Bound, Branded, & Brazen

jolene resisted a whoop of joy. wrapped around Walker, both of them naked, lips pressed together, was everything she’d dreamed of. And more. He was rock-hard—everywhere, his body a solid wall of muscle as he effortlessly carried her out of the creek and onto the grass.
He held on to her as if she weighed nothing, dropping to his knees and then down on the grass, bringing her on top of him.
Talk about sensory overload. Splayed over his body, her synapses were firing reactions to her breasts mashed against his chest. Her nipples tingled as they brushed the crisp chest hairs there, and she rocked her p-ssy against him, wanting him inside her right now.
But oh, there was so much to experience—his tongue doing devilish things to hers, his hands roaming over her back and then cupping the globes of her butt. And when he surged against her, letting her know that the cold water of the creek hadn’t affected his hard-on in the least, she trembled with need, warmer than if he’d thrown a blanket over her.
He was all man, everything she’d imagined him to be. And he wasn’t turning away from her this time. He held on to her hips and ground his erection against her, his mouth bruising her in its intensity. Exactly what she wanted from him. She tangled her hands in his hair and gave as good as she got, twining her tongue around his to suck, greedy for more.
Walker rolled her over onto the grass, then pulled away and stood. They were in the shade, and she shivered at the loss of his body contact.
She leaned up on her elbows, wondering if he was going to once again walk away from her. Surely not, not when they’d come this far already.
But she had nothing to worry about. He came back a few seconds later with a blanket he’d gotten from the saddlebag. He spread it out on the grass.
“Inch over. This is softer than the grass. I don’t want to have to worry about ants crawling up your p-ssy.”
“The only thing I want crawling up my p-ssy is you,” she said as she scooted over.
He shook his head. “You are something, Jolene McMasters.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Now, get down here and f*ck me.”
He lay down beside her, his gaze roaming over her body. He trailed one finger along her nose, down to her jaw and neck, then over her collarbone snaking the trail between her breasts, eliciting chills that made her nipples pucker. “You’re in too much of a hurry. There’s territory here I need to explore.”
She pushed him onto his back and sat on him, straddling him. She laid her palms flat on his shoulders, and saw his lips curl. Yeah, he was trying not to laugh, because if he really wanted to get up, he could. She was a strong woman but no match for someone like Walker.
In this, though, she intended to have her own way.
“Look, Walker. We’ve had years of foreplay, and that’s plenty for me. I’m hot, I’m wet and I want you inside me. We can play later.”
He shifted, sliding his hands behind his head. “You’re the boss, then. Take it for a ride.”
She rolled against him, tilted her head back and moaned as her p-ssy slid along his cock. “God, that feels good.” She scraped her nails down his arms. “I don’t suppose you have condoms on you, do you?”
He reached underneath the blanket and pulled out two. Jolene arched a brow. “Haven’t been planning this, have you?”
“You’ve launched a heavy assault on me. I figured you might wear me down eventually and I should probably be prepared just in case you tied me up and had your way with me.”
She laughed, grabbed a packet and tore it open, then shifted down his body so she could wrap her hand around his cock. It was hot and steely hard like the rest of him. She wanted time to explore all of his body, but she couldn’t right now. Later, when the fever burning inside her had been doused, she’d taste and touch him all over.
But oh he felt so good in her hand, she couldn’t resist sliding up and down his shaft, measuring him, feeling him lift his hips and surge against her.
“You gonna put that condom on, woman, or are we gonna play?”
As she lifted her hand around the top of his cock, she slid her thumb over the crest, swirling it through the pearly liquid that escaped there. “I’d like to suck your cock until you come in my mouth.” She rolled the condom over him. “But that’ll have to wait until later, because I want this inside me.”
He grabbed her hips and dragged her up, tangling his fingers in her hair to draw her face toward his. “You’re a vicious tease, Jolene.”
She laughed. “You have no idea.”
He pulled her head down to his and kissed her, and her pulse jumped at the contact of his mouth on hers. Damn, he had nice lips—soft—the only soft part on him. He kissed her with that hard intent, his tongue plunging inside to lick at hers. She slid her p-ssy along his belly, igniting sparks of arousal that flamed ever higher when she reached between them to fold her fingers around his cock and felt it jerk in her hands. He groaned against her lips.
Jolene lifted upright and positioned his cock at the entrance to her p-ssy. “All this kissing is nice, Walker, but if you don’t f*ck me right now I’m going to explode just rubbing myself against you.”
He dug his fingers into her hips. “Is that a bad thing? I want to watch you come.”
She slid down his cock, trembling as he entered her, hot and thick and stretching her as she fit herself onto him. “You will.”
When she was fully seated on him, she began to move forward, then back, using his body to hold on to, to lift herself only to ease back down. Shocks of pleasure sizzled through her from the inside out as she rode him, enhanced by the wicked storm of desire reflected in his eyes.
“Lean forward, darlin’.”
She did, and he reached up and slid his thumbs across her nipples. She gasped as the sensation shot straight to her *. She sat fully on him, grinding against him to capture more of that sinful pleasure.
“Harder,” she said, continuing to rock against him as he rolled each nipple between his fingers, increasing the pleasure. She repaid him by squeezing his cock inside her.
“Damn,” he whispered, pulling her down to kiss her again.
Jolene was drowning in sensation. His mouth, his hands, moving over her back to grab her hips and lift her up and down his cock. He dragged her against his pelvis, rolling his hips to give her the greatest pleasure.
She felt him everywhere, from his tongue to his hands to the way he eased up into her slow and easy, then pumped fast and hard until she was squirming, coming, crying out against his lips, digging her nails into his chest as she rose up and rode him like her life depended on it.
He gripped her, holding her down on him as he groaned and thrust into her. Pulsing with climax, Jolene rode the wave of her orgasm while he shuddered underneath her.
This was what she’d been waiting for. And it had been so worth the wait. Walker was everything she had imagined he would be, her match in every way. He loved sex as much as she did, and he went for it with a gusto that equaled her own.
Spent, she fell on top of him, laid her head on his shoulder, listening to his rapid breaths and feeling his heart pound against her.
Walker stroked her back, just holding her, seeming in no hurry to jump up and get away from her.
She hadn’t expect this tenderness, the way he wrapped his arms around her, kissed the top of her head and seemed so content to just . . . be with her. It was so incongruous with the man who’d spent all this time running like hell in the opposite direction.
She was glad he’d stopped running, because she wanted nothing more than to be with him. Maybe she’d convinced him that enjoying each other was worth it.
She lifted her head and smiled down at him. “That wasn’t too painful, was it?”
His look was wary. Maybe she hadn’t convinced him after all. “It didn’t hurt.”
She laughed and pushed off him, then grabbed her clothes. “They’re damp, but they’ll do.” She started to get dressed, deciding that she was just going to ignore the often grumpy Walker Morgan.
After all, she’d convinced him once that sex was a good idea. She could convince him again.
But after tethering the squalling calf and starting the long trek toward home, Jolene bristled at Walker’s dead silence.
They’d just made love. To her, it had been pretty damn monumental.
Walker looked unhappy, uncomfortable, and she was pretty sure it wasn’t because his boxers were wet and twisted.
Halfway home she’d had enough of the grimacing and silent treatment.
“What crawled up your ass, Walker?” she asked as they rode side by side. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the nonstop wailing of the calf.
He turned his head to face her. “Nothing’s up my ass.”
“You look like you just lost your best friend. Having sex with me that awful?”
His jaw clamped shut and he didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Finally, “I just don’t think that was a good idea.”
Irritation made her eyebrow twitch. She gripped the reins tighter. “It felt like a really good idea when we were doing it. And I didn’t hear you complaining.”
“You’re my boss. I work for you. It’s not a good idea to mix business with pleasure.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. That’s a load of crap and you know it.”
“Maybe to you, it is. To me, it isn’t. There’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed, and we crossed it.”
She pulled the reins and halted her horse. “Do you really think I’m going to give you any special favors just because we had sex?”
He had been ahead of her, but he turned his horse around and came back to face her. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
She leaned against the saddle horn and tipped her hat back on her head. “Then explain what you are talking about.”
“It’s . . . complicated.”
“I’m not a dumbass. I think I can reason it out. Toss me a few crumbs, Walker.”
“It’s nothing. Forget it.” He turned his horse around and started moving again, staying far enough ahead of her that she couldn’t hitch Paradise into a gallop without forcing the poor tethered calf into running to keep up.
A*shole. He’d turned a nice time between them into something unpleasant.
Why did sex have to be so complicated?

walker rode far enough ahead of jolene that she wouldn’t be able to catch up, but not too far ahead. He still had sight of her, and still heard the calf, though he paid no attention to the noise. His thoughts centered on Jolene.
What kind of a sissy-assed weakling was he, anyway? He had no willpower. He should have said no. Sure, she’d been naked and all, but he was a grown man. He’d seen plenty of naked women before. Didn’t mean he had to go jump on every one he saw. He was hardly a horny teenager who had to f*ck a woman just because she offered it up. Not that he was God’s gift to women, but he got his share of offers from eligible women in town. He could have turned Jolene down.
Instead, he’d let her climb on and he’d enjoyed one hell of a ride. And even worse, he’d held her after. Like he . . . cared.
It wasn’t going to happen again. He liked this job, had fought hard to get it when no one else would hire him after what had happened at the last ranch. The last thing he needed was another scandal.
He was so dumb. And even dumber was that even now his body still craved her. He’d only scratched the surface of his desire for Jolene. There hadn’t been enough time, it hadn’t been the right place. There was so much more he wanted to do with her.
Too bad. What he wanted and what he was going to get were worlds apart.

Jaci Burton's books