Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Julie’s voice was in a panic. “No! Something happened! I’m not exactly sure what, but Doctor Chang had to rush in with paramedics! I think you better get down here right away!”

Seth’s adrenaline soared through his system. “Double shit! I’ll be right there! Don’t leave her side! Do you understand me?”

“Yes-Yes,” The nurse stammered slightly with a soft whimper and moan. “I-I will. Hurry!”

Seth ended the call and picked up the box, the relief of Isis, and Natti’s notebook. He scrambled to the bed, burying the treasures into the gym bag under Natti’s packed clothes. He zipped the sack closed, swung it over his shoulder, and raced for the door.

Seth skidded in front of the hospital entrance, throwing the car into park and letting it idle while he charged into the building. He turned the corner into a deserted hall and flew into Natti’s room, finding it completely empty. Panting, Seth scanned the surroundings, hoping his eyes were deceiving him.


He walked slowly to the bed. The abandoned intravenous tube and catheter lay on the overturned sheets. In disbelief, he picked them up, examining them. His shock gave way to anger. His heart and the beast screamed inside of him. And as if the tube and catheter had burned his flesh, Seth tossed them to the ground.


“Seems you’re a little too late, Son,” Sean’s voice drifted from the threshold.

Seth wheeled around to face his father, his fury blazing hot. “What did you do with her?”

“Oh, didn’t you hear?” A wicked grin spread across Sean’s face. “She’s about to become the innocent victim in a tragic murder-suicide. And you have the honor of playing the lead role in her death.” Seth snapped and charged forward, ready to kill Sean with his bare hands. But a soft clicking sound caused him to freeze in his place. Sean drew Seth’s own Glock 38 from the inner pocket of his suit and pointed the barrel in Seth’s direction. “Now, Seth, really? You disappoint me. First trusting a nurse, and now leaving your only available weapon behind. Out in the open where your enemy can just simply pick it up. I thought I taught you better.”

“Where is she?” Seth spat.

His father’s lips twisted. His tongue slipped the Egyptian words, “Follow only lust, for love is for the weak.”


Sean cocked his head, amused. “She’s perfectly safe, awaiting us to join her at the temple.”

“At the temple?” Seth’s anger morphed into fear, his heart pounded in his chest.

Sean stepped inside, waving the gun casually while he spoke. “Yes, Seth. At the temple. She is about to be joined with her new master.” He looked Seth straight in the eye, a sneer playing on his lips. “She is truly a treasure, you know. How her mystical eyes shine when they are filled with horror. How her beautiful lips part slightly when she falls into a drug-induced slumber. And the feel of her soft skin under my touch . . .”

Seth started forward again. Sean raised the gun higher, taking aim for Seth’s heart.

“You slimy bastard!” Seth roared.

“You should talk. I’m not the one who has broken our teaching, Seth. Love is a sin, or have you forgotten?”

How could he forget? Seth had been reciting the teaching to himself for a couple days now. But it didn’t matter. He couldn’t control the feelings he had. He couldn’t fight the power he felt. Seth clenched his fists and his jaw became firm, refusing his father any explanation.

“Not only have you broken our teachings, you have betrayed your brothers. You have turned your back on your own to try to help a Daughter of Isis. These acts, my son, are punishable by death. Do you understand this?”

Seth nodded.

“So, you will die by her side, at the feet of Set. Your heart sentenced to be devoured by Ammit and your soul to wander Duat, incapable of thought, emotion, or true life. You will become one of the dead. For Set does not offer aid to traitors.” Seth lowered his head in despair. His heart filled with grief and regret, feeling responsible for his and Natti’s future existence in Duat. The hell that awaited them. Then Sean’s voice rang out in triumph, “However . . . before you die, you will lay witness to her torment as she reveals the location of Ra’s secret name and leads us to glory.”

Seth’s head shot up. “She can’t reveal the location! She doesn’t know it!”

“Love has clearly blinded you as well as made you weak. She knows the secret. Why else would the previous Secret Keeper pass on the winged tyet down to her if she didn’t?”

Seth reached into his pocket and pulled the letter out. “This is the letter from the original Secret Keeper, her grandmother. Read it for yourself. She does not know who or what she is!”

Kelsey Ketch's books