Heritage of Cyador (The Saga of Recluce, #18)

Lerial can sense that Dhresyl believes that little support will cause Lerial to reconsider his recommendation. “That should do it, I would think.”

After a momentary pause, Dhresyl replies, “It would have to be one of Drusyn’s or Majer Paelwyr’s Fourteenth.”

“I’ve not met Majer Paelwyr.” Lerial keeps his voice even.

“He’s one of the more junior majers. Good head on his shoulders. He asks questions at the right time—before things happen. Then he follows orders.”

“Then I’ll leave the choice to you, ser.”

“Paelwyr, I think. His battalion is all that remains of Subcommander Varndyr’s command. Varndyr had the Thirteenth and Fourteen Battalions. What little that was left of the Thirteenth was transferred to the Twelfth.” Dhresyl smiles professionally. “If you want to brief your officers, you have less than half a glass before the senior officers’ meeting. That’s assuming the Heldyans don’t attack first.”

“Thank you, ser.”

Dhresyl shakes his head. “I suspect I’ll be thanking you.”

Lerial quickly finishes what remains of his breakfast and lager, departing as several majers enter the mess.

Fheldar and the two undercaptains are waiting outside his quarters’ door.

“You left early this morning, ser,” offers Kusyl.

“I needed to talk to Commander Dhresyl. He’s given his approval for a surprise attack…” Lerial goes on to describe what he has in mind and what little he knows about Majer Paelwyr and Fourteenth Battalion.

He makes it back to the mess room with a few moments to spare. He isn’t even the last one to arrive. Drusyn is, if but a few steps behind Lerial. Dhresyl gestures to the empty chairs flanking him. Lerial takes the one on the left, since he properly isn’t actually in the Afritan command structure. While Drusyn is seating himself, Lerial studies the officers around the long table. Except for the three at the end, all six are majers, one of whom must be Paelwyr, whom he has not met. Considering that there should be ten, the way Lerial figures, that means that something like four battalions, or close to it, have been lost. It also means that there were close to ten battalions originally at the Harbor Post.

Dhresyl clears his throat, then begins. “As of a few moments ago, the Heldyans were not in any formation resembling an attack. Perhaps they’re following the Kaordist doctrine of not fighting on sevenday.” The commander smiles, an expression that is ironic, given that the Heldyans are largely followers of the God of the Balance, thanks at least in part to Khesyn’s sire’s brutal campaigns against the chaos animists. “That is the good news. On the other hand, our best estimates are that the Heldyans have between twelve and fifteen battalions. We think four are mounted. The others are most likely either heavy foot or archers.

“I have requested that, if possible, Subcommander Ascaar be allowed to add his forces to ours. Even if that is possible, we won’t see them for an eightday. All of you have heard that Duke Atroyan was killed in the palace explosion. Arms-Commander Rhamuel was injured, but is still able, and Commander Sammyl is assisting him. Overcaptain Lerial of Cigoerne, here on my left, has joined our forces with his contingent of Mirror Lancers. If we do not see an immediate attack by the Heldyans this morning, then he and the Mirror Lancers will lead a diversionary attack on the Heldyans. He will be accompanied and supported by Majer Paelwyr and Fourteenth Battalion.” Dhresyl inclines his head toward the left side of the table.

A majer nods slightly in response. The sandy-haired Paelwyr is the youngest-looking Afritan majer Lerial has encountered and is most likely only five or six years older than Lerial himself. Dhresyl’s choice doesn’t exactly surprise Lerial.

“Diversionary attack?” asks Drusyn politely.

“I’m sure Overcaptain Lerial can explain far better than I,” replies Dhresyl.

“We’ll attack from where the Heldyans are not expecting any attack,” says Lerial. “That will allow us to inflict more casualties than would merely waiting for their attack. There is also a good chance that it will delay or change their plans.”

Drusyn does not conceal his frown.

“A surprise attack against an enemy in a place where there aren’t emplacements has a better chance of succeeding. Also, it will aid in keeping their chaos-wizards spread out in the future, and that will reduce the impact of chaos-firebolts when they attack.”

“It will also allow the rest of us to observe how they react, which could prove most useful,” adds Dhresyl. “Are there any other matters? No? Then the briefing is over.”

Lerial can see that Dhresyl doesn’t like meetings, and, for the most part, that’s fine with him. He has barely risen when Paelwyr moves to join him.

“Overcaptain, ser, since Fourteenth Battalion is assigned to your command, I wanted to say that we’re fully under your orders and command.”

Modesitt, L. E., Jr.'s books