Domination (A C.H.A.O.S. Novel)

Chapter 47

Where are they?” Colt said as they followed Rhane through the empty hallways. “I mean, it’s like this place was abandoned. There aren’t even any drones.”

He looked back at Danielle, whose eyes were filled with tears. She tried to force a smile but it didn’t last long. Her hands were shaking and her breathing was shallow, like she was suffocating. Colt felt as though he was suffocating as well. He tried to push the image of Pierce lying there, dead, out of his mind, but he couldn’t stop thinking about him.

“Koenig is probably marshaling his forces,” Rhane said. “But he knows you’re here to destroy the reactor, so leaving it unguarded doesn’t make any sense.”

“Unless it’s a trap,” Oz said.

“Even if it is, we don’t have a choice,” Colt said. He could feel the weight of the explosives resting in his backpack. “You got the portal cube ready?”

Danielle nodded.

“And you’re sure you have the right coordinates?” Oz said. “The last thing I want to do is end up at the bottom of the ocean or the heart of a volcano.”

“Not now,” Danielle said.

“What? I’m serious,” Oz said. “I was reading about it a couple nights ago when I couldn’t sleep. All kinds of people died during the testing phase.”

“The reactor room should be up around the—” Rhane stopped as he rounded the corner. There, standing at attention, were two rows of Koenig’s Defense Corps, one on each side of the corridor. They were tall and muscular with long snouts, nostril slits, and glowing eyes of yellow that shone bright against their onyx scales.

“How many?” Oz asked, removing his assault rifle.

“Too many for us to handle,” Rhane said.

Has the Betrayer come to realize his destiny? Colt couldn’t see Koenig, but his words were invading Colt’s mind.

Come then, don’t be shy. And please, bring your friends to bear witness. After all, it’s not every day that you get to watch the extinction of an entire race.

Colt concentrated, trying to form the words in his mind. What about your Defense Corps?

They won’t harm you, Koenig said. You have my word.

“What’s going on?” Oz said when he noticed the look on Colt’s face.

“It’s Koenig,” Colt said. “He wants us to go into the reactor room.”

“It’s definitely a trap,” Oz said.

“Maybe. We’re about to find out.” Colt grabbed the medallion that his grandpa had given him and started to walk down the hall toward the reactor. “And remember, whatever happens, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Colt tensed as he walked past the first of Koenig’s Defense Corps members. The aliens were enormous, standing at least eight feet tall, with broad shoulders, wicked teeth, and curved horns. Hands sweaty and mouth dry, Colt willed himself to take one step and then another until he made it to the doors.

“What, you didn’t think we’d follow you?” Oz said when he caught Colt turning around. “Brothers to the end, remember?”

“Brothers to the end,” Colt said.

The doors opened, and inside the reactor room was a vast circular space with concrete walls and a wide ledge all around. In the center of it all was a deep chasm. Light pulsed from the depths, casting the entire room in blue—including Aldrich Koenig, who was standing on the ledge in human form.

I have to admit, Koenig said, I’m thoroughly impressed. I never thought you’d make it this far.

Colt looked past Koenig to the chasm. All he had to do was set the charges and toss the backpack into the reactor core while Danielle opened up the portal that would take them back to Sanctuary.

Yes, there it is, Koenig said. You’re so close to fulfilling your destiny, and yet . . . He paused as his Defense Corps marched into the room and stood at attention against the wall like they were some kind of living statuary.

Colt slipped the backpack off his shoulder.

I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. Koenig’s face contorted and skin bubbled as he morphed into his native Thule form. His clothes ripped away and without pause he charged at Colt.

Rhane stepped between them, teeth bared and claws outstretched. He lashed out, and Koenig batted his arm to the side. Rhane tried again and then again, but each time Koenig caught his blows. With a quick flick of his wrist, Koenig tossed Rhane aside.

“This is between myself and the Betrayer,” Koenig said as once more his clawed fingers lashed out.

Colt felt a searing pain, and blood trickled down his cheek. Koenig lashed out again, this time raking his claws across Colt’s chest. Colt tried to counter, but even with his enhanced speed and strength from the Thule DNA, he was too slow, his body too weak. Koenig easily fended off his strikes.

Koenig grabbed Colt by the arm with one hand and ripped the backpack away from his shoulders with another. He tossed it aside. His tail swishing back and forth, Koenig walked over to the chasm and dangled Colt over the ledge. “It’s time for you to die.”

He let go, and as Colt fell he managed to grab hold of the ledge. His fingers ached as his feet scrambled to find footing. For a brief moment he glanced down and started to panic when he couldn’t see the bottom. Don’t look, he told himself. With a surge of strength, he reached out and took hold of Koenig’s ankle.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,” Colt said aloud as he pulled with all his might.

Koenig teetered, and as he fell, Colt pulled himself up onto the ledge. Koenig screamed, his six arms flailing to grab hold of something. Anything.

Colt’s eyes never left the Defense Corps soldiers as they stood there looking confused. Whatever their plan had been, watching their leader plummet to his death most certainly was not a part of it. Colt scrambled to the backpack. He unzipped it and set the detonator, willing his fingers to work.

“Get that portal cube ready!” he said.

The moment the detonator was set, the Thule soldiers sprang to life. Teeth gnashed and tails pounded as they ran for Colt, but it was too late. He took his backpack and threw it over the chasm, while at the same time Danielle hit the Enter button on the portal cube.

“What are you waiting for?” Colt felt the claws of a Thule rake across his back as he watched Danielle jump through the portal. The Thule raised its hand to strike again, but Colt ducked and caught it in the nerve cluster just below its jaw.

Oz went through the portal next, but when Colt turned he saw Rhane getting attacked by one of Koenig’s soldiers. “Go!” Rhane shouted. “I’ll be right behind you.”

Colt hesitated, then turned and ran just as the first of the explosions erupted. There was another and another. The ceiling cracked overhead and massive chunks of cement fell, shattering as they hit the ground.

“Come on!” Colt shouted.

He jumped toward the portal, and as he turned one last time he watched Rhane break free and try to follow, only to be overwhelmed by the Defense Corps soldiers. There was another explosion, followed by a flash of light. Colt was thrown through the air, and the last thing he remembered before he blacked out was that he hit something hard.

Jon Lewis's books