Hex on the Ex (A Mind for Murder, #3)

“They have a point, Liz,” Nick said. “Remember, the moment I saw Laycee lying facedown in Jarret’s bed, I confused her for you. The curtains were drawn.”

I downed my lemonade and set the glass down slowly, mulling their idea. Jarret joked about using me as a buffer when women got too close to him. Did one of them mistake Laycee for me? I wasted my morning visualizing Nick in an affair with Izzy though I knew nothing about her and little about their friendship. It wasn’t far-fetched to think one of Jarret’s women viewed me as competition. Wrong, but not far-fetched.

“I’ll accept the jealousy angle,” I said, turning to Nick. “Carla accused me of killing Laycee out of jealousy. I practically accused Forrest of the same. Nick, you said Laycee was found lying facedown. It’s crazy to imagine a killer deciding it was me in the bed without seeing a face. Besides, any woman in Jarret’s bed might trigger a seriously unstable lover to commit a crime of passion.”

“Schelz’s version of the symbol introduced the section on vengeance,” Nick said.

“It fits the theory—retaliation for stealing Jarret.” I leaned on the counter. “Anger acted out with violence often connects to low self-esteem or a history of childhood abandonment.”

“Leading us back to Margaret Smith again.” Nick put his glass down. “In essence, Schelz abandoned his children when he got sent to prison.”

“Valid point. But even Gretchen didn’t know the mysterious Margaret.”

“Yes, what about Gretchen?” Nick said.

“She’s certainly infatuated with Jarret, but Gretchen would be able to tell Laycee and me apart—she saw us together at the gym Tuesday morning. What would Gretchen be doing at Jarret’s house that early? And how would she get in? From what Jarret told me, he doesn’t see her that often.”

“Maybe he had a fan stalking him,” Jorge said.

“The killer needed access to the house,” I said. “Kyle Stanger had a possible motive, opportunity, knowledge of the symbol, and Jarret’s security code. He could have bumped the photo off the nightstand by accident then stepped on it. Nick, do you remember anything else about the room?”

He tapped his fingers to his mouth. “I saw Laycee facedown on the left side of the bed with her hand draped over the side, a sheet half covering her legs. A pink shirt, white pants, and purse were on a chair next to the nightstand.”

An icy shiver ran through me. Laycee wore the pink Dodger T-shirt to the game. Gretchen saw me in an identical pink shirt that night.

“What is it, Liz? You’re pale.”

“I have to find Jarret’s parents,” I said. “Will you excuse me?”

Izzy tugged at Jorge’s sleeve. “We have errands to do this afternoon. Let’s leave so Liz and Nick can be alone.”

“Promise me you’ll call me right after you talk with your family,” I said to Izzy as we escorted them out to their cars.

“I promise.” Izzy wrapped her arms around me. “Thank you, Liz. You’re a goddess.”

I turned and pecked Jorge on the cheek. “Be patient with her family. You’re wonderful. They’ll love you.”

“I hope so,” he said.

“Cute couple,” I said to Nick as they drove away. “Izzy’s great. Now I understand why you helped her.”

Stan returned from his lunch break. After I approved the updated renovation estimate, Nick followed the plumber upstairs. I headed to the den and dialed Marion Cooper, the only person other than Jarret who might have additional insight on Gretchen. No answer. I flipped on the TV to the Dodger game. The visiting team was at bat with two outs in the top of the ninth inning and no one on base. The Dodgers led ten to nothing. I watched the last batter strike out, giving the Dodgers the win.

I puttered around, cleaning up the dirty glasses in the kitchen and taking out the garbage. I missed little Erzulie following me around. Being there without her made me realize how much she made our house a home. My phone signaled Jarret’s incoming text—he’d be home in forty minutes.

Raucous laughter came from the top of the stairs then Nick’s voice. “Let’s hope anything that can go wrong, won’t.”

“Not this time, Mr. G.,” Stan said. “I gave you my word.”

“Assure Liz, not me.”

Nick walked into the kitchen alone and smiling. “Looking good upstairs. The plaster in the spare bath is drying now. You can shower here tomorrow if you want to. On Monday, Stan’s putting in your new tub. After the tiles seal and dry, your master bathroom will be ready Wednesday.”

“Thank you. That makes me very, very happy. I won’t be showering at the gym after Kyle gets busted for drugs or arrested for murder.”

“You don’t accept the theory the killer mistook Laycee for you?”

“Would you, if you were in my position? It would mean someone out there hates me, and right now only one guess comes to mind.” I told Nick about the matching T-shirts and Gretchen’s infatuation with Jarret.

Rochelle Staab's books