Cut & Run (A Rachel Scott Adventure)

Chapter 27

Matt arrived at the FBI office on time. The expansive lobby held a reception desk and a waiting area with several couches and chairs. He announced himself to the receptionist, who asked him to wait for an escort. Instead of sitting, Matt walked to the end of the lobby and stared at the Wall of Honor, which displayed the names of FBI agents who had been killed in the line of duty. A short five minutes later, Agent Krapek stepped out of the elevator.

“Thanks for coming in, Mr. O’Malley. Please follow me.” Krapek turned and headed back to the elevator.

“You can call me Matt,” he reminded her again, as he’d done each time they’d met.

Krapek nodded silently as she pushed the number three button.

Matt decided to play her game and said nothing on their ascent. Chris had recommended that Matt call their attorney to accompany him to this meeting, but Matt brushed the idea off. He wanted to see what they had first before involving his attorney. The doors opened and he followed her out.

“Coffee or water?” she offered.

“No, thanks.”

“Right this way.” She led him to a small conference room, where Matt took a seat at the head of a glossy mahogany table. Agent Phipps came in with a manila folder.

“Hi, Matt. Thanks for coming in on such short notice. As Agent Krapek informed you on the phone, we’ve met with the man who found the, uh…arm that was caught on his fishing line. He gave us a description of another man who he spotted in the area earlier in the week. We had our sketch artist work with him to come up with this.” Agent Phipps pulled the sheet of paper out of the folder and put it in front of Matt. “We’re taking a shot in the dark here, but maybe you recognize this man?”

Matt slowly cast his eyes on the sheet of paper. He fought hard to keep his facial expression neutral. It wasn’t an exact match, but Matt did know the man in the photo.

It was Moses, aka DeShaun McAllister.

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