Heartsick (Gretchen Lowell, #1)

“Yep,” Henry said. The cat gave Archie a suspicious, doubtful glance. “Wiped down. Not a print on it.”

Archie chewed on his bottom lip and stood with his hands on his hips, facing the house. It didn’t make sense. Why go through the trouble of wiping the bike down and then go ahead and keep it? If you were worried about evidence, why keep what amounted to a smoking gun? “Why would he do that do you think?” Archie mused aloud.

Henry shrugged. “Neat freak?”

“They print the gun?”

“Not yet.” Henry gave the cat an absentminded scratch on the head. “They’ll do that back at the lab, after they’ve picked the brain matter off.”

“Good idea,” Archie said.

The cat began the task of licking Henry’s neck clean. “You seen Animal Control?” he asked hopefully.


Archie hopped off the back stoop and walked over to where Anne and Claire stood near the shed in the corner of the backyard. A couple of toddlers, unimpressed by the police activity and the helicopters and the news vans, chased each other in circles beyond the fence. Their mother stood in the middle of her yard, hugging her arms and watching the show. Was he crazy to think that McCallum wasn’t the guy? Anne and Claire were in the throes of conversation, but Archie didn’t have time for niceties. He needed Anne’s profiling skills. And he knew that she needed him to still need her.

“Does McCallum fit?” he asked.

Claire and Anne stopped talking, surprised at the interruption. Claire’s eyes widened. Anne drew her jaw back slightly; then she tilted her head and said, “Yes.” She stopped herself. The lines around her eyes deepened and she added, “Except he’s not quite right.”

“Not quite right?” Archie repeated.

She made a helpless gesture. “If you were a fifteen-year-old girl and Dan McCallum offered to give you a ride, would you go with him? He looked like a toad. He wasn’t well liked. And how did he know the girls at the other schools?”

Archie thought of the handsome custodian, Evan Kent.

“Jesus Christ,” Claire said. “You think it isn’t suicide.”

They all looked at one another, waiting.

Archie caught the gray cat streaking through the backyard in the periphery of his vision.

He raised his eyebrows apologetically. “I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t know.” He saw Mike Flannigan and called him over to join them. He’d pulled the Hardy Boys off Reston when they’d found McCallum’s body. Now Archie was kicking himself for it. “Anyone else not show up at Cleveland today?” he asked Flannigan.

Flannigan was chewing a fresh piece of gum that made him smell like he’d sucked down a tube of spearmint toothpaste. It was something they taught you at the Academy: chewing gum to mask the odor of death. “No,” Flannigan said. “But that janitor you’ve got Josh tailing just hopped a train to Seattle with a backpack and a guitar case. And another thing’s a little weird.” He jabbed his thumb at the house. “We searched the house, and for an unpopular teacher, he sure dug his students.”

“What do you mean?” Archie asked.

Flannigan unwrapped another piece of gum and put it in his mouth. “On the bookcases in the front room, he’s got every yearbook for the past twenty years,” he said. He snorted and gave the gum a chew. “That’s quite a memory walk for a guy who supposedly hated his job.”

Archie raised a questioning eyebrow at Anne. She frowned a little and turned to Flannigan. “Show me,” she said.

Archie ran his hand over his mouth. “After that,” he said, “I want you and Jeff back on Paul Reston.”

Flannigan’s brows shot up. “What about Kent?” he asked.

“It’s not Kent,” Archie said.

“Why?” Flannigan asked.

“Because I say so.”

Flannigan worked the gum with his tongue. “We were on him from six last night to nine-thirty this morning,” he insisted. “I’m telling you, Reston didn’t leave his house last night. He couldn’t have taken the girl.”

Archie sighed. “Humor me.”

“We always do,” Flannigan muttered as he and Anne walked away.

“I heard that,” Archie called after him.

Archie walked over to where the mayor was in a deep confab with an aide.

“I think you should cancel the press conference,” Archie said, breaking in.

The mayor visibly blanched. “Yeah? How about no?”

“This is going to sound crazy,” Archie said calmly. “So I’m going to have to ask you to trust that I’m feeling exceedingly rational right now. But I’m having doubts as to whether McCallum’s our guy.”

“Tell me you’re kidding,” the mayor said, punctuating the statement by dramatically removing his sunglasses.

“I think there’s a rather significant chance that it’s a setup.”

Chelsea Cain's books