Dark Deceptions: A Regency and Medieval Collection of Dark Romances

“It does!” she cried. She needed him to listen. Needed him to know every last ugly truth. She should have told him. Long before now, before she’d trapped him into a marriage with his captor’s daughter.

He kissed her, effectively silencing her next words. He pulled back, dropping a final kiss on her brow. “It doesn’t matter. Not now. Not ever.”

Not ever.

Her heart stirred with hope. She was ready to move forward. With Adam as her husband. She’d never meant anything to her father; the day he’d left her alone would forever mark the moment she’d been born again.

Take what Adam offers. Leap on the wings of new beginnings, Georgina. Soar.

Georgina turned around, presenting him with her back. She spoke on a breathless whisper, “Will you undo my buttons?”

Adam sucked in a breath but, with a jerky nod, began to work freeing the long row of buttons. In moments, cool air kissed her exposed back, the modest chemise little barrier to the chill.

Georgina wiggled the fabric past her hips where it pooled in a silken heap, twining about her and Adam’s feet. In spite of her undergarments, she felt remarkably bare. She made to cross her arms over her breasts, but Adam stayed her with his hand.

“Don’t,” he begged hoarsely. “I want to see all of you.” The rapid rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was as aroused as she was. Georgina shrugged off her modest dress and stood before him, shivering with alternating waves of modesty and desire.

A hiss slipped between his clenched teeth. “You are so beautiful.”

Really she wasn’t. With her large breasts, rounded hips and buttocks, she was really just plump. But when he said it that way, like a starving man offered one final feast, she almost believed it.

Wordlessly, he swept her into his arms and carried her across the room, the tread of his feet quiet on the plush carpet. Then he lowered her to the bed, letting her body slide down his until he had her on her back, open for his mastery. His hard shaft prodded the soft fabric at the center of her thighs.

With a guttural growl, he removed her undergarments, and Georgina was fully naked before him.

A puddle of heat settled between her legs. Georgina bit her lip hard. She wanted him with a wanton longing that frightened her. Yearned to shove him down and press his head between her legs, feel his wicked tongue swirl around her womanhood.

“What are you thinking, Georgina?” he asked, his voice a husky whisper.

Her cheeks flooded with color. Thoughts no good, young lady should have.

“Do you want to feel my mouth here?” His tongue circled the peak of her breast.

She cried out.

“Or here?” He nipped at her neck. She whimpered when he pulled away. He continued to trail feathery kisses along her flesh, until he paused at the threshold of her womanhood. “Or…here?” His breath tickled the curls that concealed the dripping wet desire.

He wedged a knee between her legs, parting her gently. She waited, afraid that any movement on her part would mean an immediate cessation in his loving.

And he did. He looked up at her, a roguish grin on his lips. “Is this what you want, Georgina? Do you want me to kiss you here?” He slipped his tongue between the folds of her womanhood, the caress so faint, so delicate, she feared she’d imagined it. But the puddle grew, and she knew his taunting touch had been real. Her thighs fell open wide, quivering. Aching.

He buried his face between her thighs and plunged his tongue inside. Her hips bucked, and a strangled cry escaped her.

She twisted her fingers in his silken, blond strands, anchoring him to her.

Adam moved his tongue in and out then flicked it over the trembling bud of desire. He claimed it between his lips and sucked hard. She thrashed her head back and forth atop the pillow, incapable of words.

Fortunately, Adam knew exactly what her body craved. He pulled away. The whimpering protest faded on a moan as he shucked off his shirt. The broad, muscled wall of his chest, with the faintest sprinkling of golden curls, was even more impressive than the times she’d seen it during his captivity. His skin now had a healthy olive cast, as if he’d been painted by the sun.

Then he moved on to his breeches. Her mouth went dry. She supposed she should feel a maidenly sense of modesty but hungered for a glimpse of him like a hedonistic wanton. The breeches joined his shirt on the floor.

Georgina couldn’t move. The full, swollen length of him was more magnificent than any piece of art. A drip of moisture beaded at the plumed, purplish-blue head. She reached out and caught the bead. She raised her lips and sucked down the taste of him. It was salty and tasted of raw, masculine vitality.

Adam groaned—the low feral moan of a man ready to possess his mate. He moved over her and settled himself between her legs. “This will hurt for a moment, love,” he whispered.

But he closed his lips over the engorged tip of her breast and she forgot anything but the press of his skin against hers. She wanted him. Wanted all of him.

His tip nudged at her threshold. He slipped inside her. Inch by agonizing inch, stretching her womanhood. Georgina circled her legs around his hips, urging him on.

His rock-hard shaft reached the thin barrier. He groaned. “Forgive me.” With a guttural moan, he flexed his hips and plunged past that wall.

Georgina’s cry blended with his roar of approval.

Perspiration dotted her brow. With his shaft buried deep inside her, she felt like she was soaring through the sun-lit sky.

He cupped her breast and raised the mound to his mouth, worshiping her with his tongue. Georgina gasped, the earlier twinge of discomfort forgotten under his skilled ministrations. She peered at him through heavy lids, watching as he laved first one swollen nipple then the next. There was something heady in watching as he pleasured her.

She raised her hips, and now it was Adam who hissed as if in pain. Then he rocked his hips. Slowly at first then with increasing speed.

Adam flexed his shaft and then thrust in and out of her wet center until anything and everything fell away except her need for release.

Georgina matched his rhythm.

Adam moaned. “That’s it, love. Show me how much you want this.” The demand was hoarse with desire, and it only made the ache in her center grow and grow until she thought she’d go mad from the wanting.

The movement of his hips took on an almost savage intensity but Georgina moved with him in perfect harmony.

She exploded in a vibrant burst of color. She cried out over and over, her cries melding with Adam’s as he stiffened above her, and his shaft throbbed deep within her, emptying the seed of life into her womb.

He collapsed atop her, his chest heaving as if he struggled to catch his breath.

Or mayhap that is me, she wondered with a sated smile.

It was near impossible to tell where she ended and he began.

Her eyes grew heavy, but she fought back the exhaustion descending over her. She didn’t want to miss one moment of the rest of her life.

“I love you,” she whispered against his chest.

At last, sleep won out. She closed her eyes and let it carry her away.

Kathryn Le Veque, Christi Caldwell's books