
and Seven

Declan Costello had spoken to all his workmen, and they said the same thing: Jessie Flynn was on the missing list. It was a fucking joke. Declan had honestly thought that Jessie, true to form, would be discovered tucked up in bed with some piece of shit, and everyone could then sigh with well-deserved relief. Now, he was starting to think that Michael might have a point – that there was something much more serious going on. But what the fuck could it be? And what was the reason behind it? He couldn’t think of one person who would even dream of hurting Michael Flynn through his family. There was no logic to it – the fact they had even tried to involve his family would be tantamount to a death warrant. Michael would never swallow anything like that.

He waited patiently for Michael to arrive for the meeting as arranged. This time, though, he would be agreeing with his friend. There was something very off about this whole thing, he could see that now.

Chapter One Hundred

and Eight

Josephine was heartbroken that her Michael could have spoken to her like that, lost his temper and insulted her with such viciousness. Especially now, knowing how worried she was, how scared she was for their daughter. He had shouted at her like she was the one in the wrong. He knew exactly the willpower it took for her to live even the limited life that she did, yet he had spoken to her with such anger that she had realised what he really thought about her deep down. It had hurt. Every single day was a challenge to her, every moment was so fucking hard, and he had always acted like he understood her pain. That had been a lie. She could feel the ache in her breast, the pain of betrayal. She would never forget what he had said to her. Even when he tried to grovel and apologise – as he would – she would never forget what he had said to her or how he had said it.

She looked at her reflection in the dressing table; she was perfectly made-up, and that was for her husband’s benefit. She kept herself looking good for him, so he would appreciate her, remember how much they had meant to each other. She had put her husband before everyone, and she had thought that he had felt the same way about her. As Michael’s world got bigger her world got smaller. Now she was trapped, reduced to living in a few rooms, and the outside world was terrifying to her. She had believed that Michael had understood her fears, as irrational as they might be, had accepted them as part of their life as husband and wife. But that wasn’t the case.

She had heard him talking to Jake, laughing and joking with him, and she had also heard him leave the house, without even seeing how she was or asking after her. Her Michael had always made a point of saying goodbye to her, of making her feel like she was the centre of his life.

She wouldn’t let herself cry; she had no intention of ruining her make-up, not for anyone. She would be here for him, as she had always been. He knew that he was all she had ever really cared about. She had placed him above everyone else and, as far as she was concerned, that alone should guarantee her his loyalty.

Chapter One Hundred

and Nine

‘How can there be no news, Declan? It’s a fucking joke.’

Declan didn’t say a word. What could he say? It was the truth. ‘I think you might be right, Michael. There’s a definite bad smell here.’

Michael laughed, but there was no mirth there. They were in the offices at Canary Wharf.

‘At last! You can finally see what I’ve been fucking saying all along. Five days, Declan, and not a fucking dicky-bird. My daughter hates my fucking guts, she flaunts every fucking thing she does in my face, so why not this time? If this was about her, she would make sure I knew about it.’

Declan got up from his seat and poured them both a coffee. The underlying worry in Michael’s voice was clear. Giving Michael his mug, Declan said honestly, ‘I really don’t know, Michael, I can’t answer that. All I do know is, I think you’re right. I think you sussed this out before anyone else.’

Michael sipped at his coffee, glad to finally have someone agree with him. He had known from the off that this was suspect.

‘I want to put the reward up to fifty grand cash. That will guarantee a good fucking shake down, get the word out there. If anyone’s information leads me to my daughter – even if it’s to her dead body – I will put the money in their pocket myself. I’ve got to find her, Declan. I need to know what’s going down. I know this is trouble, I can feel it.’

Declan nodded. ‘I’ll do it, Michael, but remember that you were the one who said dead or alive. Not me.’

It had crossed Declan’s mind that she might be dead somewhere; considering the life she had insisted on living that wouldn’t be unlikely.

‘I just need to know what’s going on, Declan, either way.’

Declan could understand that; he would feel the same if it was him.

Chapter One Hundred

Martina Cole's books