
Chapter 40

XANTHOS WAS LYING down in his stall, his head fully erect, his eyes locked on mine.

I was sitting yoga-style with my legs crossed in a corner.

Our minds were totally linked.

Tell me about Number 2, I said telepathically.

What is it you would know, Daniel?

Anything and everything.

Xanthos snorted a horse-sized sigh through both of his nostrils. What have you learned, my brudda? What have you seen?

Um, in case you don’t watch TV, Number 2 is out there destroying the entire planet, and from what I’ve seen so far, I don’t think he’s giving free passes to horses. So if you don’t mind, can we do this a little more expeditiously?

Do you mean faster?

Yes! For starters, how about you don’t answer every question I ask with another question!

Do you think that would help your cause?

Yes! Who is Number 2?

He is one who calls himself Abbadon. The Destroyer. He is known in some sacred texts to be the king of tormenting locusts and the angel of the bottomless pit.

Okay, I’ve seen the locusts. But trust me, this Abbadon is no angel.

You speak true. You see, Daniel, you, your father, your mother, and even your friends outside, you came to this planet to protect it. Abbadon, on the other hand, came here to destroy it.

Wait a second—did my dad and Abbadon come to this planet at the same time? Is this some sort of yin-yang cosmic balancing act? Is the universe somehow trying to keep things even-steven by tossing in one creator and one destroyer?

Xanthos shook his head. No, my yute. Abbadon has been around for a long, long year—stirring up trouble, fomenting chaos, turning humans against one another.

I remembered the people mauling one another in New York City. The street gang in Moscow. The Chinese stampeding to board the subway trains. All those humans were seriously lacking in kindness, compassion, and goodwill. In other words, Abbadon had successfully stripped them of anything resembling humanity.

I stood up, dusted straw off my jeans.

Okay—what do we do next? How do we destroy The Destroyer?

Xanthos closed his eyes. This time when he sighed, I felt his sadness. Why do you wish to do as the evil one has done? Don’t bury your thoughts under his vision. Flee from hate, mischief, and—

Wait a second. So far, this Abbadon has totally wiped out New York, Washington, London, Moscow, Beijing, and just about everywhere in between! And you want me to flee?

No, Daniel. I want you to be true to who you are: Create where others destroy. Build up what they tear down.

Fine. I’ll work on that, right after I tear down this Abbadon.

Very well. It is your river to cross, brudda.

Suddenly I had a thought. Is this why The List is so sketchy on Number 2? Did Abbadon destroy all the intel we’d gathered on him during his centuries of troublemaking here on Earth?


Thanks. That’s really, really helpful. I was being sarcastic. Some advisor you turned out to be.

For your spirit, Daniel. Your soul. We each have our role and must play it as written.

I took a deep breath. Counted to ten, then to twenty. I knew I was letting my anger get the best of me, and when I’m about to lose my temper I can’t create anything, not even those cheap, flavorless globules that cost a quarter in gumball machines.

Truth is, I was mad at the situation, not at Xanthos.

Okay. As my spiritual advisor, what would you suggest I do next?

Xanthos rose up on his sturdy legs. When he whinnied merrily, I knew we were still “bredren”—brothers in unity.

Perhaps dinner with your friends, yah, mon?

What? Number 2 or Abbadon or whatever he calls himself is still out there, still knocking down skyscrapers, and you want me to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight?

Abbadon has gone underground.

You’re sure?

Do not worry, Daniel. You will face him again. When the time comes.

And when’s that?

Ah, this I do not know. However, the next time you will have no need to hunt Abbadon down. When all is in readiness, he will come for you!

James Patterson's books