Heir Of Novron: The Riyria Revelations

What is that place? What is it like inside?


She sensed peace and comfort and knew it would be a good place to rest. Arista needed rest, but not there, not yet. Taking the remaining walnuts from her meal, she climbed out to the deck. The length of the ship lay before her, illuminated by the green sea. Royce was in the rigging with an unpleasant, sickly look on his face. Hadrian was at the stern, both hands on the wheel, his teeth clenched as he focused intently on the rising and falling waves. Myron and Degan worked together near the bow, tying off a loose rope that was allowing the jib to flap. Gaunt pulled and Myron tied. Magnus sat at the waist coiling a length of rope, looking like a bearded child left to play on the floor.


“The sleeping princess awakes!” It was Mauvin calling down from the yard above. She smiled at him and he waved back.


“Forget her,” the thief barked. “Get to the end of that yard!”


Arista walked across the deck, pausing once reaching the dwarf. She popped another walnut into her mouth. “Feeling all right?” she asked.


The dwarf nodded without looking at her.


“Oh good.” She sat down beside him. A warm wind came off the sea and blew through her hair, clearing her face. She looked up and spotted Hadrian taking a precious moment away from steering to look at her and wave with a smile. She waved back, but by then his eyes had turned back to the problems of the sea.


She looked around the deck again; then her head tilted up and she scanned the rigging. Everything was illuminated eerily from below by the glowing sea, which gave the whole ship a ghostly appearance.


“Where’re Wyatt and Elden?” she asked Magnus.


“Dead,” the dwarf said coldly.


“Oh,” she replied, unsettled by the blunt response. She leaned back on her hands, forgetting to chew the walnut as she remembered the two sailors. She had liked them both and regretted now that she had never spoken to either very much, but then, she guessed no one but Myron had spoken much to Elden. She slipped her hand in her pocket and withdrew the little figurine Elden had carved of her and rubbed it with her thumb.


“Poor Allie,” she said, shaking her head sadly. Then a thought came to her. “Are you sure they’re dead? Or did the goblins just take them? Did anyone actually see—”


“Found them partially eaten,” Magnus growled. “Wyatt’s legs and arms were gone, his chest torn open—gnawed out like a turkey ready for stuffing. Only half of Elden’s face was there, the skin hung off one side and bite marks on his—”


“That’s enough!” She stopped him, raising her hands up before her face. “I understand! You don’t have to be so—so graphic!”


“You asked,” he said tartly.


She stared at him.


He ignored her.


Magnus huffed, stood up, and began to walk away.


“Magnus,” she said, stopping him. “What’s wrong?”


“Whatcha mean?” he said, but did not turn. He looked out over the side of the ship, watching the luminous waves roll.


“You act as if you’re angry with me.”


He grumbled to himself, something in dwarvish, still refusing to face her.


Overhead the wind was still ruffling the jib. Myron and Gaunt had paused in their work, both staring at them. Royce was yelling at Mauvin about mainstays and yards.


“Magnus?” she asked.


“Why did you do it?” the dwarf blurted out.


“Do what?”


He whirled at last to face her. His eyes were harsh and accusing. “Why did you save my life?”


She did not know what to say.


“What do you care if I die!” he snapped at her, his eyes fiery. “What difference does it make—you’re a princess, I’m just a dwarf! You forced me on this trip. I never wanted to come. You took half my beard. Do you know what a beard means to a dwarf? Of course you don’t, I can see it in your eyes. You don’t know anything about dwarves!” He flicked the bottom of his severed whiskers at her. “You got what you wanted out of me—you have the blasted horn! And you can find your own way back out. You don’t need me anymore. So why, then? Why’d ya do it? Why did you—why did you—” He clenched his teeth, squeezed his eyes shut, and turned his head away.


She sat back, shocked.


Sullivan, Michael J's books