Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

Before he could answer I swallowed him again, bobbing my head up and down with intense purpose. I wanted his essence, I needed it. That day, not hearing his voice after having him nearby for so long, it was horrible. It wasn't even the stress or the work, which at least acted like a distraction. It was that I wanted Patrick nearby. I wanted to hear his hum as he thought, and feel the weight of his eyes on me as we watched movies or looked out at the sunset from the front steps of Mount Zion. I was happy that he was now back in public, if only that we could actually go out again. I’m not one to be cooped up all the time.

It was these thoughts on my mind as I sucked and pleasured him, pouring all of myself into having him feel so good he couldn't help himself. His hand rested in my hair, and I knew he wanted to push me, to take control, but restrained himself, trusting me and letting me guide him this time. When his fingers tensed, I knew he was close, but still he didn't push or grab at me. I buried myself as deeply as I could, and at the same time I massaged his balls, rubbing them in the way I knew would drive him even higher.

"Tabby....." he warned me, and I pulled back a little. Vacuuming my lips around the head of his cock, his first squirt coated my tongue, warm and sweet and salty and delicious. I relished his taste for a moment before spitting it into his gym towel.

I looked at Patrick, who was struggling to say something, his mouth gaping and closing like a fish. He looked pained, and I grew worried. "What is it?"

"I... I love you," he said.

I heard a crash from the kitchen, which echoed the crash in my stomach.

Chapter 5


I didn't mean to say it, not yet anyway, but the words were honest. I knew what had been done to Tabby, and I knew that the longer we could go without saying the words, the better it was for both of us. Besides, there was no need to say the words I felt, the feelings inside were what counted. And my feelings were definitely true. Still, I didn't need to say them. In fact, saying them was probably more hurtful than helpful.

But there I was, covered in sweat with my cock in her hand, dropping a goddamn bomb on things, sounding like some dumbass high school nerd who’d just gotten laid for the first time.

Tabby blinked a few times and let go of my cock, getting to her feet and leaving the gym if not at a run, then certainly at a fast walk. I sat there for a moment before tucking myself back into my shorts and sighing, getting to my feet. I was just gathering my things when Mark came in the room.

"What did you say to her?"

I turned to look at Mark, who was standing, his fists clenched, a look on his face like he wanted to tear my head off. I could understand, personally. "What did she say?"

"Neither of them are saying anything, actually. I heard Sophie drop something in the kitchen and I come in to find our casserole dish in about a hundred and fifty pieces on the floor, Sophie staring at the baby monitor with shock on her face. Tabby comes in before I can even ask her what the hell is up, and she looks like someone just kicked her in the crotch. The two of them retreated to Tabby's bedroom, not letting me in, and I'm still not getting any answers. Now what the hell happened?"

"I... I said I love her," I whispered, looking down. “It just came out. I knew right when the words came out it was a mistake.”

"You said you loved her," Mark repeated. "You dumb sonofabitch."

I sighed and nodded, changing my t-shirt quickly and grabbing the warmup pants I'd worn to Mount Zion. "I know. If it's any consolation, it's the truth."

Mark shook his head. He surprised me then by starting to chuckle, then putting his head back and laughing, trying to keep his voice down. "I swear I have nothing but mentally irregular people in my life. Drama, man."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean that Sophie and I pretty much said we loved each other over some pretty drastic, not exactly romantic circumstances too. If you hang around long enough, I may even tell you the story. I guess what I'm going to say now is not exactly what I should be, but Tabby's last man she was with.... it didn't work out well."

"I know," I replied. "She said as much, and I'd heard some stories when I was working the bar. Lot of Confederation guys would come down around there, and you know how stories get passed around. In hindsight I realize she wasn’t ready for that.”

I shook my head “And now I’m afraid that I’ve screwed things up with Tabby. I can’t lose her."

Mark nodded, interlacing his fingers in front of him. "All right," he finally said after a moment, "get out of here, I'll talk with Tabby and Sophie. For the record, I don't think you screwed everything up, but I'm not a psychic. Go get some rest at home, and maybe Tabby will give you a call tomorrow. I don't know. She was probably just shocked that’s all.”

I nodded and grabbed my bag. "Snowman..."

"Mark, please."

"All right, Mark. Thanks. I know I shouldn't be asking you to intervene for me, but thanks."

Mark nodded and I headed out the back door of Mount Zion, which ironically was the front door of the sanctuary. They'd changed things around a lot. Mark walked with me, unlocking the door and letting me out that way. As I walked through, I felt his hand clamp on my wrist, iron hard and unforgiving. "Patrick."
