Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1)

Amara looked left and right as she approached the gate, even as the Marat began to tear their way through it. To one side, several of the young legionares stood, stunned and horrified, staring as the Marat poured in. To the other, scorched bodies and badly burned men lay, scattered as they had fallen from the walls above, along with a dazed-looking Bernard and Pirellus, gathering themselves together after the explosion on the walls and the fall after.

“Form up!” Amara shouted, toward the legionares, but she wasn’t sure the young men even heard her. She singled out one of the young men in a centurion’s helmet and barked, “Centurion! Hold the gate!”

The young man in his fine cape looked from her to the gate to the shattered walls above, eyes wide, mouth trembling. “B-back!” he stammered, though it seemed that no one listened to him. “Fall b-back!”

Amara looked to the other side in desperation. “Pirellus!” she shouted. “Get up! Command the Legion!”

Pirellus, his helmet blasted from his head, the hair on one side scorched nearly to his scalp, stared at her in blank incomprehension.

The Marat tore through the last fragments of the remaining gate, and the first, a burly young warrior wielding a stone-headed axe, shoved his way through.

There was no time for anything else. If the Marat gained control of the gates, they would be able to pour into Garrison, and nothing would stop the weight of simple numbers from smothering the Aleran defense. Though her head still spun and though the injury on her back still pained her, Amara threw herself toward the sundered gates.

She heard herself let out a shrill cry, even as the Marat warrior turned to face her and swept the axe in a great flat arc meant to shear her in half at the hips. Instead, she reached out for Cirrus and leapt, throwing herself neatly over the axe, and sweeping her blade out at eye level. The fine steel of the blade bit into the Marat’s face, and he dropped to the ground with a scream, even as one of the huge warbirds tore its way through the gates.

Amara tried to dodge from its path, but the beast’s beak shot out and gripped her left arm in a sudden, crushing grip. Pain flashed through her, and she knew that only the mail had kept her arm from being snipped off at the elbow. The bird shook its head violently left and right, throwing Amara about like a puppet, until she slashed desperately at the base of the bird’s thick neck, eliciting a brassy shriek and causing the bird to hurl her away from it.

Another Marat came through the gates, but the wounded herdbane whipped around at the sudden motion, snapping and lashing with its brassy beak, driving the Marat back. Amara let out a cry and drove forward, thrusting with the guardsman’s sword, sinking it into the bird’s vitals and whipping it forth with a half-twist that sent the beast snapping and clawing its way to the ground in a welter of gore.

Amara gasped for breath as the Marat warrior came through, aiming another cut at this one. He dodged to one side, making way for a second, this one a lean young woman carrying an old Aleran saber. The Marat female thrust at Amara’s face, and the young Cursor swept the blow aside— only to be hit hard in the flank and thrown to the ground by the first attacker.

She struggled and fought against him, letting out a furious, futile cry, but he had gotten inside her guard and pinned her sword arm to the ground. He lifted his fist, his face emotionless, and drove a blow into her mouth that stunned her for a moment, left her silent. Then he said something in a guttural tongue, satisfaction in the tone, as his hand gripped her hair, hard, and he turned her head slightly toward the woman, who lifted the old saber for a downward blow.

Scalping me, Amara thought. They’re taking my hair.

There was a sudden shriek, high-pitched and panicked. The Marat warrior leapt back and off Amara, even as his companion lifted her saber and engaged the furious, reckless assault of one of the young legionares. The young man hacked and chopped with his Legion blade, more in elemental fury and brutality than in any coherent assault, and drove the pair away from Amara.

He turned back to the other young legionares, and Amara recognized the young man who had been on guard at the gates the day before from the purpling bruise on his jaw. “Come on!” he snarled, to his companions. “Are you going to stand there while a woman fights?” He turned back to his opponents with a cry of, “Riva for Alera!” and attacked again.

First one, then two, then several more legionares surged forward with sharp cries of fury, joining together in a shieldwall that contained the tide of Marat struggling to pour in through the shattered gates. But the young legionares, though they acted in concert, began to be driven back step by steady step.

Amara felt herself hauled back along the ground by one elbow and barely managed to keep hold of her sword. She looked up, dazedly, to find Healer Harger crouching over her, fingers touched lightly to her temples.

“The arm’s broke,” he said a second later, voice rough. “Maybe some of your teeth, too. There are broken rings in the mail over your back that are cutting into it, and something is sprained. But you’ll live.” He shot a glance up at the embattled gate, then gave her a quick smile and said, “Bravely done, girl. Shamed those city boys into the fight at last.”

“Pirellus,” Amara managed to gasp. “Other side of the gate. Stunned.”

Harger’s eyes widened. “Great furies, he lived through that?”

“Bernard. Pulled him off the wall.”

Harger nodded, tense, and hauled her to her feet. “Show me. If anyone can do anything, it will be Pirellus.”

Amara gasped with the pain and saw the Healer wince and draw in a quick breath of his own. He steadied her, and then she lead him forward, around the slow pressure of bodies and the desperate thrust and hack of weapons at the gate, to where she’d seen Bernard and Pirellus moments before.

She found them, Bernard just now starting to stagger to his feet, Pirellus still on his hands and knees. Harger went to the Knight at once, touching fingers lightly to his temples, then grunting and shaking the man roughly. Harger hauled back a hand to deliver a slap to the Knight Commander’s face, but Pirellus caught the Healer’s wrist as it swept toward him. He shook his head once, blinked his eyes, looked up at the gates, and then staggered to his feet to stare up at the walls.

Then he spun, looking around the courtyard, and nodded to Amara. “Countess,” he said, voice haggard. “That blast will have heated the stones, but they’ll cool quickly, and Marat will be coming over them even if we hold the gate.”

Amara swallowed. “What do we do?”

“Move these legionares up to the walls,” Pirellus said.

“Then who will hold the gate?”

His chin lifted a fraction. “I will.”

Amara stared at him. “Alone? Who will command the Legion?”

“They won’t need much commanding in this,” Pirellus said. “They’ll hold the walls, and I’ll hold the gate, or we’ll all be dead in the next few moments.”

“How can they hold the walls?”

“They can’t for long,” he said. “You’ll have to figure out something.”