Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 111

THE OLD MEN sat in the Henry Clay’s library looking despondent—gloom and despair written all over their faces. They had managed to steal over a million dollars and had effectively gotten away with it until Bailey took it. Now they had less than zero, and Walter was facing another meeting with Kroger’s security team, at which, Samantha had warned, he might be arrested.

“I’m not gonna let you take the rap for the Kroger deal,” Sebastian said, discreetly sipping an adult beverage.

“Me neither,” Bernard added.

“I ’preciate it, guys. But maybe Sam will think of something.”

“How we gonna pay her?”

Walter sighed and then said, “I’m hoping we haven’t used up the retainer yet.”

“You better ask.”

“Walter, you got any other ideas?” Bernard asked.

“I don’t have the heart to do another job. I’m not cut out for this. This was all just a crazy dream of some crazy old men. Not to mention it was illegal,” Walter said, stirring the ice in his drink.

Bernard and Sebastian looked at each other. A big question hadn’t been answered yet. “Walter, what about your plan…you know…to get even with your ex-son-in-law?”

Walter took a big swig of his drink and then leaned his head back. He noticed the wall clock showed 10:32 p.m. The halls of the retirement home were quiet. His gaze moved to the big windows and out onto Commerce Street. No one was moving outside either. He smiled and said, “There’s one thing I’m certain of: I have been so vocal about wantin’ revenge that if anything ever happens to that guy, I’ll be the first one they come looking for. That’s why I wanted the money—to hire a pro. I’d have a solid alibi, and there’d be no financial records tying me to it.”

“What about me?” Sebastian offered.

“No, Sebastian. Thank you, but it’s over. We’ve pushed our luck…past the edge. I’m thinkin’ that I should focus my energy into doing somethin’ good. We, as a group, oughta look at helpin’ folks some other way.”

“Legally?” Bernard asked.

“Yes, legally.”

The three old men sat quietly drinking, staring out the windows, thinking about all that had happened and what the future might bring.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Sebastian said.

“What?” Walter asked.

“Bailey just drove up.”