

An Elephant in the Room

They were waiting for him, their eyes button-bright, like a pack of hyenas anticipating the collapse of a wounded animal. He knew he was in trouble the minute he opened the door to the staff canteen, the conversations dribbling into quiet and all heads turning towards him.

‘I need some water for my bucket,’ Vince said, almost apologetically.

The cleaners were finishing off their shift, downing the last dregs of tea from their mugs, one or two of them already having bags in their hands and ready to leave. But his presence halted them. It halted everything. Something was in the air and Vince didn’t like the smell of it one bit. Of course, it had to be Monica who spoke first.

‘Well here he is! Here’s lover boy!’ She cackled loudly and the others followed suit. ‘Lover boy Vince!’

He avoided looking into her nasty little eyes, but she was blocking his way to the sink. ‘I need water for my bucket,’ he said again.

‘Water for your bucket!’ she echoed and made it sound real dirty. ‘I’ll bet you do. My, you’re a dark horse, aren’t you, Vince? Still waters really do run deep where you’re concerned,’ she said, refusing to stand aside so he could get to the sink taps.

‘I don’t know what you mean,’ he said.

‘Didn’t think you had it in you,’ she said. ‘Didn’t think you had the inclination.’

‘I’m sorry…’ he said, shrugging and squeezing past her to put the bucket into the sink. He brushed against her body and didn’t like the way it felt.

‘That’s it, Vince. Stick it in and fill it up!’

The women all laughed shrilly and he felt his damned cheeks beginning to betray his embarrassment like beacons on a zebra crossing.

‘Oh, leave the young man alone, Monica; you can see he can’t take it,’ said another cleaner, but clearly enjoying the baiting.

‘He can’t take it, but he looks like he can give it, eh?’ said Monica. ‘What’s this we hear about you having a crush on the Witch of Devereux Towers? That true, Vince? She’ll eat you up and spit you out, a woman like that!’

And again everyone burst into laughter. Vince ran hot water into his bucket and squeezed in a bit of washing-up liquid, watching the bubbles froth up like his desire to get out of there. It filled up too slowly for his liking and his discomfort grew and grew till he felt he might run from the room. But he tamped it down, held onto the sink’s edge with his knuckles glowing white.

‘Mark my words, Vince,’ Monica continued, ‘you’d do well to keep away from her; she’s damaged goods. I should know; I’ve done some cleaning for her a while ago and she’s as batty as hell.’

‘That’s not true,’ he said quietly.

‘No? What do you know, lover boy?’ She came closer to him and he could smell stale cigarette smoke on her breath. ‘Do you want me to give you a few lessons, Vince?’

He turned off the tap and hoisted the bucket. Water slopped out and put a dark stain on his groin. He noticed how Monica’s eyes widened even more in amusement. ‘I wish you’d all just shut up!’ he said, head down and rushing for the door. He heard them snigger at his back. Why did Edith have to go spreading things like that around, he thought? Now he was a complete laughing stock.

He was still smarting as he cleaned the doors to the projection booth. The phone on the wall rang; apparently the film delivery they were expecting that afternoon was going to be late, possibly causing problems. Vince thought he should notify Martin Caldwell at once so he hurried downstairs, threaded through the narrow corridors and went to his office. The door was slightly ajar. He knocked timidly.

‘Mr Caldwell?’ he said. ‘I’ve got a message for you.’

He heard a noise from within the office so he slowly pushed open the door.

Martin Caldwell was standing in front of his desk, his trousers and underpants around his ankles, his white rump pumping back and forth. He was gripping Monica’s flabby bottom and she lay slumped across his desk. She was gasping in a way Vince found most alarming, and Caldwell was grunting as if he were lifting heavy weights and about to have a heart attack in the process.

Caldwell’s head swung round suddenly, his eyes glazed.

‘I’m sorry, Mr Caldwell,’ said Vince not knowing where to look, ‘but I’ve got a message…’

‘Get out! Get out!’ Caldwell yelled, pushing himself away from Monica and scrabbling to raise his trousers.

Vince scuttled away, feeling like one of those cartoon characters whose legs seem to run for ages before finding purchase and actually going anywhere. He almost sprinted up the stairs to the projection booth, his cheeks firing up for the second time that day.

An hour later, just as Vince was getting ready for the first screening, Caldwell came up to the projection booth and closed the door after him. He asked Vince how he was; made a half-hearted attempt at discussing the weather before turning to the real reason he was there.

‘Look, Vince, there’s an elephant in the room…’

Vince blinked, glanced around him. ‘Sorry?’

‘That thing, earlier, in my office.’


‘She was helping me out,’ he said, first looking up at a spot on the ceiling and then down to his Chelsea boots. ‘I know what it looked like, but it’s not that straightforward. These things never are, are they?’ Vince shook his head. Carried on inserting the anamorphic lens for the Panavision picture he was about to show. ‘Doesn’t mean a thing. I love my wife, you understand?’ He laughed nervously. ‘You know how it is, one thing leads to another and then wham! Look, we’re both men of the world…’ He stared fixedly for a second or two at Vince. ‘Well, maybe not. Listen, what you saw in my office, it never happened, right?’ Vince remained quiet, going about his business. ‘What do we pay you, Vince?’ he asked, and Vince told him. ‘Seems you’re about due for a raise. I’ll put something forward to HQ. There, how’s that, Vince?’ Vince told him it sounded OK. ‘I’ll look after you and you look after me, eh, Vince?’ he said, rubbing his hands down his trouser legs. ‘I’m glad that’s all sorted then!’

And with a clap he left a bemused Vince to finish off what he was doing and start the show.

Monica wasn’t so forgiving or generous. She purposefully sought him out the next morning, pinning him against the corridor wall, her face a few inches away from his.

‘You say one word about what you saw yesterday, you little toe-rag, and you’re dead! Do you hear me? Dead!’ How anyone could cuddle up to a woman whose clothes reeked of week-old fish and chips, Vince would never know. He didn’t say anything, just averted his eyes. ‘I thought as much, you wimp. Are you a f*cking man or a mouse?’ she said contemptuously, thumping him squarely on the shoulder.

Mr Caldwell is a married man,’ he said.

‘It speaks!’ Monica said. ‘So f*cking what?’

‘So it’s wrong, is all,’ he said.

‘What do you know? Who asked for your opinion, you dozy little twerp? Get back inside your little box where you belong and keep that mouth shut!’

She left him, lighting up a cigarette as she tottered away on her too-high heels. He was tempted to call out that there was to be no smoking in this part of the building but he simply wasn’t that brave.

He spent the remainder of his shift sinking into the doldrums. He felt he should have been able to say something to her, to defend himself, and even to stand up to Mr Caldwell to tell him how wrong it was for a married man to be going off like that. But he couldn’t and that was that. All of which all made him feel real bad about himself.

He was glad to finish for the evening and get on his bike. But instead of going straight home he decided to ride out to Devereux Towers. He’d not been there in ages and he might just catch a glimpse of Laura Leach.

He stopped at the edge of the field. From here he could see the building plain enough, like a child’s discarded building block, incongruous and a little forbidding. He decided to take a closer look, stuffing his bike into the undergrowth and making his way on foot over the barbed-wire fence and along the edge of the field. Up close he could make out Laura’s little blue car parked outside, but no sign of any activity. All was completely still and quiet.

He lingered there for half an hour or so, the sun still strong, slapping his neck with its heat. He was about to call it a day and go home when he saw a car in the distance, going up the track that led to the house. It looked like a white Ford Cortina. It parked some way from Devereux Towers, hidden from its view by a small copse of trees in full leaf. A man got out. He had a pair of binoculars through which he scrutinised Devereux Towers and appeared to make one or two notes on a piece of paper before getting back in the car and driving away.

What was all that about, he thought? Who on earth could that be, hanging around the place like some kind of spy? He felt immediately protective of Laura, concerned for her safety. After all, out here, isolated from everyone and everything, Devereux Towers must attract all manner of strange, snooping people.

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D. M. Mitchell's books