

Megan peed herself halfway through the night while shivering from the cold, her wet clothes making it impossible for her body to stay warm as all the heat was sucked away from the underground shelter once the sun set. It was a miserable situation, one made even worse due to her position. Had she simply been tied up on the floor she could have scrunched herself into the fetal position, or in a corner, and maybe with one of those wool blankets. Instead she was stretched out, her entire body exposed to the air.

“You’ve been hung up to dry!”

She jerked her head toward the sound, but Samantha was the only other person in the room with her - as far as she could tell - and the voice had most certainly not been hers.

“Not funny,” she said.

No one replied.

Megan stretched open her eyes and looked around a second time, her body slowly twisting so that she could see the back of the shelter.

You’re imagining things, she said to herself.

It was the lack of sleep and food.

Her eyes relaxed, the heaviness of her lids making it hard to hold them focused. She could not sleep. At points she managed to doze off, but it was never deep, which was why her mind was now trying to dream while awake. It was trying to force her body into that much needed rejuvenating state.

Megan tried to fight it, but to no avail. Hanging like this in wet clothes made it impossible. Hell, hanging like this in dry clothes would have made it impossible too.

She twisted toward Samantha who was asleep and envied her position, again. The girl was lucky. Jimmy had allowed her to stay on the ground.

“The cold concrete ground.”

Again the voice didn’t seem to be her own, yet she knew it was.

“The two are working together!”

Megan shook the thought away and once again tried to focus her mind. It didn’t work. A permanent haze hung over everything, one that seemed to grow thicker and thicker with each passing moment. It was so bad that Megan didn’t even realize she was peeing in her own pants until after the fact. Instead she felt an annoying ache in her lower regions followed by relief and pleasant warmth, one which sadly faded quickly.

Disgust followed once she recognized the act.

It would have been one thing if she had been holding the need in for hours, the pressure building and building until she couldn’t take it anymore and had to open up. It was another for it to just happen.

Memories of Samantha lying on the ground the other day, urine flowing freely down her leg arrived.

No! No! No!

She didn’t want to become like that. Worse, she didn’t want to be aware that she was becoming like that.

“It will happen!” This time the voice seemed to echo across the shelter.

Please, God, NO!

She struggled at the ropes, the fresh scabs where the skin had torn the other day and then started to heal during her inactivity, tearing free.

A little bit of blood dripped down her right arm.

Shivers followed.

And then the haze grew even thicker. Several hours passed without her being aware of it.

Jimmy was now in the room.

Megan said something about him bringing back the warmth.

“What?” Jimmy asked.

Megan didn’t reply, though this time it wasn’t a result of defiance. Instead she simply had no idea what she had said, the words a minced up mess even within her own mind, and couldn’t repeat them, the thoughts that had generated them having quietly fled.

Jimmy yawned and then went back to the tin bucket, which he had filled with soapy water. He also had a pink loofa sitting on the floor.

Once finished with that he stood up and walked over toward her and said, “If you fight me this time I will really make you suffer.”

Megan heard the words but couldn’t really understand what he meant by them until he started undoing her pants. Once she realized this she started to struggle, but then found herself too exhausted and let him do what he needed.

It felt good having the wet clothes removed.

His work with the loofa felt even better despite how cold the water was.

Afterward she felt as if a pound of grime had come off her body.

Don’t let him do this, her mind screamed.

Megan ignored the statement. Later, once she got her strength back she would resist his advances. Right now she just didn’t have the energy.

“I’m going to lower you a little,” Jimmy said.

Her body fell before she even understood what his words meant, and had it not been for the rope and his hands, she would have hit the floor hard. Instead he eased her down until she was allowed to sit.

The relief was short lived as the cramps began; her muscles and blood vessels all springing into action as if an alarm had awakened them.

The pain was too much.

She had to scream.

Jimmy waited.

Once again the haze made it difficult for her to judge how much time had passed. Eventually the pain faded, though didn’t disappear completely. Thankfully it had retreated enough for her to drink some water and eat.

Jimmy regulated how much she could have.

“I don’t want you getting sick,” he said while pulling the water bottle away.

She cried as if he was taking it away for good. In reality it was only for a minute and then he would allow her to drink some more. Drink a little, take it away, drink a little take it away. Every now and then he would also give her some pretzels and other dry foods from the shelf, his hands having to hold it while she chewed because her fingers weren’t working. Some of it was stale but Megan didn’t care. It was the first thing she had eaten since . . . her mind couldn’t even figure it out and didn’t really care.

* * *

“She was so pissed off, it was great,” Tina said while the three were walking to school. “But she couldn’t really say anything because everyone at the school was saying I did the right thing and that it was better to be safe than sorry.”

“And the police actually took him away?” Jimmy asked even though she had already said they did.

“Just for questioning,” Tina said. “They didn’t arrest him or anything but they made sure the threat of that possibility happening if he didn’t cooperate was there.”

“God, I bet the sheriff just wanted to take him into some deep dark basement room and beat the shit out of him,” Alan said.

“Do you think he’s really responsible for the two girls?” Jimmy asked.

Tina shook her head. “No. The guy is odd, but harmless. I mean, his favorite pastime is knitting with a bunch of middle-age ladies.”

“Still, who knows what goes on inside his head? Maybe he has a thing for high school girls and that’s why he is spending so much time with your mother, and other mothers who knit, so he had easy access to you and their daughters.”

Tina seemed somewhat spooked by this statement but then brushed it away. “He and my mother have been seeing each other since before I moved here. I don’t even think he knew I existed back then.”

“Still . . .” Jimmy started but didn’t finish. He didn’t want to push it too far.

“Oh don’t worry, the guy is a creep, no question about that, and I won’t be caught dead alone with him. And I’m guessing he will think twice before offering to do my mother any favors in the future.”

The three went silent for a while and then Jimmy asked. “Do you have to stay after today?”

“My mother didn’t say anything about it. She probably wants me to but I won’t. I mean, we get out at what like noon today?”

“Yeah.” Jimmy turned toward Alan and smiled. “Two of us do.”

Alan gave him the finger.

“Then there is no way in hell I’m staying at school,” Tina said. “What would I do all day?”

“You know, this isn’t fair,” Alan snapped. “Instead of letting all the seniors have a half day they should let anyone with a ticket to the prom have a half day.”

“But then lower classmen like yourself would have one less day to prepare for finals, which wouldn’t be good.” Jimmy never understood why seniors didn’t have to take finals during the second semester, but didn’t mind. He had a feeling it had something to do with tallying up who had graduated and who had not; especially since the graduation ceremony was the weekend after finals. Still, it seemed odd.

“It’s still stupid, and why does everyone need a half day to prepare for a dance that isn’t until Saturday night?” He turned toward Tina and asked, “Do you need all day to do your hair?”

“Um, no,” Tina said. “I really have no idea what I’m going to do all afternoon in that empty house all by myself.”

Jimmy heard the words and then saw the look Alan gave him, but wasn’t sure what to say.

“It’s going to be lonely,” Tina added.

Jimmy stayed silent and calm, despite the questions jumping around in his mind. A fantasy also began, one that he couldn’t shake.

* * *

Brett watched and waited for the two to split up before classes, eager to give the girl the video he had picked out for her, his body barely able to hold back the desire to run up and down the hallway shouting that Jimmy liked watching bondage sex movies.

The two stood by her locker for a long time, both having gone right to it since Jimmy didn’t seem fond of using his own all that much, and instead just carried all his books from class to class.


Anger at the guy oozed through his veins. He so desperately wanted to walk over there and punch him right in the face, consequences be damned.

Somehow he held back and waited for the two to part ways, Jimmy heading toward the science hallway, Tina toward math.

Halfway toward the math class Brett intercepted her, the words, “Hey cutie, how’s it hanging,” leaving his lips.

“What do you want?” she asked while trying to slip between him and the wall of lockers.

Brett put his hand up against the locker to stop her.

“Tina, isn’t it?” Brett asked.

“Yeah,” Tina said. She started to walk around him the other way, but he reached out and grabbed her by the arm. “Hey, let go of me.” She tried to twist away but his grip was too firm.

“Not so fast. I just have a question for you. Do you know if I can borrow Jimmy’s handcuffs one day?”


“You mean you don’t know?” Brett asked.

“Know what?” She tried twisting away again to no avail.

“That Jimmy is a huge bondage freak and loves to see girls and boys all tied up.”

“You’re sick,” Tina said.

“Hey, you don’t have to believe me, just watch this tape.” He reached into his bag and pulled out the VHS tape, only she wouldn’t take it. “There are a whole bunch more where this one came from too and I’m sure Jimmy will show you his others if you want.”

“Why don’t you get a life,” Tina snapped and tried to pull free again.

In the hallway other students were rushing by them as they tried to get to class. No one paid much attention to them, and those that did made no move to intervene.

“It’s your little friend who needs to get a life,” Brett said. “Take the tape.”

“Let me go!”

“Take the tape and I will.”

Tina grabbed his arm and dug her nails into it.

Brett winced and grabbed hold of her backpack, his fingers easily opening the flap and dropping the tape inside.

Above them the bell rang.

“Enjoy,” he said and hurried away. In his mind he saw crowds cheering his brilliant move. Others came forward to shake his hand.

The excitement wore off quickly though as he headed into his English class. He hated the class and the teacher and would have gladly skipped the class if it wasn’t something he needed in order to graduate. Most had completed the English course the year before. He had failed it, and now had to sit in the class with a bunch of juniors while listening to the stupid fag tell them all about all these great authors. It was such a waste of his time. If they were so great why hadn’t he ever heard about them before?

* * *

“Samantha,” Megan said again. “Just try.”

Once again her friend ignored her, only now Megan wasn’t going to back down.

“Samantha, get off your lazy ass and start undoing those ropes!” Megan screamed.

Several hours earlier screaming like this would not have been possible, but the food and water Jimmy had given her during his morning visit had helped clear her mind a bit. She was still sluggish, and her exhaustion still felt like a boulder strapped onto her head, but her thought process was once again able to focus on things, which was good. Even better, the hallucinations had disappeared for the time being, though she was sure they would return sooner than later, especially if she continued another day without sleep.

“Do it!”

“No,” Samantha moaned.

Megan couldn’t stand her friend anymore. Why wouldn’t she at least make an effort? Why not do everything in her power to get free?

You didn’t make an effort this morning either? her mind countered. Thankfully her inner voice no longer sounded like it was coming from someone else.

Frustration followed.

She had made no move against Jimmy while he was cleaning her even though he had been pretty vulnerable, especially when bending over to clean her feet.

Don’t let a moment like that slip by again!

She pictured an image of her getting the better of Jimmy and killing him. It was a pleasant fantasy, one which had permanently replaced the visions of her father coming to the rescue because that wasn’t going to happen - which is all your fault! If she had thought about calling him earlier while the phone was beeping Samantha and she would be free and Jimmy locked away. If she had called earlier she could have told her father exactly where the fallout shelter was and he would have come down, broken the door from its hinges and cut them free. After that he would have gone after Jimmy and made the bastard pay.

Now that wasn’t a viable possibility and if the two of them ever wanted to be free they would have to do it themselves. More important Samantha would have to undo her own ropes, and she would have to do it while in her current position, one which would allow her to stand up and put the knots to her mouth, knots that she could untie if her determination to be free inspired the strenuous activity.

Once you’re free you can untie me and we will both get Jimmy when he comes in. Megan had said this out loud several times since Jimmy had left for school that morning, but her friend didn’t seem to be able or willing to take part in the escape attempt.

“Samantha! Please!”

Her friend didn’t respond.

“All you have to do it stand up and untie the ropes with your mouth.”


“Do it!” Megan screamed and moved forward a bit so she could kick her friend.

The distance between them was just enough to make it impossible for Megan’s foot to cause damage, but only because of the rope holding her hands. If she had been low like Samantha she could have easily reached her and hit her hard, but then, if she was low like that she wouldn’t have to rely on her friend at all. Now Samantha was her only hope, and it, like the hope of her father coming to the rescue, was fading fast.

“If you don’t untie yourself we will die down here,” Megan said.

Again her friend did not reply.

Megan screamed.

Her voice bounced off the concrete walls several times and then faded.

Megan tried kicking her friend again with her naked leg, but once again couldn’t reach.

Tears threatened to fall after that, but she held them back, thoughts of killing Jimmy herself helping to distract her mind.

If you kill, him you will die.

But at least it would be more satisfying than waiting for him to kill her and then get away with it.

And once he was dead and Samantha saw it maybe she would snap out of her fear induced submission?

* * *

The school day passed quickly for Jimmy and Tina, both of them having only had to go to their morning classes. Normally a half day would have seen them going to all their classes, each one shortened considerably so they could all fit, but this half day wasn’t like that since the other grade levels still had a full day.

“I feel bad for your brother,” Tina said as they left the school. “It really is silly that we get to leave so much earlier than him.”

“Yeah, but he only has three hours to go,” Jimmy said. “He will survive.”

“Yeah, three hours isn’t really that long.”

“No, and there are worse things than having to sit in class during them.”

An uneasy silence followed.

The two stepped out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk that would take them around the small lake and into the neighborhood, Jimmy’s eyes once again glancing at the garbage bin he had so foolishly thrown the videos into.

“What is it?” Tina asked.

“Oh nothing,” Jimmy said. “Do you think your mother will be upset that you didn’t stay?”

“She’ll be upset, but I don’t really care.”

“How come?”

“Because she doesn’t deserve any of the credit. When she left she made the decision she didn’t want to be my mother, but now she is trying really hard because the court says she gets a second chance. It’s stupid. This country is so focused on blood relations as if there really is a connection there, but there isn’t. They could have put me in a house with a lady that had no idea who I was who never even set foot on in Illinois and she would be just as connected to me as Rebecca is.”

“Huh,” Jimmy said. He really didn’t know how to add anything to that.

“What’s worse is how often people in this country will side with a mother because of the fact that she carried the baby for nine months even if the father would be the better parent. If Rebecca had wanted to she could have probably gotten custody of me without much trouble when she left. It’s stupid.”

Jimmy thought about a girl in one of his classes who had once said she would rather have an abortion than sign her child up for adoption because she couldn’t stand the thought of giving up her child. The statement had confused him at the time, but now that he was a few years older and had gotten a better idea of the world, he had come to realize she wasn’t alone in her thoughts. It was weird.

“But what can you do about it?” Jimmy said. He had planned on sharing the story of the girl, but then decided against it.

“Nothing I guess,” Tina said.


No matter how loud she shouted no one was going to be convinced so why even bother.

Tina’s house appeared on the left.

The two stopped.

Jimmy’s mind replayed the statement she had made earlier about being all alone and wondered if she wanted him to come in. How did one go about asking that? How -

“Do you want to come inside for a while?” Tina asked.

“Um, if you think its okay,” Jimmy said. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Come on, it’ll be fine,” Tina said and took hold of his hand.

Jimmy felt a pleasant tingle run up his arm as she pulled him toward the door, and when she let go to open the door an impression of her hand stayed against the skin.

The house was quiet.

“You’re sure she’s not home?” Jimmy whispered.

“Rebecca!” Tina shouted.

Jimmy jumped.

No answer followed.

“See,” Tina said with a smile.

Jimmy returned the smile.

“Come on.” She took hold of his hand again and led him up the stairs.

Jimmy’s heart was racing. Were they going to have sex? Did she want to have sex?

She wouldn’t have taken you up here if she didn’t, his mind said.

But maybe she would? Maybe she just wanted him to see her room.

If he made a move and it turned out she didn’t want to have sex with him it could ruin everything. But if he didn’t make a move and she did want sex that might ruin things too.

“My room in Glen Ellyn was better,” Tina said as the two entered.

Jimmy looked around and said, “Looks cool to me.”

“Believe me, it isn’t.” She tossed her backpack into the corner while saying this and took a seat on the bed.

Jimmy stayed where he was, unsure what to do.

“Come sit by me,” Tina said.

Jimmy did, placing himself a few inches away.

Tina quickly closed the gap and without warning her leg was touching his through his jeans. The tingle that developed from this was considerably greater and more pleasurable than the one that had entered through his hand moments earlier.

Jimmy didn’t know what to do. In his mind he saw himself reaching around and kissing her, his body eventually pushing her down onto the bed, her own hands touching him while also undoing all the obstacles between them.

The action stayed within his mind, however, and rather than making the move he just sat there.

Do something! he shouted at himself.

Nothing happened.

Silence settled.

Just kiss her, or touch her leg, or touch her breast.

Jimmy raised a hand to do the later but then quickly pulled it back, the fear of upsetting her getting the better of him.

* * *

Tina watched the hand come up and thought to herself, here were go, he’s going to do it, but then saw the hand fall back and felt her heart sink. He wasn’t going to make a move.

You do it!

All she had to do was reach over and start touching him, maybe press her hand against his groin, which had an obvious bulge in it, and start rubbing. Once she did that he would finally realize what it was she wanted and would take over, his body pressing into hers as the two indulged in the love making process.

Just touch him!

Her hand didn’t move at first, but then she gently placed it on his thigh and said, “I really like you, Jimmy.”

He didn’t respond right away and when he did his voice got caught up in his throat, the words “I like you too,” badly mangled.

Her hand rubbed a bit against his leg, yet still he didn’t make a move.

Move it closer!

She ignored this cry, her mind wanting him to take charge - needing him to take charge.

Kiss him.

This she could do and quickly leaned in and touched her lips to his.

Jimmy seemed surprised by this and pulled back as their lips touched, but then moved in and kissed her back. His hand then came up and took hold of her head and held it in place so he could kiss her harder, his lips pressing into hers with quite a bit of force.

After a few seconds Tina had to pull back.

Jimmy looked surprised and said, “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay.”

Jimmy stood up from the bed. “I should . . . I - ”

Tina reached out a hand and took his and pulled him back toward her. “I liked that, Jimmy,” she said.

“You did?”

“Yeah.” She grabbed him by the front of his jeans. “I liked that a lot.”

She stood up after that, her body pressed up into his because of the bed, and kissed him. Down below she could feel his erection pressing into her and quietly slipped her hand down into his jeans to touch it.

Jimmy quivered as she did this and then, without warning, took charge and pressed her back down onto the bed, his hands first holding her head as he kissed her again and then moving down to explore the other parts of her body, his fingertips teasing her as they gently crisscrossed her most sensitive areas.

What followed was amazing and completely unexpected and by the time it was over she felt thoroughly used up, her body barely able to move.

* * *

Jimmy lay next to Tina for a long time afterward, pleased yet angry, though not with Tina, but himself, because of how much he had enjoyed what had just happened. It wasn’t just that, though. It was the enjoyment he had felt with her compared with the lack of enjoyment he been feeling with Samantha and Megan, something which he should have been enjoying more than what he had just done, because it was what he had been dreaming about for years.

It didn’t make sense.

There had been absolutely no bondage involved in what Tina and he had done, yet the moment she had slipped her fingers around his penis and slowly started to stroke it while kissing him, he had known this was going to be the greatest moment of his life, and that his orgasm would be intense.

And then when she had licked him and swirled her tongue around him, one hand holding his penis while the other tickled his balls, all before slipping a condom onto him and then getting on top of him and easing his penis into her p-ssy and riding him until he came - god he could have died a happy man after that. It had been incredible.

And if she was tied up while doing it, her only goal to please him while also taking pleasure in what he did to her . . . that is what heaven would be like in his eyes.

But how would he go about getting her to do this?

Worse, what if he drove her away by asking this and she never again did what she had just done to him.

What if she really enjoyed it and was completely submissive like those girls in the videos he watched?

The questions tugged at his mind as he lay there with Tina, his body feeling completely satisfied, yet strangely craving more. He didn’t want another round right this minute, but he knew he would want to do this again, and again, and again.

With a pair of handcuffs.

God, how could he even ask her something like that?

She would think he was crazy.

* * *

Tina too lay there amazed at what had just happened, though she had no thoughts of bondage or the possibility of bondage - that would come later. Instead she had been overwhelmed with what Jimmy had been able to do with his fingers and how easily they had brought her to one orgasm after another. Eventually she couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed his hand while his thumb was playing with her *, his index and middle finger inside of her, and pulled him out.

For a moment he had looked confused, but then she had flipped him over onto his back and slid down between his knees, her hope being to give him as much pleasure as he had just given her. To do this she undid his pants and pulled them, along with his underwear down his legs, her eyes surprised but also impressed with his shaven penis, something she hadn’t even noticed while reaching down inside. The lack of hair changed her mind on what she was going to do to him. At first she had been planning on just using her hand, her palm rubbing the head the way she had read in Cosmo, but then decided to see what it felt like to put her mouth around him, the disgust at such an activity completely disappearing due to how clean he was.

Of course, her hands still played with him as well, his impressive size making it so there was enough to go around, and worked on him for a good fifteen minutes, his knees often bucking from the intensity.

Once she finished that, her lips and hands having brought him close to orgasm several times but never actually to the point of no return, she pulled a condom from her purse, tore the package, and gently slipped it onto his erection, her mind thinking here we go, this is it.

A quick sharp pain hit as she eased herself onto him, his large penis slowly but surely tearing away her virginity. Once that happened, however, the pleasure masked the pain and she moved up and down, her athletic legs able to maneuver her hips so that he never slipped free. At first she stayed straddled on top of him, but then after several minutes she laid on top of him, his penis still inside, so that her breasts were pressed into his chest, her lips in line with his. They kissed and kissed and kissed while she worked back and forth with her hips, the position causing his penis to push up against different areas within, ones that were incredibly sensitive.

“Oh God!” Jimmy cried at one point, his knees again bucking up against her. “I’m going to cum!”

“Give it to me!” she cried back. “Give it – ” she felt warmth through the condom and for a moment worried that the condom had actually broken, but then, when she slipped herself free, the thing was still covering his penis, though he had cum so much some had actually slipped down the shaft beyond the edge of the protection.

She had pulled the condom free after that and tossed it toward the waste bucket - it fell short - and then pulled the bed sheets out from under them and eased both their bodies beneath it, her arms around Jimmy.

“That was amazing,” she said while pressed up against him.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said.

Nothing else was said for a long time because words were not needed.

* * *

Alan glanced at Tina’s house while walking home that day and wondered if Jimmy and Tina were inside, and if so, were they having fun. A smile crossed his face while thinking this, one that then faded as he pictured Jimmy and Tina together in bed. Ugh. It wasn’t something he wanted to think about - at least not when Jimmy was involved. Tina he could think about all he wanted and in fact he had even imagined himself with her from time to time, especially when sitting on the shower floor. She was a beautiful girl, one who was nicely built but not stuck up; one he knew would be fun in bed because she wouldn’t be shy or embarrassed to try things. That was the trouble with girls in high school - at least that was the trouble with the ones he had had sex with. They were all so unimaginative and thought sex was just about having a guy stick himself into them and pound away. Alan knew differently. He also knew that there were things high school couples could do that were incredibly pleasurable but didn’t have the risk of getting pregnant attached, things that health classes should talk about rather than the stupid ‘abstinence’ theory. Abstinence was the equivalent of telling a person with diarrhea to just hold it. It was ridiculous.

A deputy cruiser drove by him while he was walking, the deputy inside - he couldn’t make out who it was - not hiding the fact that he was staring at Alan.

Alan waved.

Ever since the sheriff’s daughter had disappeared the police presence had been pretty heavy, yet there still hadn’t been any significant developments. Rumor had it that search parties would be started soon, ones that would comb the woods and fields looking for bodies. Why they hadn’t started those parties yet was something Alan didn’t understand. He hoped there was a good reason for it, but doubted it. He also had a feeling that these two disappearances would ruin Sheriff Reed’s career. People were already voicing complaints about the way he had handled things, and would remember their dissatisfaction come the next vote.

Another deputy cruised by as he neared the house and caused him to wonder if there would be a heavy presence tomorrow night at the dance. He hoped not because he wanted to try and get Rachel alone somewhere to fool around. He had even hinted at this while in art class with her today and she had teased him with a dozen maybes and will sees.

Maybe we will see if you are able to resist my charm, Alan said to himself with a smile.

An image of her pulling her dress down to reveal what had to be beautiful breasts stayed with him all the way into the house.

“Jimmy, you here?” he called out.

No answer.

His smile grew. What if Jimmy was really getting it on! If so he was happy for his brother, though again he really didn’t want to think about it too much.

The vision of Rachel with her dress pulled down returned. It was a better thought, one that followed him around the house as he got a snack and then went to watch TV.

Nothing good was on so he headed to a news station to see if there was any mention of the missing girls. Nothing was said. Had there not been so much focus on the oil spill and who was to blame for it then maybe some of the affiliates in Chicago would have been interested and driven the three in a half hours south to get here, but kidnappings and suspicious disappearances weren’t the fad right now.

* * *

Megan’s wrists screamed as she purposely lifted her legs into the air so that they would become covered in urine when she peed. Unfortunately she was unable to go when in this position and eventually put her legs back down, much to the relief of her arms, and simply leaned to the side so that it all wouldn’t just splash all over the floor. The position wasn’t perfect and a lot of the urine was wasted, but a good amount still went down her bare leg, the dark yellow liquid almost sluggish as it found the path of least resistance.

Finished, all Megan could do was wait and hope that Jimmy would respond the same way he had this morning when he had cleaned her legs. Worry was present too, along with a small bit of disgust at what she had done despite its potential for saving her life.

Only if your timing is perfect, her mind said. You will get one shot at this, and if you fail . . .

She looked at Samantha and knew that what the girl had gone through for her escape attempt would probably be nothing compared with what Jimmy would do to her.

* * *

Jimmy and Tina grew hungry after a while and left the comfort of the bed to head into town. They ate at a local sandwich place, one which was often frequented by kids during the lunch hour at school, but now was pretty quiet thanks to the mid afternoon time and provide them with a nice cozy atmosphere to talk about what they had just done, a topic which they danced around with at first but then jumped into once the subject was fully breached. It was great.

Afterward the two walked home holding hands.

“You don’t have to walk all the way back to my house,” Tina said once they came close to his house, which was closer to the downtown area than her house. “I’m sure I’ll be fine and I know you are tired.”

“I am tired, you wore me out - ” he smiled “ - but I also like spending time with you and want to see you all the way to the door.”

Tina returned the smile and allowed him to walk her back to the house. Once there he kissed her goodbye, a long passionate kiss that left her warm and tingly, and watched her go inside.

Once inside Tina went to the window and watched him walk away, her mind curious why he took a right from her house as opposed to a left, but then decided maybe he wanted to enjoy some time to himself with more walking - though if he was like her, he was really sore from the afternoon activities - and went into her room.

Her eyes stumbled upon the condom which hadn’t made it into the waste bucket, and picked it up, her mind once again thinking about what they had done and how wonderful it had been.

He is a great guy.

She wrapped herself in thoughts about him and climbed back into bed.

* * *

Jimmy didn’t head home right away because he knew Alan would be there by now and didn’t want to walk in just to leave a second later. Originally he had planned on heading to the fallout shelter that night, but now wanted to get it over with, especially given how suspicious his activity around the Hood place would be if caught near dark again.

They probably will be suspicious of me now as well if I’m caught over there again.

This was why he had decided to head back toward the school rather than straight to the Hood place, that way he could cut through the woods all the way there. It was an easy and well known path, but one that would be completely hidden by the road, and therefore it was doubtful any law enforcement types would see him. He also doubted there would be any people on the trail, the idea that they could disappear next keeping them from going into places like the forest, which was perfect for him.

What am I going to do with them?

The question had been bouncing around ever since he and Tina had walked back from the sandwich shop. A part of him just wanted to kill the girls and get rid of them like he had the bondage videos. Another part knew this wasn’t a good idea because he would grow desperate again - unless Tina was into the bondage stuff as well.

But would that be enough to stifle the cravings?

The idea of her willingly allowing him to tie her up was very appealing, but at the same time he liked the idea of a girl being helpless. Still, there was something to be said about the enthusiasm Tina had showed today and how powerful his pleasure had been because of it. Samantha and Megan did not show enthusiasm like that. They didn’t care about making him enjoy himself, and probably never would.

Unless I train them to only think about my pleasure.

Was that even possible?

Could he turn them into sex slaves whose only goal in life was to make him happy?

Could he get them to the point where he could leave the door open and they would not flee - only in theory because he would never be stupid enough to risk it?

Or should I just kill them and end it?

In his mind he saw them both hanging from their necks, their faces turning red while their legs kicked, painful chocked gasps escaping their lips. From reading stories online (the Internet was full of Breath Play sites) he also knew that their pussies would get really tight when doing this, so if he was inside them at the time, it would feel great.

The idea turned him on even though he had already ejaculated that day and if the walk through the woods had been a closely contested race his erection would be what people looked at during a photo finish.

If I hang Samantha from her neck would Megan give me a blowjob to save her life?

Having felt how wonderful it was for a girl to suck on his dick, something that he had been fantasizing about for years, he now craved it again and wanted to see what it was like to cum in their mouth. He wanted to watch them taste his cum and swish it between their lips before finally swallowing it.

In his mind he watched as Tina rolled the condom onto him and slipped him inside of her, her fingers at first having trouble getting him positioned properly, but then finally finding the tiny opening, which swallowed him up. It had felt wonderful, but not as pleasurable as the lips and hands, yet for some reason he had cum quickly while inside of her. He didn’t know why this was.

Up ahead the trees started to clear as the Hood house drew near. Jimmy slowed down and approached the place cautiously, his eyes and ears wanting to make sure no one was present before he made himself visible.

All seemed quiet.

Still, being as cautious as possible, he stepped off the path and crept through the woods until he was right in line with the shed and then emerged from the trees, thereby cutting down the risk that someone would just happen to walk by and see him.

* * *

Megan had been in a sort of daze when the door finally opened later that afternoon - what had seemed like an eternity after peeing on herself - her mind and body unable to stay focused for long periods of time due to her unbearable and drawn out situation. She had also wasted quite a bit of energy being angry at Samantha shortly after peeing on herself, the disgust at her actions having gotten the better of her and the spearhead of her anger, her feelings being that had Samantha untied the ropes with her mouth like Megan had suggested then she wouldn’t have had to pee on herself again. Samantha hadn’t fought back, but that wasn’t needed, because Megan’s mind had played both sides and berated her for failing into Jimmy’s trap to begin with and for not making the call to her father when she had the chance.

It was the latter mistake, her failure to call, that shamed her the most, not just because it would have ended their ordeal, but because it could, in reality, have been one of those rare life and death moments, one which she had f*cked up. It wasn’t even her life that she thought about, but Samantha’s. If her friend died, and by the looks of it, that moment wasn’t very far away, she would be responsible. Not ‘trigger pulling’ responsible, but responsible nonetheless.

Pissing all over herself would be her redemption, but only if it spurred Samantha into action. If not . . .

Megan didn’t want to think about what would happen if that became the reality. If she killed Jimmy, and Samantha still stayed in her coma like condition, then they would both die.

These thoughts weren’t present when Jimmy finally did enter, but they hadn’t disappeared either. Instead it had simply embedded itself into her.

Jimmy grimaced at the smell of the room.

Megan didn’t know if it was because of the freshly dried pee on her leg and the floor, or just the standard ‘two people living down here’ smell that he had attempted to clean away this morning.

The question was answered quickly.

“Did she piss herself again?” Jimmy asked and nodded toward Samantha.

“No,” Megan said, her eyes looking toward the floor as if in shame. “I did.”

Jimmy looked at her leg. “Why didn’t you use the bucket?” There was anger in his voice, though something else seemed to soften it. She didn’t know what though.

“I - ” she started.

“God damn, I left it there so you two wouldn’t make me clean you like this every f*cking day!”

“I’m sorry,” Megan shouted, tears somehow falling from her eyes. “I forgot about the bucket. I’m so tired from standing here like this. I’m - ” she briefly wonder if whining this much would get her punished “ - can you please clean it off. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

Jimmy stared at her for several seconds.

“I’m going to make sure you keep that promise because I think you peed on yourself just to keep me from f*cking you, but it isn’t going to work. From now on I’m going to f*ck you every time I come down here no matter how disgusting you make yourself.” With that he went into the back to grab the wash cloth he had set on the sink to dry this morning, wetted it, and returned.

Heart racing, Megan waited for him to get down and start cleaning the leg.

One chance at this!

Jimmy took the cold wash cloth and started rubbing her leg, his hand purposely pressing hard while the other held the leg in place.

For a moment Megan feared he would keep hold of the leg the entire time, but then he started to kneel to get at her ankle and let go.


Her limp body sprang into action, her legs quickly hooking Jimmy by his throat and pulling him directly into her groin.

* * *

One moment Jimmy was leaning forward to clean off Megan’s foot, the next she had her legs wrapped around his throat, choking him, his mouth pressed right into her exposed p-ssy, his lips gasping for air.

It happened really fast, so fast that Jimmy couldn’t even really evaluate the situation. Instead he just reacted, his hands trying desperately to pull her legs free. Unfortunately, despite his strength, his arms were no match for her thighs, even in her weakened state, and the more he pulled the tighter they seemed to become, almost as if she were fighting his attempt by squeezing harder.

Without thought his fingernails plunged into the flesh of her legs and sliced toward the ground, his nails like a farm tractor tearing up packed in dirt.

Megan screamed but didn’t let go.

Jimmy felt her flesh curled beneath his nails as it ripped free, but still her legs would not loosen.

A fuzzy darkness began to appear around the edges of his vision. At the same time he heard his own lips trying to suck in air, but getting nothing but p-ssy hair and sweaty fluids.

“Die you bastard!” Megan cried.

Her legs got even tighter.

He tried punching her in the kidneys but couldn’t muster enough force. From there he tried reaching up toward her eyes but couldn’t make it.

Her legs continued to squeeze and suddenly the darkness because to cloud his entire vision span.

His arms flailed around looking for something, for anything, but finding nothing.

The darkness got thicker.

His lungs screamed for air.

He continued to flail his arms.

Up above he heard laughter.

A horrible dry gasp echoed from his lips.

Urine flooded his pants.

This was it, he was about to go -

His knuckles crashed into something hard, something that PINGED! when he hit it. Without any thought he grabbed the object by the thin handle and swung it upward.

* * *

“Die you bastard!” Megan cried, her lips working without her mind processing anything, her only real focus being her legs and keeping them tight despite the pain in her wrists - pain that was intensified because Jimmy was adding weight to her body.

An eerie laughter followed one that she never realized was her own.

Jimmy’s struggles started to cease.

She had no idea how long she had been holding him like this, but knew to hold on for a long time, even after he blacked out because he could be faking.

To emphasize this she squeezed her legs harder and harder, her mind thinking this would be much easier if his neck would just break. The added force within her muscles inflamed the cuts his nails had made and caused more blood to well up, but she didn’t care. Later, once she was free, those scratches would be minor annoyances, ones that failed to cloud her happiness.

Something came toward her, something big.

She tried twisting out of the way at the last second but couldn’t and felt everything flee her mind as the object crashed into her face, her nose audibly crunching beneath it as the object pulped the cartilage, a heavy THUNCK! bouncing back and forth within her skull, scrambling her brain.

She felt her legs loosen even as her mind tried to hold them in place.

A second blow landed.

Blackness followed.

* * *

Jimmy fell to the floor after the second blow, his left knee and right ankle tangling together and soaking up most of the landing. The metal bucket followed him down, its impact echoing through the small room as it was ripped from his fingers and sent bouncing across the cement.

For a moment he knelt where he had landed, his mind and body trying to focus, but then a foot came into view and crashed into his face - not hard, but enough to knock him off balance - and sent him scurrying away, his left knee screaming each time it pushed off from the floor.

The heavy metal door stopped his retreat, and rather than standing up and fleeing the room Jimmy flopped over onto his side, closed his eyes and gulped in one giant lungful of air after another.

He lay there for a long time, his mind barely able to comprehend what had just happened, his only focus being the ability to breath again, the sting of the air on his raw throat a welcome pain because it meant he was still alive.

You have survived every escape attempt.

Jimmy thought about this for a few seconds but then let it fade from his mind. Later the observation would return and when it did he would really wonder about it, but now all he cared about was laying back and taking the deep breaths. Nothing else mattered.

* * *

Oh God! Tina thought to herself while watching the video Brett had given her, her eyes having not expected to see what they saw, her fingers franticly trying to find the MUTE button so her mother would not hear the screams that echoed from the screen.

Disgust quickly followed and drove her fingers toward the STOP button.


She continued to watch, a strange fascination coming over her as the scene unfolded.

A moment later she turned it off, the disgust having returned. Anger followed and for a few minutes she actually considered heading over to Brett’s place and demanding to know why he had given her the tape.

The darkening skies outside stopped her in her tracks. Why risk ending up like the other two missing girls because of a stupid tape?

Why does Brett have tapes like this?

The pig had said they belonged to Jimmy, but that probably was a lie, one designed to hurt Jimmy because that seemed to be Brett’s main goal in life.

Besides, if they belonged to Jimmy how would Brett have known about them? It didn’t make sense. Instead Brett was probably the one who owned the tape and realized he could use it against Jimmy. However, if he owned tapes like this that probably meant he was interested in this - or someone he knew was - and if he was interested in seeing it on screen it only made sense he would be interested in seeing it in real life too.

The first scene from the video appeared in her mind, one which showed two girls in a dark dungeon, one in a cage, the other standing with her wrists chained to the wall. After a few seconds a leather clad man in a black mask walked in and started ripping the clothes off of the girl chained to the wall, the girl in the cage forced to watch as he then sexually molested her. Finished with her, the man had left her dangling in her chains and went over to the one in the cage, who fought like a cat at the vet to stay inside, but was eventually ripped free and dragged kicking and screaming to a table where she was locked down, stretched and raped. The faces of the girls in her mind were different than the ones who had been on screen. The faces in her mind belonged to Samantha King and Megan Reed. And the man in the mask, well, that was obviously Brett Murphy.

You should give this tape to the sheriff and tell him Brett gave it to you.

She remembered the look the sheriff had had when taking in Scott after he had followed her into the school yesterday and knew he would probably be even more aggressive with Brett once he saw the video. At the same time she wondered if the video really was connected with the two girls disappearing and if it really was Brett’s.

What if it does belong to Jimmy?

But how would Brett have gotten his hands on it?

Unfortunately this didn’t push the idea away completely, and even worse it kept interfering with her thoughts on what the two had done this afternoon. Rather than relishing the recent memory, some of which she could still almost feel on her skin, she kept seeing Jimmy yank her from the bed and pull her into the dungeon of the video; one where he ravaged her like the man in the video had done to the girl in chains.

Tina shivered.

The horrible vision would not leave. In fact, the more she tried to push it away the more determined it seemed to become and not only did it recreate what the two had done in a dungeon like setting, it added several more scenes as well, scenes that she would never in a million years want to take part in and felt herself growing sick just thinking about.

* * *

Jimmy didn’t remember falling asleep, nor did he know what time it was when he woke later. He also didn’t care, his only real thought being the pain as he tried to move, his neck and back feeling as if he had spent days on the concrete floor rather than whatever short amount of time he had actually been asleep.

What if it was days! his mind cried. What if you missed the dance and everyone is looking for you?

Jimmy shook the thought away while standing up and looked over at Samantha and Megan. The last image he had of them had been the lifeless poses each had succumbed too, Samantha on her knees with her head hanging down against her chest, the ropes seeming to barely hold her up, and Megan dangling from the ropes, the blow with the bucket having knocked her into unconsciousness so that her feet no longer supported her body and instead just acted like two flesh rudders as she slowly swayed back and forth, her weight never seeming to be able to settle in one spot.

Is she still unconscious? Jimmy wondered and realized he should check.

His neck protested the upward movement as Jimmy forced his body to its feet, his hands having to guide it up the door due to the dizzy spells that swirled the room.

Once up he stood with his eyes closed for several seconds fighting everything that threatened to knock him back down, and then, once recovered, carefully walked across the room to check on Megan.

Her back was too him.

Jimmy took hold of her right arm, his hand slowly but forcefully twisting her around to face him.

A gasp erupted, followed by the sound of the bucket once again bouncing across the floor as Jimmy backed away from the grisly image and tripped over it.

The metal door stopped his fall, his poor elbow taking all his weight as he crashed into it, pain messages reaching the brain quickly along with the order to cry out.

The sound faded.

Samantha and Megan did not react.

The urge to vomit followed, but nothing was in his stomach, the lunch Tina and he had eaten earlier long since digested.

God, what did I do to her? he demanded while leaning against the wall, the image of Megan’s busted face refusing to leave.

You did what you had to do to survive!

The sensation of the bucket connecting with her face returned to his arms, as did the sense of satisfaction that had momentarily followed - until he found himself falling. At the time, however, he had had no idea just how hard he had smashed the object into her face, his only thought being to free himself.

Is she even alive?

The question did not sit well and despite not wanting to look at that face again, he knew he had to check, and forced himself to cross the room again.

The face wasn’t as shocking the second time around, but was still repulsive, the metal side of the bucket having completely flattened her nose. Her mouth had suffered as well, the upper lip having busted like a fat blood filled leech and her teeth knocked loose into her mouth.

The snot filled blood was the worst part though, and it pretty much covered her entire lower face and breasts, which were large enough and thrust out far enough to catch most of the drippings.

In the midst of all this destruction a slight wheeze could be heard, one that signaled the work of her lungs as her body struggled to breath.

She’s alive.

But would she stay that way?

Only time would tell.

William Malmborg's books