Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)


Hunter sat next to the bed in his quarters in the housing that had been set up for the warriors. He had been given special permission to bring the three females with him. The two younger females were staying in the living quarters next to his. This one, this one he had claimed as his Amate. It was the only thing he could think of doing so he could receive permission to keep the females with him.

He lifted the pale, limp wrist lying on his bed in his hand. It was so delicate he was afraid he might unwittingly crush the bones by mistake. He stared down at the intricate tattoos that had been etched into the female’s skin. An identical one circled his own. The words and their meaning held him mesmerized.

When he had claimed her as his Amate, he had given his word as a warrior that he would accept responsibility for her and her sisters. He had promised to protect, care for and accept them as his own. He now had a family. This was a gift unlike any other to a Trivator warrior.

He gently traced his mark. He had hoped to join with a female when he returned to his world. Now, that would never happen. He had owed this female a life debt. He had no doubt that the other humans would have killed him if his team would have been late in finding him or he couldn’t escape. He had also given his word that he would protect the females with his life and he meant it.

This female and the other one had been very ill. Dagger had lifted the other female despite her protests that she didn’t need help. Saber had to restrain the youngest female when she moved to protect the injured one.

Hunter’s lips curved up in a small grin when he thought of how fierce the littlest one had been. Saber would be sporting a few bruises of his own. It had taken his friend by surprise at how strong and fast the tiny female had been.

The smile faded as he remembered the injuries to the other female. She had cried out in pain as Dagger lifted her. He had left Dagger and Saber to care for the two females while he searched for the other.

He had found her lying on the freezing ground. Her body was shivering but her skin was hot. He knew she needed medical assistance as soon as possible.

A low moan pulled him back to the present. He watched as Jesse as she was called, moved restlessly under the covers. He reached up to touch her forehead. It was still a little warm. Their healer, Carp, had said Jesse had a virus, was malnourished and had several wounds that needed to be healed. Carp’s mate, Bree, suggested it might be better if the females were housed away from medical for their own comfort once it was safe enough to release them.

“Jordan?” Jesse murmured. “Taylor?”

“They are safe,” Hunter said quietly. “They are resting.”

He watched as Jesse’s eyelashes fluttered before slowly opening. She looked at him with a blank expression for a moment before horror and fear replaced it. She struggled to move away from him. Her eyes swept down to where he was holding her wrist. Her mouth opened and closed but no sound came out at first.

“Don’t touch me,” she finally choked out. “Don’t ever touch me!”

Hunter’s eyes flashed possessively before he concealed his anger. He had tied his life to hers. He would be touching her frequently. She now belonged to him.

Sensing her growing alarm as she glanced frantically around the room, he opened his fingers. The moment he released her, she pulled away and scooted up until she was in the corner of his bed. He frowned when he saw her pale and her eyes clouded with disorientation. He leaned forward and gripped the upper part of her arms when she started to fall forward.

“I…,” she moaned, raising a trembling hand to her head. “Where… where am I? My sisters?”

Hunter reluctantly released Jesse when she leaned back into the corner to keep from falling. He sat back again on the chair he had moved closer to the bed. Strange sensations moved through him causing him to frown in confusion.

“They rest next door,” he replied. “You need nourishment. Carp said you are too thin.”

Jesse’s mouth twisted with bitterness. Of course, she was too thin. So were Jordan and Taylor.

That happened when you couldn’t find food and went days without eating, she thought.

She closed her eyes for a moment as the room continued to spin. She had never felt so weak and defeated in her life. She had to fight the feeling. She had to be strong for her sisters.

“Where… where are we?” She asked in a husky voice, licking her dry lips. “How long have we been here?”

“You are in our compound,” Hunter replied as he turned and poured water into a glass on the side table. He held it out to her. “Drink,” he ordered roughly.

S. E. Smith's books