Lily, the Brave

Chapter 29

It was mundane Monday again. The dark circles under Lily’s eyes were proof of her sleepless weekend. She hobbled to her locker on her crutches, and found Landon waiting for her.

“Didn’t get much sleep last night?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah,” he said with a kind smile. “Come on, Malaya and Robert will be waiting for us.”


“You’ll see.” Landon led her to the cafeteria. Malaya and Robert were off in a corner away from all the other students. Almost like lepers.

“Hey,” Robert said casually as if they met in that spot every day.

“Hi,” Lily returned curiously. Something was up. She didn’t need to read thoughts to know that. “What’s going on?”

“I told him,” Malaya said as she cowered slightly.

“You what?”

“I told him what you can do. He needed to know since he’s going to be spending so much time with us.” Lily sighed knowing she was probably right.

“I won’t tell anyone,” Robert said honestly. “I promise.”

“You better not,” Landon warned.

Robert flinched and declared, “I won’t. That’s not something that should be spread around.”

“You mean, you actually believe that I can do it?” Lily was surprised, because he hadn’t seen a demonstration or anything to prove she could actually hear thoughts.

“I believe Malaya. I don’t see any reason for her to lie to me about something like that, and based on my research about the human brain, I have come to the conclusion that it’s entirely possible. Not probable, but possible.” Malaya gazed at him in awe, and mouthed to Lily the words, “isn’t he amazing?”

“Oh, well thank you, Robert,” Lily replied to his assessment.

“There’s more,” Landon said.

“More?” Lily wasn’t in the mood for any other surprises.

“Well,” Landon started. “You know how I told you about Dean and how he told me to stop hanging out with you?”

“Yes,” Lily said. “He said he would get back at you for leaving the group, right? Is he planning something?”

“I think so,” Landon replied. “I overheard Montana saying that Dean had big plans for me.”

“So you think Dean is actually going to do something about you leaving the group,” Robert asked, unbelieving.

“Yeah,” Landon said, resolutely. “Dean’s losing control, and he can’t stand that. If I can leave the group so easily, who’s to say the others won’t as well? He’s still got a whole semester left to rule. Dean is going to do something to make an example out of me, but I’m not sure what. That’s where you come in.”

“I’m on it,” Lily said, almost fearlessly. If she could go up against a mafia gangster, she could surely go up against anyone, even Dean. “I only have one class with him, but if you tell me what his other classes are I may be able to get close enough to hear him in between classes.”

“Alright,” Landon said, writing her a list. “Be careful. Don’t let him see you following him.”

“I won’t.”


Lily followed Dean all morning, but heard nothing about his plans for Landon. At lunch she sat down at the usual table and tried to focus on Dean’s thoughts. She had a little interference with all the teenagers in the room, but she was able to pick him out easily because his thoughts were the worst.

“That slime ball better bring me back a brownie, or he’ll be pulverized. I’m in no mood to be generous. Landon really screwed things up.” A gasp caught in Lily’s throat. This might be what she had been searching for all morning.

“I can’t wait until tomorrow night. Revenge will be so sweet. They better have gotten the blue spray paint by then, or the plan will be ruined. If not, I think I may have to punch them in the nose.” Lily was wondering why he would need the spray paint to be blue when Landon sat down beside her. She gave him a small wave and then put a finger in front of her lips for him to be silent. Landon nodded and began eating quietly.

“Let’s see the parking lot should be empty by ten for sure. Boy, those guys are in for a big surprise. I bet they’ll be suspended.” Lily looked over at Dean just in time to see a wicked smile spread across his face.

“Okay,” Lily finally said to Landon. “I know just what to do. Leave it to me.”

“Whoa,” Landon protested. “You’re not doing anything by yourself. Whatever it is, we’re in it together.”

“Not this time,” Lily said determined. “I think it’s best that you don’t know what’s going on.”

“But,” Landon started.

“You will be more help to the situation if you don’t know anything. You’re just going to have to trust me.”

“Lily, I do trust you. Whatever it is you’re going to do, I don’t want you to be alone. It’s just not safe.”

“I’ll have Malaya help me then.”

“Alright,” Landon said with a sigh. “Are you sure you know what you’re getting into?”



“Are you sure about this,” Malaya whispered as she crouched beside Lily. They were right near the parking lot of the school behind a row of holly bushes. Lily figured they were well enough concealed. The parking lot lights made the surroundings brighter than she would have liked for hiding, but better for what she was there for in the first place.

“I’m sure,” Lily said, firm in her plan. The girls watched and waited for Dean and his gang to arrive. It was well past ten o’clock when they finally showed up. They parked their cars near the administrative section of the parking lot, climbed out and began shaking cans of spray paint.

“We need to get closer,” Lily whispered.

“Seriously?” Malaya was whining more than Lily thought she would. Maybe she should have just gone alone.

“Yes. Come on.”

“Fine,” Malaya grumbled as she shivered in the cold winter weather. It wasn’t nearly as cold as New York had been, but it was cold enough to make a Texas girl shiver. Lily shot an annoyed look in Malaya’s direction.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m freezing out here. I hate being cold.”

“I know. This won’t take long though,” Lily said reassuring her. “Let’s go.”


When Lily got out of her aunt’s car the next morning a crowd had already formed in the administrative section of the parking lot. Lily pushed her way through the crowd looking for Landon. She found him at the front of the crowd with Dean only feet away with an evil smirk smeared on his face. Lily wrapped her slim arm around Landon’s waist. Lily knew what was painted on the concrete in front of them, but she glanced down at the graffiti anyway. On each administrator parking space was a freshly painted blue handicapped sign. Dean hadn’t missed a single one. Everyone seemed to be looking at one parking spot in particular. It was the principle’s parking spot, and the message stenciled below it was the revenge Dean wanted.

It’s been a great 4 years! Thanks for all the good times. Yours truly, Landon Turner

“I hope your plan worked,” Landon said miserably. “Whatever it was.”

“Trust me,” Lily said giving him a sideways hug. “It will.” Lily could see principle Myers walking toward the crowd of students.

“He doesn’t look as angry as he should,” Landon observed when he spotted the principle approaching.

“I think he got all his anger out last night,” Lily replied. Landon raised his eyebrow about to say something, but the principle’s voice cut him off.

“Alright, alright, everyone clear out. I’m sure you all have classes to get to,” Principle Myers bellowed. Without even looking at the pavement he marched up to Dean.

“You,” he said pointing his thick finger at Dean. “You and your little hoodlum friends will go to my office immediately.”

“What? But, we didn’t do anything,” Dean stammered. “The name on the pavement clearly says, ‘Landon Turner’. I’m innocent.”

“Last night I had an anonymous student come to my house and turn in pictures and a video full of evidence that states otherwise.” Dean’s face fell. “And besides, what kind of idiot would put his name there on purpose? Now march.” The principle roared. Dean hesitantly began his march of shame toward the school with the principle at his heels. Someone in the crowd began clapping, and soon the entire parking lot was filled with applause. They were still clapping when Dean reached the front stairs of the school. At the top of the concrete steps principle Myers turned for a quick bow and then escorted Dean into the school.

“Thank you,” Landon said, letting out a relieved sigh. They watched the crowd slowly disperse as students went to their classes. Landon gave Lily a quick kiss on the forehead before turning to walk towards the school.

“You’re welcome,” Lily said smiling at him happily. It felt so good not only to have saved her boyfriend from suspension, but to bring down the biggest bully in the school.

“I think today is going to be a fabulous day,” she said, cheerfully. Landon smiled his wide, handsome smile.

“It already is.”

Katherine Hodges's books