
Michael was already the go-to man, and Patrick’s untimely departure would only give him more power. He wondered if Michael knew just what he was taking on. Without Patrick behind him, Michael Flynn would have to prove his own worth in more ways than one.

It didn’t occur to Declan that Michael had always prepared for any and every scenario. He was a man who never once left anything to chance, who thought everything out from every angle possible – that was the reason Patrick had taken him on in the first place. And he had taught him well. Patrick had seen a kindred spirit in Michael Flynn. He had passed on the knowledge needed to be a part of the world Patrick had so carefully created. It was a world of extreme violence, where everyone was suspect, where money was made in huge quantities by people who needed not only Patrick’s permission but also his know-how. Patrick Costello had never offered an earn until he had worked out every scenario humanly possible. It had been why people saw him as a safe partner. He never took risks, he would lose money before he would ever put himself or anyone he was involved with in any danger. It was what he was good at and why he was so well respected. Now he was gone and, like everyone in the world they inhabited, people would mourn his passing but, other than that, once the shock wore off, he would become just another story people told. It was brutal, but true. Patrick had one flaw: his natural capacity for lunacy. It had been his downfall. It had happened to many men before him. It was also the reason they eventually died violent deaths.

Michael Flynn was always going to get the top spot, it had just been a matter of time. In fairness, Declan knew that Michael would never have sought it unless there had been a good reason. He had thought the world of Patrick, and he had appreciated the man’s interest in him and his trust. Declan knew that Michael had only done what was needed, but it still left a bitter taste.

Michael was more than ready to take control of the Costello business – in all honesty, he couldn’t wait to get started. After a decent period of mourning, of course.

Chapter Forty-One

Michael felt fantastic. Everyone was giving him their condolences, while letting him know, at the same time, that they were willing to carry on as usual. That was the important thing – he needed to be seen as capable of taking over Patrick’s role.

He was aware that his hand in Patrick’s death – albeit without any hard proof – was already being accepted as a fact of life. Patrick’s behaviour before his demise had been seen, noted, and, therefore, his untimely death had been judged a necessary evil.

Now at the man’s funeral, Michael Flynn was being fêted as Patrick Costello’s natural successor by everyone who mattered. It was more than he could have hoped for. He had been quite happy to fight his corner if needs be – he had worked hard enough for it, after all. But, in reality, he knew that Declan’s acceptance of his leadership had been what had really sealed the deal. For all Declan might act the fool, he was far more on the ball than he let on. That he had stood back, today of all days, and let Michael take centre stage spoke volumes. He would always remember that, and appreciate it. He knew that Declan really missed his brother, and so did he. He had loved Patrick Costello – he had been the father he had never known. But Patrick had been the one to teach him the number-one rule – sometimes things had to be done and, as hard as it might be, you could never let emotions cloud your judgement. He had understood that from day one and, like Patrick, he had been determined never to allow his emotions to let him down.

Carmel Costello sat through the service, pleased at the turn out for her husband, but even more pleased that he was gone. She could breathe again, and her daughters could relax. Thanks to Michael, they were safe in every way. Assumpta had got rid of her child already, and now they were all going to move to the house they owned in Spain. For the first time in ages she could actually breathe easily, and relax like a normal person. She finally had Patrick off her back. Not that she hadn’t loved him – she had in her own way, and she had lived with his strangeness when necessary – it had been a small price to pay for everything else she had got from the relationship. But, as the time had gone on, he had become a difficult man to deal with, and this last lot had really made her realise just what she was actually dealing with. He had terrified her and the girls, and she had known there was no talking to him, that he was beyond her control.

Martina Cole's books