Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption

Chapter 28: Enslaved

1 Bird beaming: Frank Tinker, telephone interview, February 20, 2005.

2 Description of Naoetsu: Wade, pp. 148–49, 152–53; Frank Tinker, telephone interview, February 20, 2005; Alan B. Lyon, Japanese War Crimes: Trials of the Naoetsu Camp Guards (Loftus, Australia: Australian Military History Publications, 2000), pp. 25–34; John Cook, “Japan: C Force,” unpublished memoir; “List of Death Naoetu [sic] POW Camp, 1942–44,” Taheiyo ni Kaleru Hashi: Horyo Shuyojono Higeikei wo Keoete (Japan-Australia Society, 1996), translated from Japanese.

3 Zamperini Invitational: “United Nations Olympics Talked—New Golden Era in Track Seen When Peace Comes,” Abilene (Tex.) Reporter-News, March 5, 1945.

4 Glickman crying: CBS Television, “48 Hours: Race to Freedom,” 1998.

5 Louie sick: “42nd Bombardment Squadron: Addendum to Squadron History,” September 11, 1945, AFHRA, Maxwell AFB, Ala.; Louis Zamperini, 1946 notes on captive experience.

6 Food, guards smoking: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Louis Zamperini, 1946 notes on captive experience; Wade, p. 151; Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005.

7 “a roaring Hitlerian animal”: Wade, p. 159.

8 Officers picked by the Bird: Tom Wade, telephone interview, January 2, 2005.

9 “just for drill”: Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005.

10 Slave labor: Wade, pp. 151–52; John Cook, “Japan: C Force,” unpublished memoir; Tom Wade, telephone interview, January 2, 2005.

11 Men falling into snow crevasses: Wall, p. 303.

12 Melting snow, pig’s appearance: Wade, pp. 156, 149.

13 Potato-field work: John A. Fitzgerald, POW diary, Papers of John A. Fitzgerald, Operational Archives Branch, NHC, Washington, D.C.; Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Wade, p. 157; Affidavit, Louis Zamperini, from files on Mutsuhiro Watanabe (Sgt.), vols. 1–3, 1945–1952, POW 201 File 1945–1947, SCAP, Legal Section, Administrative Division, RAOOH, RG 331, NACP.

14 B-29 seen: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Wade, p. 157; Wall, p. 298.

15 Roosevelt’s death: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Wall, p. 298.

16 Barge duty: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; John A. Fitzgerald, POW diary, Papers of John A. Fitzgerald, Operational Archives Branch, NHC, Washington, D.C.; Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005; Louis Zamperini, 1946 notes on captive experience; John Cook, “Japan: C Force,” unpublished memoir; Wade, pp. 160–63.

17 Bathing options: Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005; John Cook, “Japan: C Force,” unpublished memoir.

18 Wade shaves head: Wade, p. 161.

19 Man injured on barge: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview.

20 Salt stealing: John Cook, “Japan: C Force,” unpublished memoir.

21 Rice stealing: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview.

22 Marvin teaching Bad Eye: Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005.

23 Leg injured: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Louis Zamperini, POW diary.

24 Louie’s fever spikes: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview.

25 Louie tailors clothes: Ibid.

26 Pig duty: Ibid.; Wade, p. 149; Louis Zamperini, 1946 notes on captive experience.

Chapter 29: Two Hundred and Twenty Punches

1 May 5, 1945, B-29 raid: Wall, p. 299; John Cook, email interview, October 30, 2004.

2 Four hundred POWs arrive: John A. Fitzgerald, POW diary, Papers of John A. Fitzgerald, Operational Archives Branch, NHC, Washington, D.C.

3 “You must be sober!”: Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005.

4 The Bird at Mitsushima: Weinstein, pp. 287–94; Mutsuhiro Watanabe (Sgt.), vols. 1–3, 1945–1952, POW 201 File 1945–1947, SCAP, Legal Section, Administrative Division, RAOOH, RG 331, NACP.

5 Murder plots at Mitsushima: Weinstein, pp. 287–94.

6 “whimpering,” “almost hysterically”: Ibid.

7 Beating after theft of fish: Mutsuhiro Watanabe (Sgt.), vol. 1, 1945–1952, POW 201 File 1945–1947, SCAP, Legal Section, Administrative Division, RAOOH, RG 331, NACP; Louis Zamperini, telephone interview; Frank Tinker, telephone interview, February 20, 2005; Wade, pp. 163–64; Louis Zamperini, 1946 notes on captive experience, 1946; Robert Trumbull, “Zamperini, Olympic Miler, Is Safe After Epic Ordeal,” NYT, September 9, 1945.

8 Some 220 punches: Wade, p. 163.

9 “the Lone Ranger”: Wall, p. 300.

10 “all lit up”: Ibid.

11 Man dies after work: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview.

12 The Bird breaks man’s jaw: Affidavit, Arthur Klein, from files on Mutsuhiro Watanabe (Sgt.), vol. 1, 1945–1952, POW 201 File 1945–1947, SCAP, Legal Section, Administrative Division, RAOOH, RG 331, NACP.

13 POWs ask for meat, dog killed: Louis Zamperini, telephone interview.

14 Rations to be cut in winter: Wade, p. 165.

15 “hanging on from day to day”: Wall, p. 300.

16 “Frisco dive in ’45”: Knox, p. 417.

17 beriberi in civilians: Wade, p. 158.

18 men stop stealing: Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 21, 2005.

19 Women with sharpened sticks, children with wooden guns: Milton McMullen, telephone interview, February 16, 2005.

20 Batu Lintang: Ooi Keat Gin, ed., Japanese Empire in the Tropics: Selected Documents and Reports of the Japanese Period in Sarawak, Northwest Borneo, 1941–1945 (Athens: Ohio University Center for International Studies, 1998), vol. 2, pp. 612, 648.

21 Written death orders in camp offices: Ibid., p. 648.

22 Omori POWs told of death plan: Martindale, p. 223; Robert Martindale, telephone interview, January 2, 2005; Affidavit, Arthur Laurence Maher, from files on Mutsuhiro Watanabe (Sgt.), vol. 1, 1945–1952, POW 201 File 1945–1947, SCAP, Legal Section, Administrative Division, RAOOH, RG 331, NACP.

23 Preparations for killing: Ken Marvin, telephone interview, January 31, 2005; Wade, p. 167; Daws, pp. 324–25; Tom Wade, telephone interview, January 2, 2005.

24 Rokuroshi: George Steiger, “Captain George Steiger: A POW Diary,” http://www.fsteiger.com/gsteipow.html (accessed October 2, 2009); K. C. Emerson, Guest of the Emperor (Sanibel Island: 1977), pp. 77–79; Donald T. Giles, Jr., ed., Captive of the Rising Sun: The POW Memoirs of Rear Admiral Donald T. Giles (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1994), pp. 146–54.

25 This is the place: Giles, p. 154.

26 Naoetsu POWs to be taken into the mountains: Wade, p. 166; Wall, p. 300.

27 Civilian gives death date: John Cook, “Japan: C Force,” unpublished memoir.

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