Blood Sunset


IT TOOK SOME PERSUADING, but Cassie agreed to keep the Dallas Boyd murder and the laptop separate, even though we knew the two were linked. My rationale was that it would be premature to inform the Homicide Squad of our suspicions since we didn’t know yet who Gervas Kirzek or Karl Vitazul were.
I left her at the station to run record checks and she soon rang back to confirm that the name Vitazul matched the BMW Sparks had stolen, which in turn matched the address the waiter had said Gervas Kirzek, the owner of the café, lived at.
Meantime, I drove north towards the city, trying to fit it all together. Why had Kirzek, or whoever the hell he was, given me a false name when I first spoke to him at the crime scene? It wasn’t unusual for crooks to adopt an alias, especially when questioned by police. Usually they did it to protect a past they didn’t want exposed. That would fit with having a driver’s licence and the BMW’s rego being under a bogus identity. The more I thought about it, the more I agreed with Finetti that Kirzek had killed Boyd, staged the scene and called police with a concocted story and phoney name.
The traffic freed up as I got onto Punt Road and passed by the Nylex clock in Richmond, but it was past eight by the time I pulled into the visitors lot outside Ella’s apartment building in Carlton. I hurried to the intercom, pressed her apartment number, grinned at the camera and listened to her voice crackle through the speaker.
‘Hey there, hunksta. You’re a little late. Our booking’s for eight.’
‘Right, ah, that’s why I’m here. I’ve got a problem. Can I come up?’
The door clicked and I stepped into the elevator. Ella greeted me at her door with a cautious peck on the cheek. I followed her to the kitchen where a bag of groceries was on the bench, waiting to be put away.
‘You’re here to cancel, aren’t you?’ she said, swigging from a Powerade bottle.
‘Not cancel. Reschedule.’
‘You’ve had a better offer from a twenty-year-old bikini model?’
I smiled even though the cynicism was obvious. ‘No, something’s come up with the Boyd case. A lead.’
She waited, silent.
‘We may have ID’d the killer. I’ve left Cassie at the watch-house to do some backgrounding on the guy. If it looks good, we’ll probably make a move tonight.’
‘Hang on, aren’t you supposed to be on carer’s leave?’ she said, frowning.
‘Well, sort of. I’m just . . . I just don’t want to let this go, that’s all. A lot has happened today and I’ve made good progress.’
‘What do you mean, sort of? Are you on leave or not?’
‘Well, technically I still am.’
‘Okay, so . . . ?’
‘So I’m moonlighting.’
‘Fine. Why did you bother coming over?’ she said, carrying the groceries to the fridge.
‘I just wanted to see you. And I wanted to tell you about Mum. She had a fall today, landed on her hip.’
She put the bag back on the bench as I explained my trip this morning, the ambulance and the hospital.
‘Just bruising they say, this time anyway,’ I concluded.
‘Why didn’t you say you were going to visit today? I would’ve come with you.’
‘I know, just something I wanted to do on my own.’
‘Like talking to Chloe,’ she said. ‘Seems there are a lot of things you want to do on your own.’
I put a hand on her arm but she stepped around me and walked to the window by the balcony.
‘I know what I want, Ella,’ I said, walking up behind her.
She didn’t react.
‘After this is all finished, I want family time. Real time. With you. With everyone. I just need to finish this. I mean, everybody keeps calling this kid a junkie, but it’s just like Jacko. Nobody looked out for him. Now he’s dead. Somebody has to answer for that.’
‘You can’t blame yourself for what happened to your friend. You were just a kid and so was he. If anyone’s to blame, it’s his father.’
‘I’m not talking about him. I mean Dallas. I pegged it as an accidental overdose even though I knew things didn’t add up. I let my own shit stop me seeing what I should’ve seen.’
She looked at me a long moment, conflicting emotions running across her face.
‘Ella, you said you wanted me to find whoever did this,’ I said.
‘Not if it means ruining everything we’ve worked to rebuild. Shit, I don’t want you messed up, like you were when we were together. I want a normal, stable relationship.’
I was silent, surprised. It was the first time she’d defined what she wanted and her reference to a relationship confused me. Was she giving me an ultimatum?
She walked to the front door, opened it and I followed her out into the hall.
‘Just do what you have to, Rubens. Get it out of your system. And afterwards, have a good think about what you want. About what you really want.’
‘I know what I want. I just told you. I want to be us again. I want what we had last night. It was special, you know. It was real.’
She nodded quickly, looked away. ‘I hope so.’
I went to kiss her but my mobile phone rang.
‘I have to take this,’ I said, seeing Cassie’s name on the screen.
‘Just remember what I said.’ Ella stepped back over the threshold. ‘You need to work out what you really want.’
I winced as the door closed, then let out a long breath and answered the phone.
‘Gervas Kirzek is a real pearler,’ Cassie said excitedly. ‘Wait till you get a load of this guy.’
‘Got form, I take it?’ I asked.
‘Form isn’t the word. Kirzek’s docket reads like a paedophile’s guide to the galaxy. We could probably add his name to the Three Misters,’ she said, referring to the titles the media had given three of Australia’s most notorious paedophiles: Mr Baldy, Mr Stinky and Mr Cruel.
I shared the elevator with a young couple and told Cassie to wait a minute before continuing. As the door opened, I let the couple walk ahead and listened as she explained how Kirzek had no priors in Victoria, but numerous offences in New South Wales.
‘Goes back almost ten years,’ she said. ‘Six separate hits on indecent exposure, a few more trespass and misconduct. All in Sydney. He even got done on a child porn racket in 2004. After that, seems he moved to Melbourne and bought the café.’
Outside, I stared at the park across the street. It was filled with families, parents watching their children playing on the swings.
‘What about Vitazul?’ I asked.
‘Well, this is where it gets tricky. We’re working on this with the Feds. Apparently Vitazul and Kirzek are related. Both are Romanian nationals who emigrated after some government dictatorship collapsed.’
Puzzled, I headed back to my car.
‘But anyway, that’s not the only reason I rang,’ Cassie said. ‘You need to get back here. Eckles has the Homicide Squad running with it. They know about Dallas Boyd.’
‘What? We agreed to keep the laptop separate.’
‘I’m not talking about the laptop. Homicide rechecked all your footsteps, so they tried to contact this Karl Vitazul character, since he’d supposedly found the body. But they hit a brick wall, just like we did. You know why?’
‘He’s dead, isn’t he?’
‘How’d you know?’ she said, surprised.
‘Just makes sense. If you want to adopt a bogus ID, why not find someone who’s not around to challenge it. Even better if it’s someone you’re related to.’
‘Right, well, they checked the registry. Like most ninety-three-year-old smokers, his lungs gave out. That was in 2004, right about the time Gervas Kirzek moved to Melbourne.’
I got in the car and unwound the windows. It made no difference to the heat.
‘So based on all that, plus his form as a rock spider, the hommies have set up an operations room around the conference table,’ Cassie continued. ‘A KALOF has been broadcast across the air. They’re even lining up an SOG raid team. You need to get your arse back here.’
‘I’m on leave, remember?’
‘Eckles wants you back in.’
‘Probably wants to keep an eye on you. Told me to get you back here.’
‘Cassie, I’m not some monkey he can make jump through hoops. Either he wants me on the team or he doesn’t. Either way, he can ring me himself, otherwise he can go and get –’
‘You want to get this guy, don’t you?’ she said.
‘Of course.’
‘Then stop being so bloody precious. This is your only chance. You can sit at home and let us do it, or forget your pride for a minute and get back here. Either way, we’re gonna get this guy, tonight.’
I started the engine, drove out of the car park and headed back to St Kilda.