
Chapter 75

I WAS SURROUNDED by Abbadon’s drooling thugs, but with another flick of his wrist, all of his minions disappeared, too.

It was just him and me, staring at each other across the cavernous void.

I had no friends, no family, no strike force. I had never been so completely, utterly alone.

Number 2’s red-hot eyeballs throbbed with excitement. I heard a wet smack as his tongue slid across his lips.

The devil was so ready to give me my due.

To make matters even worse, I couldn’t imagine any possible escape. I had no idea how to defeat this beast who could match me move for move, weapon for weapon, transformation for transformation, while seeming to have absolutely no weaknesses of his own.

Suddenly, a last-ditch idea came to me.

Like all those about to enter the arena to face their fiercest rivals, I needed to study my opponent’s game films. I flashed back to what my father had said when he’d filled the walls of the barn with flickering images of Number 2’s evil exploits:

Study him, Daniel. Study everything he does—and I mean everything. Every movement, every gesture, every telling smile. Look for his weaknesses.

It was time, once again, to follow my father’s advice.

So, first I said a quick prayer that Number 1 hadn’t (as he had in the past) put up a disruption field around the planet to prevent time travel.

And then I dove under the rippling surface of the temporal plane and zoomed back to 1942, when Abbadon rode with the Nazis in Amsterdam.

James Patterson's books