Every Trick in the Book (Novel Idea, #2)

Peering through the peephole, my wariness turned to delight when I saw Sean standing on my front porch, in uniform, holding his cell phone to his ear. He was not wearing his policeman’s hat, however. Instead he’d donned a Greek helmet with red plumes sprouting from its crown. His free hand was raised in a salute.

I whipped open the door. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight! Aren’t you on duty?” My joy at seeing him overshadowed any reaction to the fanciful addition to his attire.

Stepping inside, he removed the helmet and said with a grin, “I do get donut breaks, you know.”

“I’m so glad you’re here.” He truly was a welcome sight. Standing there in his policeman’s uniform, his handsomeness was intensified. He seemed taller, leaner, and more muscular; his eyes were bluer, and his face was more ruggedly captivating.

I reached up and kissed him, then took the helmet from his hands. Examining the craftsmanship, I said, “This is great, Sean. You’re going to look just like Paris.” I placed it on the hall table.

“Just a few years older than the original,” he said with a smile. “I rented a breastplate and arm guards, too. I’ll need to look my best, as I’ll be escorting the beautiful Helen of Troy to the costume party tomorrow night.” He pulled me close and kissed me again. “Move over, Orlando Bloom and Diane Kruger.”

I laughed and took his hand. “Come into the living room. Can I get you a coffee or something?” I peered at him impishly. “I have no donuts, I’m afraid.”

“No, I don’t want anything, thanks. I just came over to show you my helmet. But I need you to tell me more about this creep at the festival. We have to find him and ensure that he won’t be a threat to you anymore.” He sat down on the couch and glanced around. “This room feels homey,” he said. “Your personality is all over it.”

“Thanks. I forgot you hadn’t seen the place yet. Want a tour?”

“Not now. Let’s save that for another time.” He patted the couch next to him. “Come sit down.”

I lowered myself beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. “Thanks for coming, Sean. You are just what I needed.”

“No problem.” He placed his hand on my thigh. “Nice jammies, by the way,” he teased as he stroked the flannel pants leg. “Too bad I’m not appropriately dressed for a pajama party.”

“Maybe next time.” I placed my hand over his, entwining our fingers.

Bringing them up to his lips, he kissed them and then freed his hand. “Okay, let’s get down to business. You say this guy’s name is Mason?” He pulled a notepad and pen out of his shirt pocket.

“Kirk Mason. But we’re not sure that’s his real name, because the address he wrote on his registration form was incomplete. Vicky thinks he paid by cashier’s check, so that’s untraceable, too.”

“And you’ve never seen him before? You have no idea why he was targeting you?”

I shook my head. “All I know is that he was going to pitch a gory serial killer novel to Jude and for some reason he has something against me.”

“Can you describe him?” Sean had his pen ready.

I leaned back. The last thing I felt like doing was conjuring up the image of that man again, even if it was merely in my mind. But I closed my eyes and verbally sketched every detail I could remember.

“Good recall, Lila.” He sighed as he folded closed his notepad. “I hate to leave so soon, but I do have to get back to work. I told my partner I’d only be ten minutes.”

“Wait. I want to give you that feather he left on my table.” I grabbed the plastic bag in which I’d placed the black raven feather. “Isn’t it just too weird?” I asked, handing it to Sean.

“It is inexplicable acts like this that cause me the most worry,” he said in a troubled voice, “because they illustrate the perpetrator’s unpredictability. I’m glad I’ll be at the old town hall tomorrow.”

I walked with him to the door. Opening it to the darkness, I saw Sean’s police cruiser.

“There’s my ride,” he quipped. “I’ll leave the helmet here until tomorrow, okay?”

I nodded and we stepped out on the front porch. The night air was crisp, and the moon shone high in the dark sky. We faced each other, clasping hands. “See you tomorrow,” I murmured.

“Be careful, Lila. Lock that door tight.” He caressed my cheek and lowered his lips to mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and there, under the glowing orb in the sky, we kissed. His arms encircled me, enveloping me in warmth and affection. Our kiss intensified, and when our lips finally parted, I held his eyes with mine. “‘Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips,’” I murmured, quoting Shelley. Sean’s smile crinkled the corners of his eyes, and he brushed his lips against mine once more before letting go.

Chapter 5