Murder on Wheels (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #6)

Delusional. That was all I had to say. Of course, I didn’t say it aloud. “Well, the next time you want to see if Jackie’s working, just come in the shop.”

This time he did lift his head. “I am sorry I scared you. It was never my intention to be seen.”

“Now that I believe.” I glanced at the clock. “It’s time for me to close up for the night—for real this time.”

Josh turned to the front door. “Have a good evening.” And then he disappeared into the night.

Well, really he walked to his building and climbed the stairs to his apartment. I was reading way too many mysteries. My brain saw danger even when it was just Josh and his stalker persona.

“You okay?” Toby looked around the shop. “Need me to help with anything?”

I waved him toward the door. “Just leave so I can lock up. And no, before you ask, I don’t want a ride home.”

Toby chuckled. “But I cleaned out the backseat just in case you needed an escort.”

“For the first time since when?”

He started walking toward the door and I followed so I could lock it again. “Last month, but I’ve only had three DUIs since then, and most of those haven’t been pukers.”

“Charming.” I motioned him outside, but he paused before I could close the door.

“Do me a favor and text me when you get to the house. That way I won’t worry.” Toby looked at his cell. “And I’m off to the winery to break up a fight. The fun never ends around here.”

“Be safe, and yes, I’ll text.” I closed and locked the door behind him and turned off the main shop lights. As I moved to the back, I thought about my aunt and hoped her date was worth all the trouble it was causing around here.

The thought might have been totally unfair, but the way I felt tonight, I didn’t even try to take it back.


I woke to a rapping downstairs and Emma barking at the side of my bed. I leaned over and looked at the alarm clock next to my bed. Six thirty. I was going to kill someone. I dragged myself out of bed, threw a robe over my pajamas, and headed downstairs, Emma in front of me. Instead of heading to the front door, she swerved into the kitchen. Either she wanted to go out, or Toby was our morning visitor.

It turned out to be both. Emma quickly greeted him, sniffing at the Diamond Lille’s bag in his hand, and then raced to the yard to check for any stray bunnies or groundhogs in her yard. Once, she’d brought a dead snake up to the porch. I’d about had a heart attack before I realized it was already deceased.

Toby pushed past me and headed to the coffeepot. He took two cups out of the cabinet and poured the coffee I’d set to brew last night before going to bed. Handing me a cup, he raised his eyebrows. “You miss out on sleep last night? Don’t tell me that Josh’s little stunt had you worried.”

I ran my hand over my hair. “I slept fine, thank you.” Of course, I’d read long past my bedtime thinking I’d sleep in this morning as Jackie was handling my opening shift. I took a sip of my coffee and motioned to the table. “Sit and I’ll be back in a few minutes after I get dressed.”

“Works for me. You look a little too comfortable in those shortie pj’s. I’d hate to have Greg walk in on our breakfast strategy meeting.” He grinned and held up the bag. “I brought muffins from Lille’s.”

“Another reason to run this morning,” I grumbled, but my stomach gave me away with a large growl in response to the sweet smell. “There better be a blueberry crumble in there when I get back.”

I climbed back up the stairs and dressed. The shower could wait until after I took Emma for our run. I smoothed hair that looked like I’d put my finger in a light socket sometime during the night and twisted it into a ponytail. After brushing my teeth, I called it good and headed back downstairs for my muffin. Before I sat down, I took my notebook out of my tote along with a pen.

“Eat before we start. You’ll be in a better mood.” He nodded to the plate with the blueberry crumble muffin set in the middle. He stood to refill my coffee cup.

“Thanks.” I unwrapped the muffin and took a big bite, savoring the sweet, moist cakelike texture. I opened my notebook. “I talked to Austin last night.”

Toby sat across from me. “He find your note?”

Shaking my head, I sipped the dark coffee. “I don’t think so. He was there to talk to Aunt Jackie about Coffee, Books, and More purchasing the food truck from him. I guess the gluten-free dessert business is done.”

“I got the feeling that was more Kacey’s dream than Austin’s.” Toby took another muffin out of the bag and broke it in half, spreading butter on both sides. “But doesn’t it seem a little quick to be selling off the parts?”