Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)


She ran out the room like a shot. Great, he’d probably scared her half to death. There was an innocence about Kate that he’d never encountered before. Innocent women were not his type. They could be hurt too easily. He preferred his women brazen with no strings attached.

Fully robed and with his libido under control, Braxton walked into the kitchen and settled onto the barstool. Though his fever was gone, his shoulder still ached like a bitch.

Kate averted her gaze and placed a plate of food in front of him.

“This looks great.” He took a bite and his taste buds exploded with the flavor. “Damn. It tastes even better.” The only woman who’d ever actually made him a meal was his mother.

She gave him a shy smile. “My mom started this bed and breakfast when I was just a little girl. I was very young when I learned how to cook and take care of this place. You can’t own a bed and breakfast if you don’t know how to cook.”

“I’m shocked this place isn’t packed.” He motioned with his fork as he looked around. The house itself was quaint and inviting, and the perfect place for a couple in love to take a romantic weekend.

Her smile dulled. “It used to be full all the time.”

“And now?” He got the sense he was probing into sensitive territory, but he wanted to know. If there was a way he could help her, he’d do it.

She sucked in a deep breath. “Now, I’m struggling just to pay my bills. And not doing a very good job of that either.”

“What about savings?”

She shook her head. “It’s gone. Let’s just say I trusted someone I shouldn’t have.” She pushed away from the island and dumped out the rest of her coffee in the sink.

He nodded. “I can relate to that.”

She gave him a look of disbelief. “Really? I can’t imagine you’d be fooled by anyone.”

He dropped his fork with a clank. Suddenly his appetite was gone. Images of his mother’s accusing words and her disappointed face swam around in his head like alphabet soup. “I’ve learned not to expect much out of people. That way I’m never disappointed.”

“Isn’t that kind of a lonely life?”

Braxton met her concerned gaze with his own. She had no idea.

He cleared his throat from the emotion threatening to suffocate him. “Do you have a plan to save your business?”

“I’ve talked to the bank manager to see if I can get an extension. But even with that, I’ve got to be booked solid for the next month to get back in the black.” She sighed. “With the economy in the dump, people aren’t as eager to shell out two hundred a night for a bed and breakfast when they can go to a hotel for half that.”

“A hotel like the one that douche bag owns.” Braxton crossed his arms. He didn’t like Bigsby on principle, but when he saw the way that asshole was looking at Kate, his dislike had gone straight to hatred.

“Correct.” She plopped down on one of the island stools and rested her elbows on the counter top. “He’s been trying to buy me out for months. So far I’ve managed to keep him away. I realized he was aware of my financial situation when I ran into him at the bank the other day.”

“Is that what had you upset when I bumped into you in the alley?” The memory of holding her in his arms as she cried would be forever etched into his soul.

“Yes.” Her cheeks turned a pretty pink and she nodded. “I’m sure all of this is boring you to death.”

Braxton stood and walked toward her. Inches from her, he pulled her into his arms. She looked up at him, eyes wide. He relaxed his hold, expecting her to pull away. She didn’t.

His hands drifted down her back and rested at her slim hips. God, what he wouldn’t give to have just one moment with her. “Would you let me help you?”

She frowned. “I don’t want your money.”

Braxton chuckled. “Good, ’cause I don’t have any. I’m just a bartender, so my cash isn’t exactly flowing. I’ll just have to figure out something else.”


Heat rose in her stomach and then settled in a rush between her legs. All rational thought fled, leaving only images of Braxton in her brain. Visions of Braxton naked—and being under all that muscle—made her clench her thighs together as her body heated a thousand degrees.

“How do you think you can help me?” Her voice sounded like gravel and her body felt like gelatin.

His eyes darkened, and she knew immediately his thoughts were completely in agreement with her own. He leaned down, his hot masculine scent wrapping around her. Then, without warning, his mouth came crashing down on hers.

Jodi Vaugn's books