it. He should have nipped it in the bud. ‘I’m sorry, Michael. You know me – I like the lairy ones. But you’re right. It will never happen again, I will make sure of that.’

Michael gestured for two more drinks, and the barmaid was there in nanoseconds. ‘Good. I’m glad to hear it. Now, let’s enjoy the night. We have to mingle with the punters, give them their money’s worth, but I need a few more drinks first!’

Declan laughed. ‘Welcome to my world!’

Martina Cole's books