Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 44

THE TENNESSEE MEXICAN criminals had their regular Saturday-morning staff meeting in the back room of Shoney’s. They conducted their illicit business in almost the same manner as any legitimate growing commercial concern. The ringleader read off a list of projects and asked his staff for updates. By all appearances, this was a typical business meeting for the development of a new software program, not criminal activities. However, the sixth discussion item was the money given to Moon Pie for the cocaína.

“We have every reason to believe that this venture is on track, Jefe.”

“When will the first transaction be concluded?”

“By the end of business on Monday. We are electronically monitoring the money and Mr. Pie. We know exactly where both are.”

“Excelente. Siga supervisando,” the ringleader said before taking a sip of water. Then he added, “Tell me as soon as the money moves.”

“Sí, señor.”

To the group, el Jefe said, “Sources tell me that his organization can supply us well. We need them to crezca grande.”

With those comments about monitoring the money and growing their business, they moved on to the next item on the agenda—killing a known informant.