
Mamma replied, "You're too indulgent with her, Edward.


It's not good for her to think she can do as she likes."


The parlour door closed and I couldn't hear any more so I went back to the desk. I stared at the three wooden owls on Papa's pipe-rack. They stared back. I dipped the pen in the inkpot and bent over the paper.


"Dear Aunt Phyllis—"


I sighed. This was going to be very hard.






Weeks ushers me into a high-ceilinged, narrow room with a stone floor. It has a row of windows like slits, high up in one wall, and along the opposite wall are shelves stacked with linen. A musty smell pricks my nose, a smell of unwashed clothes and damp.


Weeks gestures towards a wooden bench. "Get undressed."


I stare at her, too astonished to speak.


"You must have a bath."


"But I'm quite clean."


Weeks frowns. "It's the procedure." She has a London accent but speaks in a strange, slightly stilted way, as if she's trying to sound like a lady.


"But I'm not dirty. I—" I see the look in her eyes. She's not that much older than me, I am at least a head taller, yet I don't dare to defy her.


My hands move of their own accord, taking off my gloves and my hat. I hesitate and Weeks nods at the bench where I lay them down with my wrap. I turn my back on her, unbutton my bodice and step out of my skirts. All the time, a small voice in my head is saying, Why are you doing this? You don't have to do this. But I have the feeling that if I don't do what I'm told, something bad will happen...


"All of your clothes, Miss Childs."


She is not speaking to me.


She is speaking to me.


I undo my corset slowly, hook by hook. I've always hated its whalebone ribs but now I don't want to lose its protection. When the last hook is released, I hold the corset to me for a moment before dropping it on the bench. I take off my petticoats, unlace my boots and pull them off, rolling down my black stockings. When I have nothing on but my drawers and chemise, I stop.


"Those too." Her voice is expressionless, but her eyes insist.


Naked, I turn at last, my hands across my breasts. There is nowhere to hide.


"Give me your jewellery." She's looking at my locket and my jet ring. I cover them protectively.


"Come, I must have them."


"But I never take them off. They mean a lot to me."


She frowns. "All the more reason for me to keep them safely for you."


I hesitated and she takes a step towards me. What is she going to do? Take them from me by force?


Reluctantly, I undo the clasp of the locket, slip the ring from my finger.


"And have you any money? Or a watch?"


I nod.


"I must keep them for you too."


"What if I need some money?" My voice is too loud. It bounces off the walls.


"You may keep a few shillings. You don't need much money here, for there's nothing to spend it on." Her mouth twists in a spiteful smile.


I won't be needing much because I won't be here for long.


I fumble at my gown, unpinning my watch. A gift from Papa. Papa...


Weeks takes the watch and my purse and counts out some coins. She lays them on the bench. "When you need some more, I will give it to you."


She doesn't know that sewn into the waistband of my gown are some folded notes, a precaution Mamma insisted on before I ventured out into the dangerous world.


"What about my box?"


"It's quite safe. If you want anything from it, you only have to ask."


I stare at her. I don't believe her. I open my mouth to say something, but a shiver shakes me.


"You are cold, Miss Childs. Come for your bath."




Under Weeks's watchful eye, I sit in a few inches of greenish water and soap myself with carbolic. Afterwards I dry myself as best as I can on a thin towel the size of a napkin. Back in the room where I left my clothes I go to put them on but Weeks stops me.


"Your clothes will have to be marked with your name."


I stare at her. "But I—"


A flash from her dark eyes and my voice falters.


Don't antagonise her. You don't know what she might do.


She continues as if I haven't spoken. "You'll get them back. In the meantime, you may borrow some."


She hands me a set of underclothes then glances at the watch fastened to her bodice by a chain. Her lips tighten. I try to hurry, my fingers fumbling with tapes and fastenings. With each garment, I feel stranger and stranger. Bit by bit, I am losing more of myself. Soon I won't exist.


At the bottom of the pile, I find a flannel nightdress and one pocket handkerchief.


Weeks goes to the cupboard and takes out a dark dress. Involuntarily my hand goes towards my gown then I stop myself.


Don't give the game away. The money might still be safe.


The dress Weeks gives me is made of coarse cloth, linsey-wolsey, perhaps. I draw it over my head, smell someone's else's perspiration. Whoever it was, she was larger than me; even buttoned up, the bodice hangs on me in folds, the high neck is loose, the sleeves flap at the wrists.


"This is too big."


Jane Eagland's books