Murder on Wheels (A Tourist Trap Mystery, #6)

Toby didn’t meet my eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Are you and Elisa talking yet?” I leaned closer, dropping the volume in my voice so Sasha wouldn’t hear. I glanced toward the couch and caught her watching us. When she saw me watching her, she returned to her reading.

Toby shrugged. “Not much.” He slipped on his apron. “Hey, Greg wanted me to tell you he’s heading in to Bakerstown this afternoon and may not be able to stop by tonight.”

I jumped off the stool. “Crap, what time is he leaving?”

“He had a few things to finish up, why?” Toby leaned over the counter watching me.

I raced around the counter and snatched my purse out of the back room. “Nothing much, I just need to talk to him.”

Halfway to the station, I realized what Toby had done. He’d distracted me from asking about his relationship. Whatever the couple had discussed on Friday, he didn’t want to tell me. I’d just have to be sneakier in how I asked the next time. Toby might be tricky, but I could be devious.

The brisk sea air had me chilled by the time I arrived at the station. I’d left my jacket at the shop, thinking it looked warmer than it really was. I rubbed my arms and walked even faster to catch Greg, if he was even planning on leaving town today.

Esmeralda was on the phone at the reception desk when I arrived, and she waved me into his office. Still, I knocked before going through the open door. Greg glanced up at me, his blue eyes crinkling in a welcome surprise. At least he was happy to see me now. Who knew how he’d feel in a few minutes when I unloaded my findings? “Hey, you.” His voice softened and made my insides all gooey.

“Hey, yourself. Toby said you were heading to Bakerstown.” I looked around his office. It didn’t appear Greg was on his way anywhere. I was going to kick Toby the next time I saw him.

Greg looked at the clock on the wall. “I am, just not right now. I don’t have time for lunch, but I can spare you a few minutes. What’s on your mind?”

“Can’t a girl just come in to see her beau?” I drawled as I sank into one of the chairs across from him.

Greg leaned back and put his arms behind his head. “Come on, spill. I know that look. What did you find out? Is the mayor head of the crack cocaine mafia? Or does Amy have a secret boyfriend Justin doesn’t know about?”

I frowned. “Neither. Why would you think Amy would cheat on Justin?”

“Just throwing out ideas, since you’re not very chatty yet.” He looked at the clock again, my clue to get talking or get out.

“Okay, so Aunt Jackie and I went in to Bakerstown yesterday.”

He groaned. “I should have known.”

“What, can’t we go into town?” I knew I was bluffing, but hey, he didn’t have to suspect me all the time. Even if he was usually right.

He raised his eyebrows. “Continue.”

“Fine. We went to Resting Acres and there’s this woman there, MJ, but we think her name is Mary Jane and she’s the one Austin is protecting from the Feds and why he changed his name.” I stopped for breath, then added, “And he’s been sending her flowers for years.”

“What?” He put his head in his hands. “You’re giving me a headache. Who’s been sending flowers for years?”

“Austin. He’s been visiting this woman in the nursing home and sending her flowers. Sadie thinks she’s the reason he went underground in the first place.” I paused, watching Greg’s face to see if he believed anything I was saying. After I explained Aunt Jackie’s and my trip into Bakerstown, Greg took out a pad and wrote down something. “The florist’s name is Allison?”

“Yep. So is this important?” I leaned forward, trying to read what he’d written, but he snapped the notebook closed before I could see much more than the name of the nursing home.

He looked at the clock a third time. “Sorry, honey, I’ve got to run. I’ll try to stop by this evening. If you’re lucky, I’ll bring by pizza from Godfather’s.”

“And if you’re lucky, I’ll have a few cold beers in the fridge.” I let him pull me from my seat and we walked out into the lobby together. “Are you going to tell me where you’re going?”

He kissed me, letting his lips linger a bit on mine, then swatted me on the butt. “Nope.”

I watched him disappear through the station’s back door, where he typically parked his truck. As I turned toward the other exit, Esmeralda laughed. “You two are so cute together. He’s all business and you’re always messing with his karma.”

I paused at her desk. “I don’t mess with his karma, do I?” I wasn’t quite sure what messing with karma meant, so I didn’t want to totally deny the charge if it was true.

“Girl, you are at the center of all the important stuff going on here in South Cove. I would think the mayor should be paying you big bucks for everything you do instead of that measly salary for running the business committee.” She filed her nails, not looking at me.