Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“I couldn’t stop even if I wanted, baby.” Her body fit him like a silk glove, threatening to make him come too fast.

He moved slowly at first, grinding against her in a torturous dance. Every moan and hitch in her breath urged him to slow down to make it last and make it good for her.

Her legs locked around his ankles and she bucked. Pleasure raced down the base of his spine, threatening his self-control. He moved faster, thrusting in and out, until their bodies were wet with sweat and sex.

“Oh, God, Braxton.” She moaned out his name as she climaxed, tightening around him like a vise.

He moved faster, thrusting harder. His balls tightened, pleasure streaking through his body straight to the end of his cock, exploding in the hardest orgasm he’d ever experienced.

When the last tremor left, he collapsed on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding him close.

“You okay?” he whispered in the crook of her neck as he inhaled her scent.

“Yeah, though I’m not exactly sure what you did to my body. That’s never happened before.”

He lifted his head and gazed down at her. “You’ve never had an orgasm before?” He grinned, knowing that he’d given her something no other man had.


Braxton stilled, watching her face flush with embarrassment.

“Have you ever given yourself an orgasm?”

She squeezed her eyes shut. “No. I guess I wasn’t sure how to work the equipment.”

“I may not know anything about appliances, but I know how to work your equipment just fine.” Braxton kissed her neck and rolled off. Laying on his back, he pulled her close and tucked her into his arms.

Caressing her cheek, he forced her gaze to meet his. “I’m glad that I was the one to give you your first orgasm.” He pressed his lips to hers.

His hand drifted down her back to rest on her hip. He let his eyes drift shut, savoring the sweetness of being wrapped in her arms.


“Yeah, baby?”

“Do you think that guy I ran into in town is still looking for you?”

He stopped his caress, every muscle in his body stiffening. He didn’t want to lie, but he didn’t want to upset her either. Werewolf laws were strict and could be viewed by humans as cruel. In the end, he decided on telling her the truth.

“Assassins don’t give up until they have the body of their target. They always need confirmation.”

Kate buried deeper into his chest and shivered against him. He tightened his hold.

Braxton frowned. “I’m surprised they tracked me this far. I would have thought the snow would have covered my trail. I’m not sure that it’s safe for me to even stay here.”

Kate raised up on her elbows. “I don’t think they know you’re here. From the conversation I had, it made me think they are just back-tracking. That big guy said you might have come through Eureka Springs. I don’t think they found your tracks.” Her eyes softened. “So you don’t have to leave. Not yet.”

Braxton’s heart caught in his chest. He didn’t want to leave her. Not ever. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was home. “Then I’ll stay. For a little longer at least. But if it looks like you’ll be in danger, for any reason at all, I’ll leave.”

She pressed her mouth to his lips. The gentle kiss soon turned hungry.

This time when he slid inside her, he took his time, loving every inch of her, like it was their last moment on earth.


Kate sat on the kitchen stool as Braxton flipped the pancake in the air and caught it in the skillet. His chest muscles flexed with each movement.

With the next flip, he caught the pancake on a dainty pink plate, stacked two more on top, and set it in front of her. “Hope you’re hungry.”

She was hungry, just not for food.

“How is it?” Braxton looked over his shoulder as she took a bite.

“It’s good, really good.” She held back an appreciative moan. “How’d you learn to cook?”

Braxton shrugged, the muscles playing across his shoulders with the movement. “I learned pretty early. When I was younger, my mom would tell me to stay out of my father’s way whenever he was around. So I usually waited until they were out of the house to get something to eat.”

Kate’s fork froze halfway to her mouth. “Your mom made you miss eating meals? Just to appease your father?”

Braxton shook his head. “It wasn’t like that.”

Trembling with anger, Kate sucked in a breath and carefully laid her fork on the plate. “Then, what was it like?”

“I don’t know. She just didn’t want me to upset my father and end up getting hit.” Braxton slid his plate next to hers and sat. “It doesn’t matter. It was so long ago.”

It did matter. She wanted to wrap her arms around Braxton and show him how much he mattered. How could a mother neglect her own child? What kind of mother did that?

She looked at him under her lashes as he quietly ate his breakfast. She didn’t want to bring up painful memories, so she let the issue go.

Jodi Vaugn's books