Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

With a laugh, Tina guided her out front, and Erica found herself for the next half hour shaking hands and trading compliments and small talk with representatives from three of the largest department store chains in the United Kingdom. While she had hoped that the House of Fraser stores would be there as well, it was still quite a coup. By the end, she had to beg her retreat, as the hall staff had come to clean up the space and get it ready for the next clients, a lingerie line from Italy that was using the space tomorrow. Fashion Week must roll on, after all.

Making her way to the back once again, Erica found Tina waiting patiently. Most of the models had already packed up their things and left, moving on to their next show in Fashion Week. They made their money by the number of shows they worked, not by the hours they put in afterwards. The clothes were being packed up by hall staff, and Erica collapsed in her chair, exhausted.

"Tina, remind me that after this, I'm going on vacation for at least two weeks. I figure in two weeks I might just be able to get over my jet lag and travel exhaustion. The fall collection designs can wait that long, at least I hope. And if it can't, sign me up with the cheapest mental health professional in Miami, I'm going to need the assistance."

"I'm sure they can," Tina replied, looking at her ever-present tablet computer. "The designs can wait, I meant. By the way, while you were out there with our soon to be new clients, I was approached by a guy backstage."

"Was he cute?" Erica joked, knowing how man-crazy Tina was. She had hit on almost every single heterosexual male model at Fashion Week, and probably even a few of the homosexual ones too. Erica didn't even want to know her assistant's success rate. Tina wasn't a fashion world style beauty, but she had long red hair, a good figure, but most of all a bubbly, sexy demeanor that Erica was sure turned men on.

"No dice," Tina replied, "But he was so damn good looking, I mistook him for one of the models at first, except he was way too big in the chest. The guy was a serious stud. Kind of had that super-hero vibe going for him."

Erica laughed. "Okay, so did Mr. Serious Stud have anything you want to pass on to me, or are you just bragging about what you're going to be doing while I'm relaxing at the hotel tonight?"

"Unfortunately for me, he wasn't noticing my cleavage as much as I could've hoped. That's what I get for not wearing a push-up bra for the actual show, thinking I should be professional or something. Back to the guy though, he said he wanted to talk to you about collaborating for the uniforms for a hotel chain in the Caribbean. I don't know the chain, but then again I figure since we live in Miami, why pay money to go see an ocean I already know?"

Erica thought about it for a moment. While a hotel chain could be a good steady source of income for her design house, it also meant a pretty static situation. She'd design the uniforms one time, the design would be set in stone for years, and then she'd collect a royalty check if the business negotiations went correctly. It sounded like a pretty good opportunity. All in all a very easy job, but one she didn't feel the need to handle personally. The designs for that could even be done by her interns for the most part.

"Tina, I'm just too damned tired to talk to anyone right now. I can't even think straight. You think you could just handle it yourself? Tell the guy I'm just not available right now."

"Okay.... but we both know you are," Tina replied and winked, the double meaning making both of them chuckle. Devoting so much time to her design business, Erica hadn't had a boyfriend in years, and couldn't even say she had been on a real date in months.

"This guy, he's worth your time, if at least for the eye candy alone."

Erica smiled and shook her head. "I'm sure he is, but you get to have the candy all to yourself tonight. The only thing I'm looking forward to is a hot shower, some food, and the soft bed of my suite at the hotel. Call me in the morning if the world is going to end. Actually, if the world is going to end, don't call me. Let me sleep in and die blissfully unaware but well rested."

"Will do. Good show, Erica. Get some rest." Tina disappeared, and Erica closed her eyes for a moment before gathering her things and making her way into the blustery London early spring.

* * *

"I'm sorry sir, but unfortunately Miss Williams isn't available to talk right now. We just finished a show and she's having to deal with some last minute pressing matters before we pack up for departure soon. I explained your request to her, and she said it sounded interesting, and she authorized me to fully handle the situation."