Decker's Wood

“I’ll show you distracting.” He climbed up onto the bed and stood directly over me, one leg on either side of my stomach. I looked up those long legs, my eyes setting directly upon his proud and beautiful manhood. Then he started swinging his hips about in a hula hoop motion.


“OH MY GOD, DECKER!” I screamed. His dick was swinging around wildly, and he was laughing like a damn school kid performing his first dick trick.


“What’s up, Country, you don’t like helicopters?” His laugher was contagious and I found myself laughing so hard I snorted, which only made Decker laugh harder until he finally lost his balance and fell in an ungraceful heap on the floor beside the bed.


“Holy shit,” I said through hiccups of laughter. “Are you okay?” Decker was still laughing, which I assumed meant he was okay. He reached for my arm and pulled me down to the floor with him. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard,” I confessed.


“I can’t remember the last time I did the helicopter,” Decker chuckled.


“You’ve ruined me, Decker. I’m never going to be able to hear, see, or say the word helicopter again without thinking about that.”


He kissed my cheek. “Good, now I just have to come up with a way to get you thinking about my cock the other twenty-three hours and fifty-five minutes of the day.”






Chapter 15





Andi was freaking out. It would have been amusing if that red blotchy rash hadn’t began to crawl up her neck. She pulled the sun visor down, again, to observe the nasty red eruption in the mirror.


“You want me to stop by a drug store or something?” I asked, genuinely concerned. Andi gave her neck a gentle rub, and my visor a not so gentle shove back to the roof.


“No. It will disappear as soon as I settle down.” I had tried every trick in the book to ‘settle her down’, but nothing had worked. Apparently, meeting my parents was scarier than moving across country alone and opening a new business. I guess I was somewhat to blame since I had sprung the parental visit on her less than an hour ago. I had almost forgotten about my mom’s invite to dinner. Andi and I had been enjoying a leisurely day, lying around her apartment, interrupted only by my inability to keep my dick out of her. I hadn’t really understood the concept of the term and song “Afternoon Delight”. I got it now. That moment when lunch is done, you feel all sleepy and lethargic, and then you glance across the room to see your girl lying on a couch, wearing nothing but a shirt and panties, her head stuck in front of a book. I ripped the Kindle out of her hands, plucked her right off the couch, and placed her on the bed where I fucked her slowly and thoroughly. Afternoon fucking delight! When I remembered about the dinner date with my parents, I had all but knocked Andi off the couch in my haste to check the time. Andi had fifteen minutes to change before a forty minute drive to my folk’s house. One hour to come to terms with the thought of meeting my mom and dad. She had already met my dad, but the two of them together, at home, for dinner, was a much bigger deal.


“Country, my folks are cool. Completely laid back and they know nothing about this.” I signaled back and forth between the two of us. “We’re just friends. You’re Bradley’s cousin, and Mom was worried about you being all alone and friendless in New York. It’s just a meal, no pressure.” She rubbed at that damn rash again. “I thought it was the men who were supposed to freak out over meeting the parents.”


Andi gave me an irritated glance. “I’ve never met the parents of a…” She seemed to get lost for words. “I’ve never met a guy’s parents before.” She amended her sentence. The idea that she might have wanted to say boyfriend had me feeling both thrilled and terrified. What we had didn’t have a label, not yet. This was the experimental phase, the tryouts. She was Andi, I was Decker. We weren’t a couple to be labeled. And yet, I liked the idea of Andi and I being more permanent, being stamped with our own ridiculous couple name, like Deckand. I found myself grinning at my own idiocy, and yet somewhat brilliant couple name. Beside me, Andi pulled at her denim skirt. It was short, sexy short, and the lacy top she had matched it with made it difficult for me to keep my hands to myself. One glance at the blotchy red skin on her neck doused my arousal. I hated that she was so nervous she’d broken out into hives.


“Stop freaking out, Country, you’re making me tense,” I confessed as we got closer to my parents’ place. That warranted a sly grin from her.


“I can help with that,” she purred, giving me a look that had my arousal back, firmly in place. And when I say firmly, I mean the almighty fucking Kong had woken and was ready for action. The devil had taken over my dick and mind, as my foot fell from the accelerator and I imaged pulling the car over so Andi could ‘help me’ with my tension. An irritated horn from the car behind me broke the spell I was under. Andi laughed and I couldn’t help but shake my head and smile.


“If I wasn’t so happy to finally have an erection again, I’d spank you right now.”