Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Jen grabbed Natti’s wrist. “Hurry up, before the line gets too long!”

Kevin and Jen dragged Wanda and Natti behind them to a line that stretched toward the small boat ride which was rightfully titled ‘Drifting on the Nile.’ Jen bounced up and down while the crowd slowly moved through the pyramid ahead. Natti spent the time playing with her bracelets or watching the little boats bob up and down. However, the closer the group got to the pyramid, the more nervous she became. She didn’t fully understand why she was so uncomfortable. She had been in haunted houses before, yet this place—the pyramid—created an unbearable weight that settled in her chest, nearly causing her to gasp for air. Even the men collecting the entry fee seemed to stare in her direction with wicked grins on their lips.

With her head spinning, Natti stepped out of line. “You know. I think I’ll sit this one out.”

“Oh, don’t be such a baby.” Jen tried to drag her back.

“No, really!” Natti pulled away. A scream echoed through the entrance, making her skin crawl. “Go ahead. I’ll wait by the booths across the way.”

“Come on, it’s not like something bad is going to happen! It’s just for fun!”

The group stepped closer. Natti’s vision focused on the dark entrance, causing her stomach to become woozy. The evil laugher and screams echoed loudly in her ears, sending a deep, unnerving dread into her soul while images of knives and caskets swirled in her head. She was convinced that something was trying to tell her that if she stepped foot in that pyramid, she would never come out again. Not alive, at least. Siding with paranoia, she wheeled around. “I’ll be at the booths,” she told her friends.

“Natti.” Wanda tugged at her sleeve. “Are you okay? Do you want me to come with you?”

Natti swallowed her fear and shook her head. “No, have fun. This is just not my kind of thing.”

“Are you sure?” Wanda asked.

“Positive.” Natti forced a wary smile. “See you in a bit.”

Kevin shrugged. “Whatever. Your loss. Come on, everyone, we’re up!”

Natti watched the threesome disappear into the darkness before hurrying away. She kicked a stone along the ground. You are not your mother. You are not in Egypt. She chanted to herself to ease her fear. You are not your mother. You are not in Egypt.

One of the young men who was collecting the entry fee suddenly appeared alongside her. Natti jumped. His dark black hair and tan body glistened in the evening light. He jerked his thumb toward the pyramid. “Don’t you want to go inside?”

The weight pressing on her heart told her not to trust him. “No.”

“You’re really missing out on some great stuff!”

Natti picked up her pace. “I said no.”

“Come on, it’s fun!” He laid a hand on her waist and tried to guide her to the entrance. “I’ll even go with you if you like.”

She instinctively twisted her wrist from his grasp and shoved him back. “Get your hands off me!”

The man raised his hands. “All right! No need for a scene. Just thought I’d offer.” He gave her one last glance over his shoulder before walking back toward the pyramid and pulled a cell from his pocket. Natti took a deep breath, rubbing her sweaty palms across her jeans. This is too much. I’m starting to freak out. I have to calm down. She headed for the booths on the other side. Just relax. Take a breath. Everything is fine.

Time passed slowly, her nerves vibrating. The fee collector who had approached her was watching, making her anxious. Natti ignored his gaze, though it hardly helped. She could still feel him there; his eyes never leaving her. Then something even heavier weighed down on her heart. Turning around, she saw the fee collector stop in front of an older man with white-blond hair. The man was stunning, especially in his black turtle neck and jeans. His stance was proper and almost regal while two other men slouched alongside him, watching the crowd with caution.

The fee collector bowed his head and began to converse. The man’s eyes drifted to Natti, making her heart leap into her throat. He eyed her carefully through the crowd and offered a charming smile. Natti felt her mind beginning to drift, and an ice-cold chill slithered through her body. She rubbed her arms, trying to keep warm.

The man widened his smile when her eyes made contact with his gaze. He waved for her to join him, and an urge stronger than she ever felt from Seth tugged at her blurry thoughts. An attraction she couldn’t explain. Her body began to rise from the table, a force pulling her toward him. However, she stood still. An alarm rang inside her heart, and a headache formed between her temples.

Kelsey Ketch's books