After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Noah spread the pink blanket he’d won for her on the ground in the field next to the carnival since the fireworks were going to start soon. They lay back, using the stuffed animals she’d won as pillows, and looked up at the stars.

She sighed. “It’s such a beautiful night. Perfect temperature, perfect company, and a perfect gentleman.” She rolled towards him and laid her hand on his cheek. “Thank you, Noah.”

Noah closed his eyes at her touch. “I tried, Lexi. I really wanted this to be perfect.” He turned and looked at her. They laid there, the lights from the carnival in the distance and no one within twenty feet of them. He rolled over on his side and placed his hand on her hip. He wanted her and he wanted her now. Gazing into her eyes, he felt himself begin to slip—into what he wasn’t sure, and at this point, he didn’t care. He slowly leaned down, taking his time, wanting to remember everything about this moment with her.

The kiss started off innocent but quickly deepened. She brought her leg up and rocked her hips towards him. He rolled over on his back bringing her with him so she was partially on top of him. His hand roamed down to caress her back as she nipped at his lower lip and darted her tongue into his mouth. He moaned as his fingers flexed into her flesh. Both so enraptured with each other, they didn’t even jump when the first firework boomed. Noah opened his eyes, watching her kiss him. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

He moved his hands to where they on either side of her face and tugged her away from him. She looked at him, a question in her eyes.

Before she could ask, Noah said, “Alexia, you should see how beautiful you look with the fireworks going off behind you. I want to remember this moment, this exact moment, for the rest of my life.” Noah wanted her more than his next breath.

He pulled her down so that she was snug against his side and they quietly watched the rest of the fireworks, both of them wanting more, their bodies aching.


They walked back through the carnival to the car, Noah’s arm around her waist and Lexi’s head on his shoulder. Each of them had a stuffed animal in the crook of their arms.

It had been a perfect first date. Noah had gotten a few looks, but no one had recognized him. Lexi wasn’t sure how she would feel about women pawing at him or pushing her out of the way to get to him. She was glad that their first date hadn’t been marred by anything.

She stopped walking when she noticed security guards and police officers walking through the crowd with grim looks on their faces. People were being stopped at the gate up ahead, not allowed to leave. She turned around, scanning the crowd to see if she could figure out what was happening.

When she gasped Noah looked at her, a question in his eyes, but she couldn’t speak. There, behind a group of people, a man was staring at her. She moved to get a better look at him. He was partially hidden in the dark, but it looked like Anthony. She knew it couldn’t be, but it looked so much like him. She couldn’t breathe. Her body shook, her heart about to pound right out of her chest.

Her shaking altered Noah to the fact something was wrong. He looked in the direction she did and saw a man staring at her. “Lexi, what is it?”

When she didn’t answer, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her to look at him. He couldn’t bear the look of fear in her eyes. “Lexi, tell me what’s wrong.”

She slowly pointed to where she saw the man that looked like Anthony, but he was gone. She closed her eyes, willing herself to calm down so that she could speak.

“Who were you pointing to?”

“It was him.” She let out the breath she’d been holding. “It looked like him. But it couldn’t be.” She shook her head trying to clear it. “I don’t understand. Noah, I want to leave, I want to get out of here. Right now, please I need to leave.” With every word her voice grew shakier. Her grip on his arm became painful.

Noah started pulling her towards the front gates when a male voice came through the loud speaker. “Can I have your attention please? We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but no one is able to leave at this time. There’s been an incident and the police will need to speak to everyone. The games and rides will be shut down, however the concession stands will stay open and all non-alcoholic drinks will be free, per park management. Please stay available and wait your turn to speak to an officer.”


M. Stratton's books